ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:
[YouTube] The Unspoken “Secret” to EVERY Transformation! (embed)

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Last thread

Attached: D55IQ2m.png (1360x1024, 82K)

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Jow Forums X fucked up that first youtube link. Here it is.

When a guy says he doesn't want a one night stand, how often do you think he is lying?

I slept with a guy on our 2nd date and told him both first and second date I didn't want a one night stand, and he said that's not what he wanted either. Worried about the post-coital downtime and whether he will text me. I'm getting paranoid that he lied to me even though he seemed genuine.

Ladies, how many of you actually engage in casual sex?

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What do women think of their male friends?

You must know deep down they only talk cos they're holding onto the hope that one day they're gonna get to smash that

Male friends of women are utterly PATHETIC

What do women think of circumcised penises? Will they have their sons circumcised? How could you do so barbaric and not feel anything? Are you things really that dependent on how society views you?

There's a lot of ignorant women. If you are planning on having a child with someone and you want them uncircumsized you'd better agree beforehand.

If my gf ever insists on having our future sons circumcised I'll seriously consider leaving her or at least no longer having children with her. I will absolutely never tolerate my partner wanting to mutilate our sons.

>When a guy says he doesn't want a one night stand, how often do you think he is lying?

There’s nothing you can do about people who aren’t honest about their intentions, all you can do is conduct yourself in a manner where you’re clear about yours, and you have no regrets about the way you acted.

If you feel like shit because you out out and got dumped, then clearly you weren’t really ready to put out yet to begin with. Don’t do things because you want others to like you or respond a certain way—that gives them inordinate amounts of agency over you and your happiness—instead do things purely because they’re things you want to do.

>You must know deep down they only talk cos they’re holdin on to hope one day they’re gonna get to smash that.

Speak for yourself. That’s your own pathetic world view and projection of self-issues.

If I wanted to someone to fuck, I’m capable enough to find them. If I wanted to fuck a friend, I would make a move (and have, and have had it reciprocated). Not every guy sits with the desperate “orbiter” mindset that you seem to.

Thanks for the detailed answer, I definitely was upfront and clear I didn't want that, and he seemed to agree and feel the same. I did want to have sex very badly, but I just do know for some peoples standards it was too soon.

Am I being catfished? I can’t tell.

This boy I knew in high school messaged me and didn’t seem suspicious until I looked at his profile further. He’s recently joined, all his friends are foreign, his likes are weird and he has old photos. I found the “actual” profile of the person he could be faking as which looks legit, as I used to be friends with him. The “fake” person’s name is similar to the real one, but different surname.

So obvious catfish, right? But he’s answering correctly the questions I ask that only the actual person could know (they’re not available to find online).

What could this be? How could I further test this person?

Is there a reason why his friends are all foreigner? Aka has lived abroad or online gaming

Is never having had a girlfriend at 26 a good enough reason to hang myself?

No girl has ever wanted to be with me. I'll never be loved or in a relationship, or experience emotional or physical intimacy.

My life just isn't worth living

Nope no reason. They’re all from Thailand or Cambodia, around those regions.

His “normal” account has no friends like this, just typical people from university.

I don’t think any differently of them. They don’t see me in that way. They think of me like a funny little sister, and we talk about our struggles with dating. I give them advice, they give me advice, we shoot the shit.

I’ve never once got that feeling that they wanna smash.

Why do women ask guys to open up to them and suddenly become distant after you do?

That's very weird. Is it an option if you contact the normal profile and just straight forward ask about that one you're talking to?

26 is still fine.
In 10 years maybe.

And the feeling of being unlovable is there also for people who has had relationships, no escape there

I’ll probably end up doing that. It’s really strange, this person looks like a total catfish in every way, except he answers questions correctly down to locations, names, everything. What the fuck

Yeah it's the quickest way. Catfish can be pretty fucked up though, could be some person who knew you both or so.

If you start dating someone and you suspect him and your younger sister fool around when he tutors her what do you do?

hentai plot

realistic answer pls
what are the signs of suspicions and whether it's a test etc.

All women should be arrested. Not a question, just think you're animals to be fair

How does one get dominant women to approach oneself?

Femanon here,

>one year abroad
>meet a guy who seems cool
>we hang out a bit, he's interested but I'm not
>I move back home
>text with him daily as friends
>both struggle with some shit and we're each other's emotional support
>meet again irl after 6 months as I'm traveling through his country
>just a beer together, all's nice
>we say bye, we're not going to see each other for a long time now but both very chill, no awkwardness.

I wish we kissed.

Should I confess him I felt and feel this way? Is it pointless? Will I regret it if I don't tell my feelings?

Local anaesthesia is applied. Around 15% of men may need to have their penis circumcised later on in life, when would you rather do it? as a baby when you are being taken care for anyway or as an adult when all your nerves have been completely developed, have responsibilities and have no one to care for you? Yes it is only 15%, low chance, but so is some of the diseases you take immunization for.

>In summary, substantive evidence supports the premise that circumcision protects males from HIV infection, penile carcinoma, urinary tract infections and ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases.

>It has also been observed in east Africa that, with the widespread publicity given to studies finding an association between lack of circumcision and HIV infection, clinics specializing in male circumcision have opened, and men now come to hospitals and clinics in increasing numbers to request circumcision for themselves and their sons.

>many men who later elect or require circumcision to treat phimosis or recurrent balanitis face a significant surgical procedure that would have been relatively minor if performed as an infant. It has been estimated that 10–15% of males not circumcised at birth will require the procedure later in life because of such problems.

>Removal of the foreskin could be viewed as preventive care, analogous to other procedures, such as immunization, which are administered to children without their consent.

Source: Moses, Stephen, Robert C. Bailey, and Allan R. Ronald. "Male circumcision: assessment of health benefits and risks." Sexually transmitted infections 74.5 (1998): 368-373.

I think you have to let people know you're submissive

Given only one of my friends was ever circumicised and none of the others ever required it, I seriously doubt that propaganda. Moreover, the increased protection from HIV is minor and is a total non-issue in all developed countries, i.e. any place that matters. I hope you leave your son intact to make the decision for himself when he is older. I would absolutely rather do it as an adult, when I can decide myself.


>Given only one of my friends was ever circumicised and none of the others ever required it,
You realize that this is a very small sample right?

>I hope you leave your son intact to make the decision for himself when he is older.
Would you not vaccinate your child? While I admit that the procedure is more painful than a simple shot, we are now talking about the decision.

Please watch all of this

I got circumcised as an adult, light case of phimosis. It sucked. Supposedly it’s not supposed to hurt but it probably about the most painful thing I can remember happening to me, even through all the pain killers (which I normally avoid like the plague). Also meant I couldn’t really do anything for a month or two, which equally sucked for a 18 year guy.

Would rather have had it done as a child so at least that memory didn’t carry.

Ask the other profile why it has a duplicate.

I actually, legitimately do not trust pro-circumcision studies. I think they're pushed by biased doctors.

>Would you not vaccinate your child? While I admit that the procedure is more painful than a simple shot, we are now talking about the decision.
I will vaccinate any children I have, to protect them from dangerous diseases they may pick up during childhood. I will not physically mutiliate them to provide a minor increase in protection from HIV, a virus which no prepubscent child will likely be exposed to. If he feels it necessary to circumicise when he is older and sexually active, that's his decision. Trying to justify circumcising a baby because he won't remember it is one of the worst defenses I've heard, you're stripping him of bodily autonomy for such a minor reason, to do something which most likely will never even be required.

>27 v, never had a relationship
>legitimately diagnosed with autism as a child
How do i come clean about all this? Or is it even worthwhile?

>legitimately diagnosed with autism as a child
Can people tell? meaning how far on the spectrum are you? If they are hard to tell then who cares...
Nothing is wrong with being a virgin user.

Posting about it on Jow Forums, for one.

As an adult, absolutely. Are you insane? And moreover --- are you seriously suggesting that you perform that kind of thing just on the off chance they're one of the handful of people that falls into that category? Which likely isn't even that many, especially considering it's an "estimation"? Phimosis is only 1% of the population anyway, and balanitis (let alone "persistent" balanitis) is only 3%. Mutilating children is absolutely not "preventative care".

How much sex in one night is average/a lot?

all four inches

For people on here? Any is probably a lot.

Is it right to feel jealous and angry if my gf compliments other penis as big and good looking?


Don't you think fat people should remove themselves from dating sites? It gets tiresome to press X on thousands of blobs of fat.


seconding >I did want to have sex very badly
In general, or with him specifically on the basis that it was going somewhere? If the former, would it really be so bad if it turned out to be a one night stand? Sure it sucks getting lied to, but at the end of the day you both got something out of it.
If the latter, maybe be more wary in the future of sleeping with someone before you've developed decent trust that you both want to take it further. It's easy for someone to make empty promises if it just takes two dates for them to 'get what they came for'. And even if you're both in it for the right reasons, sleeping with someone too soon can sometimes escalate your feelings for each other before you've established enough compatibility to live up to those feelings, which can make an inevitable split more painful than it needed to be.
All that said, sometimes it's worth the risk to just go for it if it feels right in the moment. A few mistakes might be worth it if that's what it takes to be able to take the leap with someone special, rather than wasting time imagining the worst of them.

For what it's worth, I slept with my boyfriend on the second date, which was definitely the right decision for us. But both of us were open to it potentially just being a fling at the time, so there was a bit of an emotional safeguard if we didn't end up clicking beyond the physical (and I too was a little paranoid about being pumped and dumped at the time). It was a few more weeks before we made ourselves official.

Big disclaimer on all this of course is that he might have been telling the truth and all this worry could be for nothing.
And a quick protip to any guys reading this who follow some silly 'never text the day after' rule: This is the kinda shit going through your girl's head while you make her wait. Bloody text her before she works herself into a state and starts plotting your demise.

If a guy didn't text you much before having sex, how many days is reasonable for him to text you after? I feel like it's gonna be a week and I'm annoyed

Do you enjoy 100% the celebrations at this time of the year? How normie are you?
I know there are people who enjoy the gatherings, but hate the awkward moments. There are people who love it all, hate it all... What's your take on this?
Are there gatherings without awkward moments?

What does sex feel like for women?

In some cases, maybe you just think they've become distant because you feel vulnerable and hypersensitive. Or maybe she couldn't handle it as well as she thought she could and needs time to digest whatever you've told her.
In others, maybe she's an idiot who liked the IDEA of a man opening up to her but is turned off by the reality. Sort of like guys who enjoy the chase with girls and get turned off when a girl is too easily interested. Some women like their guy being closed off, and fruitless prodding for him to open up is just a nice reminder of how closed off he is. That's retarded though and it's not worth pandering to unless you like that dynamic yourself.

I’m fairly high functioning; I’ve been able to hold down an office job for a year so far.
>can people tell
Idk. I get dates but it never seems to go anywhere, I say or do something that offends, or I don’t. Idk
>nothing wrong with being a virgin
But There is. In this society there is nothing lower than a guy that can’t get girls, andI’m tired of being rejected. I’ve asked out or dated I estimate at least a hundred different girls so far. Idk, I was wondering if I came clean about it on a date then maybe it might make a difference

This girl and I had a thing we were both attracted to each other. We got it on but in the moment I was pretty drunk so I couldnt stay hard and then the following week I was the one who had to send her texts etc. Later she said she wanted just to be friends. What did I do wrong?

>how many days is reasonable for him to text you after?
It doesn't matter. What's with you people and timing your texts? Just text straight away. It's like a more accessible email, you don't have to be texting each other at the same time, just send it and forget about it until they respond.

>Do you enjoy 100% the celebrations
Oh ho ho.
>Not spending all your time in your room.

He always texted me first and I dont want to change it up, it'd be so obvious

You're already fucking you retard. Should have had a proper healthy bf/gf relationship with him then.

Would you really want a girl to be with you just because you're a virgin? Something like this you say before things escalate. You should come clear about it but not on the first date.

How do attract dominant women?

I fucking love christmas. I'm introverted as fuck, but it's great to go all out for a couple days seeing the extended senpai and neighbours, and then return to hibernation when it's all over.
Turds who spend the holidays in their room piss me off. That said, it's the parents who've set the tone that that shit is okay.

Both? In general, and with the hope it would go farther. He did say he'd see me when I left.

I wanted to hold off but we both really wanted to do it, and it had been soooo long for me my body was screaming for sex.

No. What I’m trying to say is that I believe the reason I struggle as badly as I do is because I inevitably commit some social misstep. What I am trying to ask is if I come clear with my diagnosis will it buy me leniency...or will it hurt my chances more? I guess what I’m trying to ask is if I should tell people about it

>Turds who spend the holidays in their room piss me off.
Boys will be boys.
>That said, it's the parents who've set the tone that that shit is okay.
It's more complicated than that.

I love seeing my family. This year I went to my grandparents' on Christmas with my semi-extended and a few days earlier I went to my, uh, cousin-once-removed's place for a gigantic party with an excessive number of people in my more extended family.

Not really a fan of New Year's celebrations, though.

this qt3.14 at work keeps teasing me. she knows i'm inexperienced. she speaks spanish to my coworkers and they tell me she's saying words like "lick" and "blow". we exchanged ig info and she said "so i can harass you" but she hasn't sent me any dms yet. should i message her first? do i just open up with hi or some random shit?

then again i could be getting trolled by my coworkers as i am gullible af.

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I guess this is a question for both genders. How do I get over the fear of being abandoned? It's seriously inhibiting my ability to be intimate with anyone. I find myself dismissing the idea of dating anyone because I can never picture a long term relationship happening for me, I'm convinced as soon as I start dating someone they're going to leave me so I avoid the relationship entirely.

Has anyone dealt with this before?

Girls are more offended and embarrassed when a guy can't get it up than he is.100% of the time in their head it means you think they're ugly, even if you're drunk or tired or stressed or whatever. Women spend a lot of energy passing on the meme that guys are always ready to fuck and that it's all we think about that girls actually believe it's true.

Which is why the first time you turn a girl down she'll take it as a comment on her attractiveness, or if you can't get it up for whatever reason it's like calling her ugly to her face, when the reality is that dicks aren't always raring to go at all times and the male libido is altered by as many factors as the female one.

There has to be give and take between two people. If you ALWAYS wait for him to initiate then one of you has all the control and it will drive the other person crazy. If you're in it then be in it and don't make it solely his job to move things along because we resent having to do that as much as you resent having to wait for a message.

Pick a good person and find out whether they're looking for a long term relationship and then be a good partner and make a good team.

Hmm, I just think it'd be so obvious that the power shift has changed and I don't want it to come off like that immediately after sleeping together. I already felt a little vulnerable the morning after when I thought I might have overstayed my welcome.

I'm going to give it til the weekend and suggest maybe meeting up.

Maybe you shouldn't sleep with people that you don't even talk to.

I do talk to them lol

But you're both too stupid to start a conversation?

We just didn't talk much beforehand, and talk more in person. So trying to become these people who text all the time would be not normal, but still I want to set up another date.

I was hoping he'd want to do it sooner I guess but I think he's either playing the waiting game/not interested anymore.

Ladies I'm a virgin and my dick is small. How fucked am I?

Why do women do the “I shouldn’t text him for at least an hour” or the “I want to see him but I have to give it at least a week” game? What does that do?

>So trying to become these people who text all the time would be not normal
You're very stupid. Just text him to set up another date.

Only the stupid ones do it (men, too - this isn't gender specific).

Haha ok, I'm gonna give it til the weekend


no. dont mention that. youve been making he right choice to avoid that so far. give an example of where you think you went wrong.

roll with it. if it turns out to be a troll, laugh it off. if not success

Actual medfag here, don't mutilate the children, let them decide for themselves. The 'benefits' are true but not justifiable against the loss of sexual pleasure.

i hope for him he never contacts you again

Both genders, what do you think of your bf/gf getting jealous over opposite sex relatives?

As said, it's a game and it's mostly reserved for the types of people who play games. Games can be fun, and maybe aren't limited to stupid people, but the sentiment that it's annoying is shared even by those who are playing more often than not.

The point of the game is to make yourself seem a little aloof, a little "hard to get" if you will, the idea being that this shows the other person that one, you aren't at their beck and call and they shouldn't expect you to be, and two, that you've got other things going on and they aren't the most important thing in your life right now.

Both of these things crop up as legitimate problems in early relationships. Think about how a girl you maybe have a crush on quickly strays into crazy territory when you've been on one date and she wants to text your 24/7, or think about how that same thing happens when a guy starts buying elaborate gifts for a girl he's only seen a couple of times because she's the only thing in his head. When you're a teenager maybe you want someone wholly devoted to you from minute One, who will text you back in under 30 seconds even if it's 2am, but the older you get the less important the early stages of romance become. You've had more experience and you know that even if you both like each other well enough to go on a few dates it doesn't mean the relationship will go anywhere and being seen to be too over eager can drive the other person away as soon as bring them closer.

This is either bait or you guys aren't going to work out. Also don't sleep with a dude until you're sure he wants the same thing you want - a relationship, something casual, etc, because no matter what you think, most of the time a guy who just wants to fuck you will absolutely not suddenly be in love with you just because you gave it up hoping he would be. If all he wanted was to fuck then you've given him what he came for and now he's leaving the store.

>jealous over blood relations

Absolutely retarded desu.

What do you mean? Do you mean your partner finding your relatives attractive?

I'm currently working a seasonal job. There's a girl I met who I worked the same shift as a few times due to holidays being super busy, but she doesn't normally work those shifts and now we only see each other once every now and then. When we worked together I got along well with her and she shares an interest in the niche subjects I do, I rarely meet a girl who is interested in these things. I would like to ask her out, normally I would not ask a girl who I work with on a date, but it's just a seasonal job so I figure I don't have much to lose.

However, I am not in the best position in life right now. After college ended I had a mental breakdown and spent several months basically only sleeping and eating. There were things that happened to me as a child that I never got help for and eventually I broke down. It's only been about 3 months since I got help and started improving my life.

Should I ask her out? It's not like I have much to lose. Worse thing that happens is she says no, and my seasonal position ends soon anyways. I have it together mentally now for the most part, but I'm also fat now and it'll be a few months before I lose the weight I gained. I'm not my best right now, but in about a month my seasonal work will end and I'll probably never see her again. Mentally I am doing pretty good, I'm working on finding a better job that actually makes use of my degree.

She'd normally be in my league, she's about as attractive as me, I just lack confidence right now and I'm kind of fat. What do you think? I don't want to come off as a creep, but I think there's a potential here for a good relationship.

I had a date with this girl on Friday
>act (in what I perceive to be) confident and assertive manner, pick the table, restaurant, decide when we leave, split the check (this is common etiquette now?)
>talk about her interests and such
>throughout the dinner she keeps playing with her hair, showing her neck (this is supposed to be a sign of attraction)
>afterwards go in for the kiss, she gives me the cheek
>few days later get a text from her saying that she didn’t feel a connection
I’m at a loss to explain what went wrong there. The only thing that I can think of is that I didn’t give a big enough tip to the waiter
Another example:
>few days later, match with a girl on bumble
>we both have dogs, start talking about them
>I make a joke about her dog breeds name (cuckapoo) saying that it sounds like something a sixth grader would come up with
> she unmatches me
This has been the last week or so

>23 years old
>never even asked a girl out
How do I even learn how to do this? I have a career and graduated college, so I'm not a total loser, I just have no experience with girls. How can I work to improve?

Them being jealous of you spending time with opposite sex relatives

I would be jealous if they weren't relatives.

Help me channel 4
How do I get myself to make the idea of having sex feel safe? How do I convince myself it is normal and ethical to pursue sex?

Is there room for passive men? I understand on an objective level that men are supposed to take an active role in courtship. I know that women want to be pursued and are loathe to take initiative. However, I was raised in an extremely feminist environment that absolutely destroyed any trace of aggression within me. I'm really good looking, and what happens is that women will come up to me, give decidedly unsubtle hints that they want to be with me, then expect me to make arrangements. Rather than ask me out, they try to create conditions conducive to me asking them out. I know that this is how things normally work, but I am simply unable to operate within such a paradigm. So far, I've left a string of disappointed girls in my wake everywhere that I go because my passivity has frustrated their ambitions.
Is there a way to work around this and make things easier for them, or at least communicate how things are? I also get the impression that a man being passive is a major turn-off for women and once they realize that, they lose interest.

Find a loving partner that cares about you and your wellbeing.

You guys realize, you can change your own behavior right? Force yourself to do it. Bit by bit learn to build up you courage by taking on increasingly “imposing” tasks until you fail and then eventually succeed enough that you start to be able to act without thinking.

Everyone goes through trial and error at some point in their life. “I don’t know how” or “it’s just not in me” isn’t a valid excuse, since this is a trained and honed skill, not an inherent biological trait.

T. A dude who grew up social anxious/phobic as fuck ‘til one day he decided to change and forced himself to start being more social and assertive because he was just tired of not being able to even so much as order a meal, let alone approach women.

Thanks for giving 0 advice and just projecting yourself onto me user. Never said anything about biology, just want to know how to improve.

It's easy to say that if you're ignoring the risks. If you're a person to whom sexual aggression does not come naturally, and you try to force yourself to play such a role, that places you squarely in 'creepy' territory. Even if we ignore the legal implications and focus purely on the social and professional consequences of failure, it's still an immense risk. A single unwanted advance could see you losing your job, or see your social circle implode. Girls talk to one another and if you act 'creepy' toward one girl, that's what you become to all her friends. You may say that by never taking a chance, you guarantee failure in the long-term, which I'll acknowledge is a good way to look at things in the big picture. However, when evaluating any individual scenario, can you honestly say that the risks are worth the rewards?

Of course, this is me overthinking a process that people aren't supposed to think about. But I have yet to encounter a remedy to overthinking other than 'just do it'.

If there's any woman out there I'm gonna ask if you ever wish/fantasise to get a bf? Men seem do desperate and eager to seek a partner sometimes idk if it's the same for woman, do you just wait and see if a guy takes initiative? Do you already have so many options you never even do effort to meeting new guys? (Just curious.)

that whole split the check thing is a crock of shit. if she insist let her, but pay and dont mention it unless she does. dont decide when you leave, let it happen naturally. instead of going in for the kiss and getting the cheek, go in for the cheek.that dog thing was stupid. dont make fun of peoples dogs, they get really mad