In a perfect world im the only problem

I am such a fucking psychopathic savage:

This is the sort of female face i find attractive, square jaw chubby cheek bones.
Im into big ass aswell.
I have this scottish violent fantasy of crushing other mens heads for fun.
I have high iq (typical scottish-engish mix) except i have a primitive nature of acting from my urges.
I enjoyed bullying in school.
I was gifted in maths and enjoyed conflict and destruction as a child but stumbled in reading and communication.
If i could get away with it ide just kill people i didnt like with a rock or my hands.
I want to fuck 4 times a day.
I cant stand the community.
Im a heretic who hates the concept of being subject to some one else.
I am my own god.

Attached: pol.jpg (968x681, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tips fedora

thread theme song

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Ok, let me put you on the schizo edgelord blacklist I have here...


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Have you studied the blade?

Might i just add how much fucking milk i drink.

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Tldr op is a tranny who is high on hormones rn


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You are me.
I am you.
We are pol.
There is no hope.



>I enjoyed bullying in school.

Edgelord, my goodness. Could you be any more of a faggot?

Yes if i was actually gay.

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Great in the Tudors, truly portrayed the jew witch Boleyn....who got with a bigger beast than herself

Joffrey was a cunt, he deserved it


Don’t reproduce, you sick fuck.

If this was really Natalie dormer I would kill you in her honor...

Glad you never leave the house

Well, you have a crappy god.
Might want to upgrade.

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Fuck up ya daft cunt


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