Why are niggers so dumb?


Why are niggers so dumb?

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Lol he sure showed him. That's what you get for defending me! Haha

Spoiler alert. The African guy is not the lawyer.

Some nigger punched a jew in the face, so what?

Checked and kekd

this never relax around blacks


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usa is a crazy country
47 years for arson? you like enjoy the growing prison population or what

Tbh I always wondered why this wasn't more common. Defense attorneys represent some of the most violent, vilest scum of the world. And not just niggers, either.

They are always standing in front of them all relaxed and focused on the case. Meanwhile literally a foot away is some nigger who stabbed a dude to death over loose change. I mean what the fuck. They should be cuffed at all times.

Also yeah, attacking your attorney should make you exempt from legal aid.

>Ohio man.
>Not based Florida man.



Whatever keeps animals locked in cages instead of freely roaming the street. We used to be able to just shoot them when they fucked up.

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Why would they let someone with brain damage become a doctor?

Gotta watch out for those Ohio man suckers.

Because affirmative action i very important, in modern day America.

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Some judges here are fond of absurdly long sentences compared to what's given in other countries.

>implying this was the nigger's first offense

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Talk about a sucker punch! Lol

They can only be in 4 point restraints if their crime was violent, and only if the judge deems him a threat. The system has been sued many times over this saying being led in handcuffs behind the back is prejudicial to anyone witnessing it and if their hands are front handcuffed the accused can (and have) slipped them over their atty and choked them. Basically it comes down to the judge.

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Ah that point about it being prejudicial is kinda fair IMO, and the second point, yeah, jesus, fuck that. Tough call really. But I have to imagine being lead out in prison clothes has a similar effect.

They could also handcuff the prosecution to balance appearances out.

>police the law
>criminal lawless despite clearly being subjected to the law
This is why society has problems.