Advice for son and girls

My son is a sophomore in HighSchool.

He has not had a date yet and has only had a semi girlfriend/never even visited her house.

My friend and I have been advising him that his best chance at finding a girl is to find one while still in highschool.

Our reasoning is what other time will he be most exposed to single women than in highschool.

He doesnt seem all that interested.. keep in mind however that he says he wants kids and like me feels he has a duty to carry on the legacy.

Whats your advice to a kid in that situation?

Attached: teen-attitudes-and-body-language.jpg (490x275, 30K)

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Marry whoever you are dating the spring of the senior year of college if she is not a lunatic. Everyone who got married in HS was a weirdo or knocked up their gf.

tell him to avoid marriage until he owns a home and has a minimum annual income of 70K/year. Also advise him that he needs a pre nuptial legal agreement to protect his assets in the event of divorce. There is literally no other rational advice in the current year.

highschool girls want 30year old men to buy them cocaine.

take your kid to a hooker, teach him about the honest side of womanhood, not the fake side of high school lies.

Your son should focus on his education and then building his career, then when he's ready financially and mentally in his late 20's start looking for a wife in her late tens, early twenties. Gone are the days where he can reliably take care of a wife and children as a young man fresh out of high school/college; unless you plan on subsidizing them

Don’t push shit too hard on him cuz rushing into things can be bad.

My advice is to tell him to go to college, get a degree in money making profession, and then move back or move to a nice small town/suburb to find a girl and settle down.

subsidies you say? so basically a pet human and his pet wife, for you to toy with.

people shouldn't live like that.

>he has a duty to carry on the legacy.

no he doesn't and 99% of pol is genetric trash ugly subhumans who should never have any right to procreate just like 99% of society

you are a loser, the product of rape and war, there is no legacy you cuck

>his best chance at finding a girl is to find one while still in highschool.
I have to disagree. From my experience, girls at that age aren't eager to commit. They've been known to jump from one relationship to the next like hot potato. You're son really should wait until he's in the late twenties-early thirties range where girls will have a semblance of maturity.

>senior year of college
I am not sending my son off to go into debt for nothing.
No college

so never get married.. that isnt an option

this is in montana.. no cocaine here

so mgtow and never get married?

going to college would be a terrible idea for him.. he is avg intellectualy for a white man and not inclined for hard work.

hoenstly suprised so many of you are pushing for college.. why are you encouraging people into getting into a lot of debt?

how do you expect a early 30s late 20s guy to find a woman? From my exposure to game and mgtow no guy can find a woman worth marrying at all?

I found my wife at 18 and have been married 22 years with 3 kids.

>married 22 years
>only 3 kids.

Whats it like being poor?

I can already tell youre gonna fuck up this kid

>girl is to find one while still in highschool.
Terrible idea

make him think women are targets that he need to conquer by words
the games of cat and mouse with a woman is the most fun a man can have with a woman outside bad

>so mgtow and never get married
No, idiot. Do what lots of men have done throughout Western Civilization history.

College is far better you ignoramus.

If high school is the end of his education, he definitely should be scoping out prospects while still in high school. I think a lot of people don't quite guess how much easier the dating game is in school until they get out.

Marying at 18 or 19 used to be pretty common. Even my parents I think were like 21. But there's a tremendous amount of psychological maturation that goes on from mid-late teens into the 20s, so your son would definitely benefit from not jumping into it without really knowing if the girl is crazy or winds up growing apart or whatever else that's not going to be obvious to a newcomer.

i would have liked to have more but its how things turned out. We both went to college got degrees, she went to nursing school. didnt start having kids till afterward close to 27 and then trying to raise kids while both working.

Also after the 3rd she cant safely have any more children.

Is it so terrible? How is it better than finding one in or after college?

isnt it better to imprint on the girl and keep her?


>to go into debt for nothing.
Just go send him in Poland to get an engendering degree, bonus if he's a nigger, polish (((girls))) love that.

>no cocaine in montana

you are lying to me, but worse you are lying to yourself.

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yes its a gamble but so is any girl, I just cant imagine him ever having an easier time to be exposed to girls than in highschool

27 is very late for a woman to have kids woman after the age of 25 will be less fertile

>going to college would be a terrible idea for him.. he is avg intellectualy for a white man and not inclined for hard work.

Most high schoolers arent. College is where i learned about sacrificing to get what i want after fucking around in HS. Also average intelligence is good enough for a profitable degree like civil engineering or IT. If he works a part time job and has your support he wont even go into debt as long as he does community college and a cheap state school. I should know because i got hired before i graduated doing that with a mediocre degree.

Aussie shitposting

Right, and normally you'd be starting to practice the dating game around that age so that you have time to figure these things out before committing to an unknown that could go wonky.

I do not disagree which is also why I dont get the advice about everyone suggesting he wait. all the guys online cant seem to find a girl worth talkign to let alone dating.

Girls in college are far less childish amd have had time to figure out what they what they want. Same goes for your son.

which in the very least means he needs to be trying to date girls as much as possible while in highschool to learn to navigate women and figure them out.

seems very risky and an easy way to fail out with nothing to show for the debt you have acrued.

I meant mediocre gpa. I got a Computer science bachelors.

>Avg intellectually
>Not inclined for hard work
Fuck off, we aren't going to raise your nigger for you

Nothing wrong with helpung your offspring succeed. I knocked my wife up when we were 20 and her parents and mine helped us get on our feet and now we're doing well. A good parent will always want to help their children there is no other point to life.

His best chance is to find one in high school. They quickly become whores in college. You don't want your son to date a whore, do you?

Honestly college age women are both ridiculous and retarded.
t. fell for the college meme

>which in the very least means he needs to be trying to date girls as much as possible while in highschool to learn to navigate women and figure them out
Exactly. Maybe that's not something he's thought much about yet. Or maybe he isn't sure what to think about, and so just files it away as "I guess it'll just work out some day later." That's a pretty daunting age when you have to figure out what the hell to do with yourself once the conveyor belt of school dumps you out and now you're just standing there.

>seems very risky and an easy way to fail out with nothing to show for the debt you have acrued.
Its only risky if you give up. I spent 6 years stacking shelves at kmart and failes calculus 2 three times but i made it and got hired at an awesome place making 70k a year with no debt. I thought about giving up but i knew i didnt want to be a plumber. Even if being a programmer wasnt what i wanted having a degree at all qualified me for many jobs.

Its relative.

This. If they don't come out of HS a whore, they certainly will after college

He likes welding and wants to stick with it from what I can tell.

meme degree.. why would he want to move back to a big city and work with pajeets?

Let him get an education first and make money.

>this is in montana.. no cocaine here
top fucking hue m8
shame your son has an ignorant fool for a dad

Also if your son make 8k a year at a part time job and goes to community college first you wont have to go into debt or at least very little debt.

Computer science jobs pay very well and have a long and bright future.

So 6 years workign at Kmart to get a degree and you are lucky you dont have a bunch of debt. Or he can go directly into welding making 30-35 with no debt and not have to live in a big city.

Your the only one listening to memes.
I am getting paid 70k in springfield illinois. Not a terribly cosmopolitan place. If your competent you will suceed. Only pajeets i work with are good at what they do because i only work at a place that doesnt hire retards.

why are you still here then? Looks like you figured it out

living in a city working with shitlibs and pajeets, no time for family.. awesome!

>some rich guy has cocaine here
look its hardly worth mentioning..

this isn't the 90's anymore, grandpa.

Get your son an engagement ring and tell him to lie and say he's engaged.
Women will see it and try to tempt your son with their quif to see how they stack up to this imaginary woman. They love cheating and stealing.
Your son will be drowning in puss.

Yea and it will only take me 4 years to out earn him. Also i dont live in a big city. After you get some experience under your belt you can work over the internet in bumfuck alaska for all they care.

Am i supposed to just take advice without pushing back? I am trying to be convinced.

Springfield is almost 25% black and in a horrible state my dude

>dating a lot means you'll figure women out
Do people actually believe this meme? You should be encouraging him to find a woman of similar beliefs and values. Dating in high school is completely pointless
>being anti college
Scholarships exist, actual degrees pay well, etc. I'm sure your son could do well if you gave him the right guidance now.

Think about it like this. College is a trap, but if you can figure a way to go to community college on the side and pick up some kind of degree, now you have the option to use that degree if you ever need it. It only gets harder and harder to get a degree as you get older, so that's something good to do directly after high school or maybe after working a year to find out what working is like or whatever else.

It doesn't have to be a super duper degree. Having a college degree at all, as long as it's not in something completely retarded, puts you in the "college educated" category and if he's going to be a wage slave, any company is going to see that at least he has the drive and competence to get a degree.

you live in a nigger infested town in a libshit state.

meanwhile he can live in whitopia by the mountains.. making money isnt everyhing..

I had a job making 100K a year but had to live in San Antonio. I now make not even half of it but my quality of life is much higher.

Here's what you do. Find a girl who is down to have your sons babies, but never get married. Help your son with the down payment on a house to secure a mortgage. Have all of your sons bills sent to your house, and then have your son rent the house his baby momma. Then, have said baby momma apply for section 8, food stamps, cell phones, and free college. Said baby momma will rent the house from your son, effectively paying off the mortgage.

>CC will only net you the pre-requisites
then he would have to move to a different city to pay for room, board, food and 2 years of college.

I myself got a degree but I dont know that it ultimately helped me all that much, unless its a job specific degree it just seems like a meme trap to me.

finally some good advice.

Digits. I officially have the best answer.

Taxes are a bit shit but cost of living is low and lots of white people around. Outside springfield is 100% white and republican for 100 miles.
If he earns money then gets work from home he could have huge savings maoing starting a family easier and have a job that unlike welding can never be automated.

And that's a good life experience. Now you have to make your own way for a short period of time, and you get to see a place and meet people that are different from being at home. A lot of self-discovery goes on in that process.

And if he can weld, he can probably angle to find some work with that meanwhile, even if it's something rudimentary like putting in some hours at a muffler shop. Bam: now he has work experience to put on his resume as well.

computer science would be much easier to automate than welding

Werent you just complainning about niggers?
Yea that is the point of CC is to get half of your degree at half price. After i did cc i went to a decent state school and commuted from my parents basement.

No way jose. That's my field and while code monkey type work will become increasingly automated, there will always be demand for people who can repair, maintain, and invent.

How lol. If computers program themselves then we officially reached terminator levels of ai. We already have automated welding robots in many places. At the very least robots guided by humans could quadruple the output of one guy.

>automating computer science
I laughed

Welding is a better option because you get paid to learn it, whereas getting a degree you have to risk taking on unforgivable debt. Also, this depends on what kind of guy your son is. If he likes physical things and working outside then welding is his go to. If he is a book nerd video game addict, maybe coding would be a better option.

Financial help is the ONLY help my parents gave me. I hate their guts. I throw their gifts in the bin these days. Never taught me how to drive (just buy lessons goy) never taught me how to shave (just pay a barber goy), etc etc fucking etc. Then when I turn 30 they bitch about how "their investment" failed. How it must be a me-problem.

Fuck that life. a good parents knows that fiat is TOTALLY USELESS, they help their child by educating them, something the schools are not doing these days.

You may be a code nigger, but i write things that are actual inventions.

Repairs are definetly things computers will be better than humans at eventually. We already use computers to valculate the most efficient kinds of shapes for air frames and chambers. Self writing ai is something that we have nothing even remotely near yet.

>i write things that are actual inventions.

10/10 for keks

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I understand what a CC degree is for I did it myself.

as for niggers, i was talking about genetic, using the system wisely doesnt make one a nigger. Is Varg a nigger?

you cant automate field welding unless you have a terminator walking around that can weld which would be simply too expensive and difficult to maintain especially in incliment weather like montana

Let's be honest. It's not that hard to figure out how to shave.

I'm agreeing with you m8. I help design and build the upcoming transhumanist nightmare.

Outside of shitty domain parked websites what part of coding is automated today?

i cant imagine anyone thinking coding is a good option anymore.

he likes video games but doesnt really care for reading

yeah, so a kid starting high school with a razor cut is "character-building" right?

I just don't think money can buy one iota of love. it's a love excuse, a literal selling out.

The part of welding that can be automated already has been.

Still seeing 15%+ demand for welders for the next decade

Increasing use of high-level languages and 3rd party libraries. How many people still hand-code, say, a logistic regression classifier instead of throwing a library at it?

I do, but, only because there are particular scalability concerns to make it tractable on the hardware we can afford.

Based and Double-aught pilled.

It was just a funny example m8. You're spot on as far as the lack of actual parenting goes.

>Work hard while future wife rides cock
>Be best beta bux possible

>My friend and I have been advising him that his best chance at finding a girl is to find one while still in highschool.

I used to think this but once I hit my 30s alot of the guys I was friends with got cheated on or divorced by their highschool sweetheart. I married my college gf and we've outlasted pretty much everyone we know.

cum in his asshole while he's sleeping

What's the best thing about high school girls?

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Lmao any man in his prime can just approach women as they go about their day.

For example in the street, coffe shops, malls, librarys, grocery stores etc.

Imagine being scared of a approaching a girl you find attractive.

Tell his boomer moron dad to fuck off

your son is gay and is just telling you what you want to hear. i expect him to come out as a trendy trans* next year. and this will be you.

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>as for niggers, i was talking about genetic, using the system wisely doesnt make one a nigger. Is Varg a nigger?
Is a murderer a nigger?

>you cant automate field welding unless you have a terminator walking
They wont be humanoid but you seem do be completely unaware of the current developments in robotics. Robots are better suited for extreme enviorments than humans as well. Even if a welder bot costs a million dollars it works 24 hours a day and never needs a day off.
Would say you have 10 years before human welders are gone.

do you not follow pick up or game?

It sounds like its become very difficult to find a woman worth more than a pump and dump and even finding that soudns very difficult

Gen X

Tell him to move out as soon as possible, living on his own is the only way he will be able to be comfortable having his own life.

>Whats your advice to a kid in that situation?

Stop bullshitting people, get your head out of your crotch and await life.
You ARE the kid in this situation.

>Fathers don't search the internet looking for ways to get our sons "into her house". We work hard to raise our boy into being a man. Subjugating some thot is least of concern and will take care of itself. My main concern in this area is that he not get one pregnant or get a disease from her and doesn't ruin her life. In other words, kid,
>Grownups don't talk like that and you have so given yourself away. This thread embarrasses me on your behalf. Disown, exile and kill it.

Take him to church and set him up with a family friend. He's either gay or not into highschool thots, but he'll find what he's looking for at church

Your supposed to purchase a wife for him. You need to talk to some other father with an eligible daughter and pay him $5-10,000 so his daughter marries your son. That's what all traditional societies did for thousands of years and the last 100 years of sending kids into the wilderness to fend for themselves is a total failure.

>is a murderer a nigger
is dylan roof a nigger?

more like 20-30 before human welders would be gone and I also dont think humans will take well to machines walking around unlike a box in a basement that just codes

Human welders won't ever be completely gone. Like most trades, maybe a lot of it can be turned into an assembly line, but it's not like it doesn't still depend on a lot of surprisingly clever and knowledgeable people.

>do you not follow pick up or game?

Men who can talk to women dont have to follow that self help bullshit lol. That shit is for Jow Forums tier men who need their hand held through basic interactions. Men throughout history have passed their genetics on without that bullshit, only recently have men needed a life coach to talk to a woman.

I support arranged marriages and would be open to this if i can find another user with a daughter that we can make an arrangement.

Sounds like added complexity moving the jobs elsewhere.