I am a gay male. What is the best way to come out?

I am a gay male. What is the best way to come out?

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Start by telling people you're gay I guess.

Why is this such a big deal?
Why do you need to be recognized for your sexuality?
Be who you are. That's nobody's business.
My friends and neighbors don't need to know how many chicks I fucked in the ass. They just need to know I'm a good person.
That's it.

Why do you feel the need to come out at all? Don't be an attention seeking faggot.

Suck yo dick for a dollar, said the newly un closeted homosexual.


My boss didn’t host a party to tell people he only cums while dressed as an infant an he gets his ass slapped with a dead fish by a woman dressed as Batman...

It's pretty important to at least come out to your immediate family. You don't need to tell everyone about casual sex if you have a lot of that, but love and relationships are an important part of a person's life, people ask about that shit just in small talk, it really means a lot to get to a place where you don't have to lie or dodge the subject every time.

you don't have to cover yourself in rainbows and speak with a lisp and announce your sexuality every time you walk into a room, but fuck, it's not that fucking easy to just live in secrecy your whole life.

Start with your parents. Just tell them you're pretty sure you're gay. There is no easy, non-awkward way to bring it up, it's going to be awkward, you just have to find the strength to spit it out

Why do you people feel the need to shove your fetish in everyone’s face? If you like man ass so much then just fuck it and shut up

I like hispanic girls licking my ass but the world doesn’t need to know

Nobody needs to hear about what I do in private with my boyfriend, but they're going to notice I'm in a relationship with a man instead of a woman. that is what distinguishes a sexual orientation from a fetish. don't be dense

Call me.

That is hawt. Will try with my boifu.

>It's pretty important to at least come out to your immediate family.
Why, they probably already know you are a damn sodomite

So by that definition my cat and I are dating.

Because it's a lot more comfortable for everyone to just acknowledge it, so it won't be a shock if you find a serious boyfriend/partner. Why are you so weird about this? It's not as easy as you say to just live your whole life in a grey area and keep secrets from everyone close to you

I agree that some people are TOO flamboyant or in-your-face about their sexuality, it can be annoying, but that isn't what we're talking about here

The only thing that concerns me when talking about family is letting them know you're a biological dead end.
Call the family and tell them exactly that.


m8, why don't you just come right out and say "EWWWW two boys together I THINK IT'S WEIRD!!!" and call it what it is? Why spit out all this bullshit to convince yourself it's a matter of right and wrong?

Lots of straight people are infertile, or choose not to have children, or just don't end up ever having children. Lots of gay people DO have children, either by getting a girl pregnant before they come out, or via a surrogate, or whatever. It's really not that big of a deal. If it grosses you out or makes you uncomfortable to think about gay people, that is fine, I understand. You're entitled to your opinions, but it's really none of your business



What a Chad.

Does your cat fuck you? I don't understand




Our sex life is private. Geeez read the thread much!?!

I'm calling what it is. It's a biological dead end. This is not a matter of morality i.e. right and wrong. It's just what it is.
And I've been saying since the beginning of the thread it's not a big deal.
If a straight person is infertile, they should also let their family know, same goies for not having kids.
You don't need to come up with your big gay defensive speech.


>but they're going to notice I'm in a relationship with a man instead of a woman
and? are you some kind of faggot or what that needs the approval of others

Hello Legal Department, this is Dean speaking, I’m a faggot, how my I help you?...

I don't see why your family needs to know anything about what makes your dick hard.

Obviously so next Christmas in place of a team jersey he gets assless leather chaps.

because I'm not a sociopath and I love my family, we are close. I would do things without their approval if necessary, but yes, I would like their approval if I can get it

Good thread.

Im very big gay, so i know alot about this.

What i did is just let it slip out during casual convo if it's relevant. Like if we're talking about Valentine's day, id just mention my girlfriend and what plans we had.

Of course, you can come out any way you want. Some friends baked a gay cake, others sang a song, and other weird shit. I dont know. Do what makes you happy