Be honest Jow Forums

white people can't make this type of complex music.

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White people made all of those instruments and mastered them while you were picking cotton.

Hey monkey boy, did you know that ALL the greatest hits of music were created by the white man ?? Subhuman niggers like Michael jackson or Beyonce would never exist without the white man. Das rite monkey boy.

kek, both incorrect on everything

It's just jazz. Or as I like to call it, nigger classical.

jazz is the pop of classical

I like that, im gonna use that from now on.

>The invention of the piano is credited to Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655–1731) of Padua, Italy, who was employed by Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany, as the Keeper of the Instruments.

>Antoine-Joseph "Adolphe" Sax (French pronunciation: [ɑ̃twan.ʒozɛf adɔlf saks]; 6 November 1814 – 7 February 1894) was a Belgian inventor and musician who invented the saxophone in the early 1840s (patented in 1846). He played the flute and clarinet.

>Tambourines were played in ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome, especially in religious contexts, and they have long been prominent in Middle Eastern folk and religious use. Crusaders took them to Europe in the 13th century.

>He is often called the Stradivari of guitars (Antonio Stradivari being the world famous violin maker). The electric guitar was invented in the United States in the 1930s. The first patent for the electric guitar was awarded to George Beauchamp for a guitar he made with partner Adolph Rickenbacker in 1931.

You were saying


Sounds like a dying cat. Honestly.

jazz is more influental than classical music

You are a negro

sounds unironically like normie dad rock

also, the bassist is a nigger

Wow how complex that is, im literraly trembling by the amount melody and rhythm

What i think is so stupid about niggers is, instead of being realistic and honest about things. They pretend they are the best at things instead. It´s like there´s no middle ground.
So if some nigger does jazz music. It´s all of a sudden the best and most complicated thing in the world.
No, africans didn´t do shit or invent shit. Or do any relevant thing whatsoever. Even the ones in USA with access to western education which itself was a cumulation of lots of trial and error and development. Doesn´t mean you can´t do it in the future, but please.. It´s just pathetic to hear niggers talk about how they have best musicians for example. You don´t, not even fucking close, even the prose of rap music was invented by skelton in the 1600´s. All the instruments were developed by either europeans or someone else. And europeans conducted and directed entire complex symphony orchestras in perfect coordination several fucking hundred years ago. Your jazz music and your nigger rap can go suck a fart. It´s overrated hyped up bullshit, because niggers want something to be proud of. So the praise it to the fucking clouds, eventhough it´s not even close objectively.
Really i find also niggers extremely uncreative at sensing what is good music. Usually they just emulate some shit. Seeing someone like kanye west in the studio when they produce their 'sick beats' is some of the most hilarious shit. His entire creative genius is a total smokescreen. One big giant larp.
Scoop di di woop!
Probably thought it up whilst he was taking a shit!
And niggers ofcourse HAVE TO celebrate it to the fucking clouds since he´s black, and they want to promote their own ethnicity eventhough what they are doing is totally pathetic.
Jazz is the poop di di scoop of classical instrumental play.

jazz is utterly tedious and devoid of spirit. Classical for the rootless modernist. Dead, empty bourgeois modernist,

Imagine being in so denial and ashamed that you can't appreciate objectively good music like jazz by attacking it as an attack on one self.

Jazz is nothing but spirit, that's the dumbest shit ive ever heard

OP sucks cocks and this is bait

it´s like the OP videos it´s just niggers playing various instrument out of synch with eachother each trying to do a fucking solo. And trying to impress eachother. Sounds fucking horrible. And they have time to sit and drink whilst doing and bobing their heads. And try to pretend as if it sounds awesome. It sounds like a dying cat. Terrible! But they try to pretend towards eachother that it sounds awesome.
>look at i can playz instrumentz
>yes we can playz instrument, super cool! Look we all do solo at same time.
>clonk clonk clonk

It´s like someone who is really terrible at something but want to look like he´s amazing at it. So he tries to tell you that what he´s doing is awesome, eventhough it clearly isn´t. It´s like when a friend of mine was trying to learn to dj way bback, and mix, and he was like
>listen to this, isn´t this good. Fuck it´s awesome man.
And ofcourse it sucked ass. HAHA but he was so high on himself he thought it sounded amazing.
>Imagine being in so denial and ashamed that you can't appreciate objectively good music like jazz by attacking it as an attack on one self.
Nigger, i don´t have time to placate you or your pampered people in the USA that pretend as if you can do no wrong. It´s you who are in denial, it´s obvious! I´m just telling you exactly how i see it.

You are typical chimpout nigger who can't accept the fact that jazz is objectively good music and that it's more complex than most genres

>Jazz is nothing but spirit, that's the dumbest shit ive ever heard
Nigger spirit sure is different then.
It´s just some impromptu shit whatever that comes into their heads.
Look you come here and ask the question, if you don´t like the answer, then don´t ask the questions!
It´s same thing when niggers say they got more soul and rythm or whatever. Nope...You just do more impromptu shit rather than actually plan things and think them through. White people are more inhibited whereas you shake your ass like fucking monkeys. That´s what you call 'soul' we call lack of impulse control and decency and decorum.

>You are typical chimpout nigger who can't accept the fact that jazz is objectively good music and that it's more complex than most genres

You are the typical nigger who thinks that what you posted in the OP is complex, by complex you use that word because niggers think that means it´s intelligent. It´s how niggers virtue signal to eachother, i´ve figured that out a while ago. How they signal they have value. Is they pretend to be intelligent. It´s like when they talk fast in rap music. You think talking fast makes you intelligent for instance.

No jazz is not a 'complex' genre. It´s a bullshit genre of music that sounds stupid as fuck most of the time. In particular the one you posted in the OP, that literally sounds like the band should be called dying cat. And this is what you pick. And that you at the same time want to claim that jazz is the most complicated music in the world to perform or create. Aswell as claim that europeans can't make complicated music. Is where niggers always go too far.

It´s like in african languages there´s no word in many of the languages for halfway up or half way down a tree. So you are not used to evaluating fucking anything. Either it is bad or it is the best in the world and nobody else can do it apparently. It´s pathetic to listen to.

Europeans have created entire fucking symphonies and have symphony orchestras in many nations still, that have used pretty much every type of instrument ever invented in some fashion doing concerts. And you got some dumb niggers with a fucking trumpet and piano and guitar at a shitty nightclub playing totally out of tune. and you think it´s the hardest thing to perform ever.

You say stupid shit, i call you out on it. Unlike americans i don´t give a fuck about telling you niggers, that everything you do is made of fucking diamonds. So in a way i am doing what they should have been doing all along, instead of placating you and overvaluing everything you do to be nice and encouraging.

>based denmark
god I love being a European and not some 56% mystery meat larp flag justifying negro music

imagine the smell

Thanks fren. Yeah americans tell niggers everything they do is made of diamonds, there´s no realism, because they don´t want to be 'racist' and critique them too much. They do it in order to placate and be nice to them. So then the fucking stupid niggers think jazz is the hardest thing to perform in the world. It´s incredible.

>It's just some impromptu shit whatever that comes inte their heads

And they still play it flawlessly in tune and in rhythm.

>Rather than plan things and think them through

Anybody can play music that's in a one dimensional rhythm with the exact time of when certain notes or chords are played. You are still proving that jazz is more complex and rhythmic than classical music or all other music for that matter

>whereas you shake your ass like fucking monkeys. That´s what you call 'soul' we call lack of impulse control and decency and decorum.

Imagine thinking jazz is the same thing as ratchet rap music

jazz literally just a couple stoners sitting around practicing scales. it isn't even music.

Doesn't count, Slavs are not white. Thats why we're able to create good jazz.

That argument can be said about all music

Here's something complex for you motherfucker.

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Everyone who listens to this autistic music should be hung

>Anybody can play music that's in a one dimensional rhythm with the exact time of when certain notes or chords are played.
Right this is what you think is intelligent, it´s not to compose some beautiful harmoneous music, that´s not hard you say. Oh i´ll have you know it´s not as easy as you think to play certain things. Just because you have composed it and it´s on the sheet, doesn´t mean it´s easy to fucking play.

What you think is intelligence. Is a nigger just taking an instrument and just riffing. Basically just like some when they take a shower they whistle a little tune they just make up on the spot, or sing a little silly song. This is what niggers are doing on instruments in jazz music. Totally inharmoneous out of synch, doesn´t flow either really. They each just do kind of like a fucking solo on each of their instruments. And just try to make it somehow mesh up. It´s totally chaotic.
But i think your version of what is complex or what you mean intelligent. Is don´t create or compose or coordinate or plan anything. Just make shit up on the spot. And if it didn´t work just pretend you dindunuffin.

You american niggers, the problem you have is. You have no sense or perspective of what is good or not. This is because white liberals have for ages placated you stupid niggers. Everything you do they don´t critique it enough. It must be great everytime you do something even just average.. Then it must be praised to the clouds. Can´t give nigger bad grade he deserves cause 'dats racist', can´t tell nigger he´s bad at something cause dats racist. So you end up thinking jazz music is the fucking most amazing thing in the world. Don´t you understand white liberals are lying to you. They are just trying to be nice. And think if you like your own music and have something to be proud of, even something not very good, you will perhaps be better persons and not make such a mess in their society. And you thought they were serious.

You just don't have it what it takes. It requires extremely high IQ, strong mind and character to appreciate the subtle nuances and melodic elements in the song I provided.
You just understand simple beats, what even an animal can understand.

You're so fucking retarded it hurts.

The thing jazz has on classical is improv. Jazz is the truest form of expressing yourself through music because it's all based on improvisation. It's much more than scales to seasoned musicians. Classical, while incredibly influential and genius, is just practicing what's on the sheet music.

13:48 imagine thinking this is music.

Fuck off nigger

That's not even good jazz.

I prefer Joe Pass or John Coltrane even.

That stuff is just unfortunate sounding. Almost like a shitty remix of what was jazz at one point.

This slide thread is pretty boring now though. Later.

It's slightly more complex than what abos do, granted.


Imagine thinking it's only black people who call jazz complex, imagine thinking that symphonies are more complex beacause the number of instruments being used is more, imagine thinking that being this buttraged over jazz music being objectively good is acceptable

>Jazz is the truest form of expressing yourself through music because it's all based on improvisation.
It´s not hard to do once you know an instrument. It´s super fucking easy. Like humming a fucking song in the shower. Once you know an instrument it becomes like anything you master very well like an extra hand or part of you. So you just basically 'humm' with the instrument like in the shower. How the fuck is that 'COMPLICATED' which is what the nigger said it was. And claims europeans can´t fucking riff with an instrument. Give me a fucking break. There´s few that lack as much in creativity than niggers. Jazz is the equivalent of shaking your ass with an instrument the way they do it.

that's not music, it's just aimless improv

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>compose some beatuiful music
>compose hard
>beatiful kek

Anybody can make your classical bullshit, people do it on computer softwares, hell even ive done it on a computer. You can't replicate jazz like that on a computer software, that requires immense rhythm and sould to do.

All metal songs sound the same

I never thought I'd agree with a nigger

Most good jazz in not improvised at all.

It's always that squeaky random shit sounding stuff that's improvised.

I hate that shit.

>that tiny ass little stage they're on
I respect the talent of these guys, but all races can make complex shit.
Unfortunately thanks to rap & pop & garbage shit like it not enough people give a fuck about instrumental shit anymore for those good at it to not fucking practically starve to death trying to do it.

>Imagine thinking it's only black people who call jazz complex, imagine thinking that symphonies are more complex beacause the number of instruments being used is more, imagine thinking that being this buttraged over jazz music being objectively good is acceptable
I´m not outraged you dumb nigger, you are so fucking fragile that you can´t even handle ANY critique of shitty jazz music. Which you stupidly claim is the hardest thing to do/perform in the world with regards to music.
If this is what you think music is. Just a bunch of niggers taking an instrument and then riffing. Which is what it is. Then you have no clue what music is. Music is not supposed to be some chaotic mess of solo´s that might be totally retarded, and then nigger saves it with a solo he used before. And then builds a set of solos that he can fall back on according to what applause he gets. Doesn´t even actually do it improvisionally entirely. Just fucking tries shit out till someone likes it. And if someone doesn´t like it, just pretend it is amazing anyway and it´s always this high pitched saxophone that can save his ass if he fucks it up. He just goes high pitch so it sounds like a dying cat. And niggers go like.
>das rite, soul baby das rite.
If people want to give jazz musicians like the dying cat band in the OP fake credit, then that´s their business. It´s like how black panther got positive review eventhough being objectively a shit movie. And how 'get out' a pathetic propaganda piece which the director originally wanted to put in the documentary category but it ended in horror and comedy instead. And at rt it is the best movie of all time of their list in i think it is comedy. or is it ranked #2 or something.
It´s like it makes no fucking sense. You think you can manipulate someone to like something because you say others like it. I point out the flaws in the stupidity you call jazz music, and you just can´t take it. also it´s much harder to compose a symphony than to riff.

thats some good jazz. thanks

>what is melody
>what is a chord progression
>what is rhythm

Imagine comparing all that to whistling

>You can't replicate jazz like that on a computer software, that requires immense rhythm and sould to do.
Because it´s totally random like humming in the shower you retard.
>Anybody can make your classical bullshit
Try composing a classical symphony that doesn´t sound like shit nigger.
Standing up in some club with a fucking saxophone and just making shit up/riffing and if you fail fall back on some safe solos you got applause for before. Is fucking childsplay in comparison.

What you think is hard is not hard nigger.. It´s just riffing with a fucking instrument!

It's because you don't have it what it takes. You are unable to process the complexity, the anger and hate, your feeble mind shuts down.

>complex music
you ever heard of an orchestra OP?

Be honest OP, niggers can't make this type of complex music

Not ONE nigger kek.

>Imagine comparing all that to whistling
It is like 'whistling in the shower' or humming some random tune in the shower.
It´s not hard to do. How the fuck you think it´s hard to do. Once you know an instrument reasonably well, it´s easy, like with any tool aswell you use, you get very comfortable with using it.

Try this. This is a bit less complex. Once you begin to understand this, your IQ goes up. At least by 10 points.
You suddenly start to think intelligently and most importantly, independently.

You are literallly red as a mothafuckin tomato typin this shit, i have disproven every point you have said and you just go off rails like a subhuman not being able to hold a constructiv discussion

Fren I love the fuck out of all kinds of metal, including Emperor, but you sound pretentious as fuck.

How so?

>sheet music
>one dimensional music

>Once you begin to understand this, your IQ goes up. At least by 10 points.
>You suddenly start to think intelligently and most importantly, independently.
^^^ That shit. Like some infomercial talking about all the ways metal can improve your life so BUY NOW.

>that one lone jazz fan in the room, always seething because no one likes his shitty car honk "music

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>once you know one instrument, it's easy

Wrong again, most guitarists, pianists, saxpohonists don't know how to play jazz/soul. Also that's not only one isntrument playing on stage, there's like 10 instruments being played by 5 people and all in tune

You can literally play jazz totally unprepared.
Just show up after smoking some weed. You know the instrument. Just show up totally unprepared, barely showered.
>dullulluuuullululullluulululuuuuuu dutdut dlulululullulul
Just work your way up and down the musical scale in waves so it doesn´t sound completely like shit. Kind of like you do when you are humming a tune in the shower testing how some things sound. If you totally fuck up just go back to some solo you played at another set where it went well.
>niggers go wild, best musician ever, this is so hard to do.
HAHAHA. Imagine thinking that´s the hardest thing in the world to do.

>You are literallly red as a mothafuckin tomato typin this shit, i have disproven every point you have said and you just go off rails like a subhuman not being able to hold a constructiv discussion
Nigger i am totally calm, i am an extremely fast typer. But i guess it´s hard for you since you probably don´t have attention span to read much either. Again it´s all in your dumb nigger head. Including that jazz music is the most complex thing in the world to make. It´s not even music. It´s just ad lib/riffing on a fucking instrument! It´s like practicing your instrument live.

Extreme metal raises IQ and promotes independence of thought and character. People who can recognize different layers in metal music are high IQ people and can recognize in normal life different layers and subtleties in any given thing easier than the rest.

I really hope you're just trolling.

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isn't Mozart white?

You're welcome my friend .

You call these jungle noises "music"? Complex "music" at that.

>Also that's not only one isntrument playing on stage, there's like 10 instruments being played by 5 people and all in tune
>in tune
No.. hahaha. But what they are doing is they are all riffing on their instrument. And then they TRY to play in tune, to listen to where the other is going. So it´s really completely random. Including who they follow. It´s just playing random things on the instrument which you think sounds good. It´s not hard to do. More than it´s hard to hum some kind of totally new tune if you just play with your humm and up and down the musical scale and trying things out. Same with the instrument.

>bait thread that isn't 1pbtid
rare shitposting

have some good wypipo/hwhite music before you're out

>You can literally play jazz totally unprepared.

No one has ever done that, no musician agrees with that, nothing logical can prove that. You are actin like jazz is just one note being played at the time

>Nigger i am totally calm, i am an extremely fast typer.

"im totally calm, look how calm i am. look, i say that im calm that's how calm i am

atonal garbage

What you're talking about is not exclusive to metal at all, it's true for any complex instrumentalism.

the pianist literally switched between organs, electric piano and grand piano

Mozart was a fucking zoomer who thought fart jokes were funny

Ok, yeah, now I know you're trolling.
Decent bait thread though since it's fostering an actual discussion on complexities of intrumentalism, so 10/10 OP.

I don't really get the complexity comparisons of classical vs jazz.

Classical wipes the floor with jazz regarding complexity.

Classical is structured differently than jazz.
Theres many different grouping of of notes or chords(forms,minuets,sentences etc), all used differently to portray different emotions. All the sections are written for every instrument played toncomoliment the other.

Example vivaldi:

A lot of Jazz is structured around what modern music is...verse, chorus, bridge etc. Many jazz songs and structures also borrow from blues patterns.. for example 2-5-1 pattern. A famous jazz pattern where one can I provide fairly easily around it.

But that's the thing. You want improvisation... cool sure. But the rest of the band will be hung up playing the same lick over and over again until that one guy is done squeaking his horn. So it kind of handcuffs itself in terms of true complexity.

For example Joe Pass:

Notice the repetition between improvisation.

This is why classical wins in that regard.

Not quite, since metal is focusing on independence and strength of the character. This part is lacking in the fusion jazz for example.
Metal is anti-NPC.

Are you actually saying that mozart wouldn't be the typical fucking zoomer if he grew up in this darn age. You are actually fucking retarded if you think otherwise

also funny how you couldn't respond to it except calling it bait

it´s like just whilst you are doing something going dudududuu daadada dididid dododo up and down the musical scale. You know. It´s not fucking hard. HAHA
>No one has ever done that, no musician agrees with that, nothing logical can prove that. You are actin like jazz is just one note being played at the time
Wait a minute, do you think jazz is magic. Does the niggers have so little creativity that the niggers that can riff on an instrument they think they are prometheus who stole fire from the gods? HAHA
You need to clarify a few things, now i am interested.
>No one has ever done that
What you mean nobody has ever done that. Played jazz music totally unprepared? Well ofcourse they rehearse some solo's they can fall back on if they fuck up.
>nothing logical can prove that.
Are you thinking jazz is magic? This is getting very interesting.
>You are actin like jazz is just one note being played at the time
No i didn´t say that. Do you ever when you are doing something. Just slightly sing various things like.. dudu dudududuu dada dalaadada humhuhmhuhmm badadambadam.. you know stuff like that. That´s WHAT JAZZ MUSIC IS, but on a fucking saxophone or whatever. How the fuck you think that is hard to do when you know the instrument extremely well? If people know some tool or whatever very well, they can also juggle with it and do stuff like that because they can handle it very well. It´s same thing.
Composing GOOD music that you don´t just make up on the spot, is way way way harder!!!
>the pianist literally switched between organs, electric piano and grand piano
he can play 3 different instruments, call the guiness book of records!

Well i am totally calm, you are doing the typical 'u mad' stupid nigger antics. Niggers are so dumb your brains are so predictable. It´s how you niggers tend to try to deflect an argument when you are not correct. Because you take it as a personal loss rather than a learning experience.

This is now a meal thread

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>are you saying jazz is magic

you think that complex music is magic? Nowhere did i say it's impossible to play jazz. Also jazz is a really diverse genre and it has alot more different sounds than most genres

>he can play 3 different instruments, call the guiness book of records!

he played them after eachother in the same session or progression. That's an amazing musical feat

you are deflecting to rap, black panther, get out etc when we are disussin about jazz music. Ive been on point the whole time

Answer the fucking question you dumb nigger. You dodge the question yet again like a dumb nigger. Holy shit i am tired of different ethnic groups being so fucking different that we don´t even fucking THINK the same.
>>No one has ever done that, no musician agrees with that, nothing logical can prove that. You are actin like jazz is just one note being played at the time
Wait a minute, do you think jazz is magic. Does the niggers have so little creativity that the niggers that can riff on an instrument they think they are prometheus who stole fire from the gods? HAHA
You need to clarify a few things, now i am interested.
>No one has ever done that
What you mean nobody has ever done that. Played jazz music totally unprepared? Well ofcourse they rehearse some solo's they can fall back on if they fuck up.
>nothing logical can prove that.
Are you thinking jazz is magic? This is getting very interesting.
>You are actin like jazz is just one note being played at the time
No i didn´t say that. Do you ever when you are doing something. Just slightly sing various things like.. dudu dudududuu dada dalaadada humhuhmhuhmm badadambadam.. you know stuff like that. That´s WHAT JAZZ MUSIC IS, but on a fucking saxophone or whatever. How the fuck you think that is hard to do when you know the instrument extremely well? If people know some tool or whatever very well, they can also juggle with it and do stuff like that because they can handle it very well. It´s same thing.
Composing GOOD music that you don´t just make up on the spot, is way way way harder!!!

Answer the questions.. You need to clarify this for me. Do you think it is hard to do?
>he played them after eachother in the same session or progression. That's an amazing musical feat
No it´s not hard to learn 3 musical instruments decently enough to just do some improvisional shit.

>you are deflecting to rap, black panther, get out etc when we are disussin about jazz music. Ive been on point the whole time
No, it´s like you are so stupid in your brain that you don´t even know your arguments have been defeated. So instead of admitting you are incorrect you just switch goalposts now.
What i said was that you think jazz music is great and complex because you are used to people placating niggers in USA for every little fucking thing they do that is average. They pretend is made of diamonds, from stupid jazz music to movies to whatever.. They can´t even fucking give you a bad grade eventhough they should, because that might be unkind or 'racist' to you.

I was just laughing so hard about you a few minutes ago, but now I feel sorry for you. You know what i´m tired of knowing how different various ethnic groups are. I think it´s a tragedy that you think in this way. It´s fucked up that god didn´t make us more similar. It´s stupid as fuck cause so many problems. You literally can´t even think logically or reason logically. It´s pathetic.

>He thinks playing meandering unstructured elevator music impromptu is "complex"

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erik satie & bill evans.

Keep defending your jazz music. Cling on to it!! and pretend it is the most complicated, difficult and awesome music in the entire world. I need to go so, have fun lying to yourself i guess. I won´t do you much good though.


You think magic is being able to improvise and play complex chord progression, that's exactly what you sound like.

No one has ever just gone on a stage and been able to play a jazz solo or progression unprepared or without studyin the craft for years. You admit this but you think all jazz artists play the same solo all the time.

You thought that anyone could smoke a blunt and play jazz unprepared, you backed down from that thought because you realised it stupid.

You also mistake that what they are making isn't complex by just doing a variation of whatever people come up in their head. That doesn't work, if it did work everyone could do it.

Jazz just requires immense soul, rhythm, musical knowledge etc. That why he could do a progression with three different instruments simultaneously

Nothing compared to this