Got retarded drunk last night after christmas dinner

>Got retarded drunk last night after christmas dinner
>Cant remember the last few hours of the night
>Just checked my messages 5 minutes ago
>I sent a message to my crush at 11:53pm
>I sent a picture of my dick captioned "mettryy cchirstmasdthfg"
>Seen this morning, no response

Okay Jow Forums, what the fuck am i supposed to do here, because im having to hold myself back with all my willpower from driving to the nearest bridge and hurling my body off of it

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Go on fb or any other normie platform and post that somebody has stolen your phone and ask for ppl to send their digits. Any other option is going to seem fake. You sorry shit

Send another dick pic with new caption
>Wanna have a happy new year?
double down like a fucking boss

"My cock got a hold of my phone and was prank texting people. That's why the text is garbled, he has no fingers."

Do you think this might actually work? The problem is its my actual cock so im worried she might tell one of my exes and confirm it (shes friends with two of my ex gfs)

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Man - any of this and you're just gonna make things worse. How retarded do you think this girl is?

Your best bet is to own up to a legitimate mistake and tell her you're sorry.

Apologize and say you're a retard

this is the only truth.

Give it another day or so, and either call or text and give a genuine apology. Explain that you were heavily intoxicated, and while that doesn't excuse your behavior, you want to try and make it right by apologizing.

Realize that she probably won't respond, is horrified, and nervous by any communication or attention you give her whatsoever. You shouldn't expect her to respond either, so just prepare for that.

Tell her that you will stop contacting her, but are open to answering questions if she is confused or hurt by your actions. Otherwise, give her space, forever. Stay off social media, and just disappear and stfu for awhile. And then you delete her number so this never happens again, and you expect to never hear from her again. In time you may be able to live down this embarrassment, which should (rightly) serve as a wakeup call to get your shit together you fucking idiot.

what the fuck, this thread XDD

ITT a bunch of betas telling another beta how to ruin any chance of turning something bad into something amazing. Double down, faggot. You can't put the dick pic back in the box.

>ruin any chance of turning something bad into something amazing
You are so clueless of how women work

Let's be honest, she's probably already ghosted.

i better go tell my wife.
thanks user, what would i do without you

Nothing amazing comes from expanding a web of lies

Being married to one woman doesn't change the fact that you are clueless on how the majority of women work - more than anything it reinforces it.

You aren't dating, or even active in the dating scene and haven't been for a while.

The only woman that likes guys sending her random dick pictures is your wife.

*whore wife

so what does this idiot have to lose?
what's the lie? send another dick pic or a "did ya like that" text and see if she's down.

sickest burns user, now i will go an hero
OP, double down or walk away and let a real man handle her. she does not need your pathetic apology.

>what's the lie? send another dick pic or a "did ya like that" text and see if she's down.

how to get a restraining order: the thread

officer fantasyland over here

I agree. The happy new year double down dick pic is alpha as fuck.