In a few days I'm going to a party for the first time ever. I'm going with 3 friends. Now, I don't like loud places...

In a few days I'm going to a party for the first time ever. I'm going with 3 friends. Now, I don't like loud places, don't drink and don't like the type of music that will be played there.

Give me advice, how do I prepare? What do I do there? Thought about wearing a low key Fullmetal alchemist shirt to lure out the weebs and make them talk to me, is this too autistic? What about a band shirt?

I'm 19 KHV would be neet if not for college.

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>would be neet except I'm not
What a pointless statement.

In any case, parties are shit and I would recommend not going. Why would you want to go to a loud and stressful place filled with strangers? Much better to stick to the people you already know and just go out somewhere with them.

stay home

>Much better to stick to the people you already know and just go out somewhere with them.
That number is 3 and we go out maybe twice a month.

But I see it all the time on Jow Forums, people telling others to go out of their comfort zone. Is this not going out of my comfort zone?

There's all sorts of humiliating and uncomfortable things you could do that give you no benefit. Why would you assume that being uncomfortable automatically is good?

Your shirt idea is fine, just steel yourself. All the parties my weeb ass went to were normie as hell but I was pseudo chameleon. You may or may not find anyone interesting to talk to.

The most interesting time I had at a party I was 17, the birthday girl was taking spanks and, some five or six years later she still remembered the impression I left when I spanked her.
So there's that story I guess.

Well what does it mean to go out of my comfort zone then?

This party is a prime normie party too, it's in a nightclub of some sorts.

Taking a risk that has a chance of you gaining something worthwhile. What do you have to gain by going to some normie gathering? Nothing.

Sounds like you need to suck it up for ur friends sake. Besides that it sounds like u really have no reason for going or even wanting to go. So the best advice I can give is don’t be a
> wet blanket

Why does he need to do anything? If his friends want to go and he doesn't, he can just stay behind. He doesn't have to be their prisoner.

I know that, All I’m saying is if the dude goes try to make the best of it for ur friends sake.

I have to gain a chance at normally socialising and maybe finding someone who went there for the same reason.

I want to go, I don't like the place or the things there but I want to take the chance and step out of my comfort zone

Gotcha, I would go with the band shirt then at least you have a chance for sum one wanting to spark up a conversation with you about you’re shirt

Idk what you could do about the music but try to tune it out. And for the drinking all you gotta say is ur the DD.

>I want to take the chance and step out of my comfort zone
that's cool, user
Just try to drink slowly and fake confidence and smile a lot. If you're going, then fuck it, try and dance with a lot of girls (even though you've never done it, they don't have to know), laugh with people, make jokes, drink, try to get as far from your comfort zone as possible. Just don't get wasted, if you start to feel dizzy stop drinking for a while, it's not that hard. You will grow from this experiencie.

>at least you have a chance for sum one wanting to spark up a conversation with you about you’re shirt
Exactly, that's my plan
I can tune it out no problem and I can just say I don't want to drink, I'm not easily scared by peer pressure, I know who I am and what I like.

I just won't drink, like, it's not that I don't want to get drunk, I just don't like the taste. I'll drink soda.
Now dancing is just on a whole other level, I'm definitely not going to do that. I just can't.

> You will grow from this experiencie.
That's my main reason for going.

The no drinking policy I understand if you don't like it (even tho nobody really likes the taste, I don't, people just force themselves to drink it for the buzz and maybe you can try it in this party or another, again, if by chance you decide to drink in this party, start slow) BUT you should really force yourself to dance my man, if you're literally going to get out of your comfort zone for a while. Try it. Put yourself in uncomfortables situatuons for a moment. Next time they won't seem nearly as hard, trust me. But you gotta start somewhere, user. It's really no big deal and nobody will care if you don't know how to dance or something. You can do it. I believe in you.

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Isn't that just swinging from one extreme to another, I don't like that idea at all... maybe if everyone does but who knows.
I'm more interested in having nice interactions with strangers ( preferably girls )

>it's in a nightclub
Oof. That's a no from me. Nightclubs are expensive and boring unless you really wanna go. I've never been to one that's super social, just loud and obnoxious with shit-tier prices on everything.

But that's just my two cents on those.

It's not all that expensive and even then I'm not going to buy many drinks anyway so it doesn't matter.
I've never been to one before.

Yeah, I didn't really write the thread all that good to be honest, Doesn't matter much, my insecure self will post the updated and fixed version a day before the party.

Best do that