Why is therapy so fucking useless? I literally feel better after fucking some 20yo hooker...

Why is therapy so fucking useless? I literally feel better after fucking some 20yo hooker. It's not even expensive nor dangerous here. How come words don't do shit to my thoughts but plain diazepam does?

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Not this shit again.

it is useless. i did therapy for a couple of months at 60€ / hour every week and all it did was make me hate myself for not even being able to explain myself properly to a therapist. don't waste time and money on that. 60€ buys me 20 minutes with a hot 18yo prostitute, 1g of coke or 5g's of weed which is more than enough to make any week a good one

no one can save you but yourself

Because the therapist is there for you to bounce your thoughts off of. If you don't reflect on your own troubles and issues, and you refuse to have insight, then you're paying them for nothing. They help, but they can't fix it for you.

I just want a 20yo girl who loves me.

Therapy is free for me and that 60eur gets me 1.5hrs.


Social media literally fucked everyone in the head, narcissism is the baseline also if she doesn't fuck you within a week she never will. You are being used up :
>as a driver
>buying her fast food
>a cockblock at parties
>a trashbag for her emotional crap
Women aren't shy around guys they find attractive.

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Imagine what people hundreds of years ago did to feel better
I guess the old ways does not change

How do I become attractive as a 26 year old balding 5'11 manlet.

Shave your head and bulk up muscle.

Technically almost everyone was forced into arranged marriage by 20 (which generally sucked) even in the christian world and keeping a younger low income girl on the side for sex was common, if you didn't fuck the housemaid there were literal ads for lovers I read this shit with my fucking own eyes in Victorian era flyers scanned in on some random forum, can't fucking point you out to the direction where.
That's the same era when Dr's denied the existence of female orgasm yet treated hysteria with dildos and rubbing them into orgasm, called the release as "hysterical paroxism".
The same era Freud was high on pharma grade coke and heroin while writing crap about fucking your own mother as a cope for being a loser.
Who am I to question centuries old tradition that actually works?

HRT either take testosterone and become a Chad or do oestrogen and turn into a fabulous trap. They both get laid more than any incel would.

if sex can cure your depression, youre not really depressed. you sound fine, work out, eat healthy, get enough sleep, sunlight, etc etc

Wow how easy it is to deflect.
>I go to the therapist I say I am depressed
>And how does that make you feel?
>*2 minutes silence*
>I think you are depressed
10/10 skills. Fml, it's a scam if you pay for this shit.
Next time you should tell the shrink that you've began to see flying pink elephants after 2 weeks of masturbating to tranny porn to see if he or she even has a fucking clue that you are trolling.

I believe that lack of money, quality sleep, social approval made everyone depressed and anxious. On top of that movies and social media makes you feel even more worthless. Then there's the daily grind for petty small cash even in first world countries you are fucked by rent, taxes, low salaries even with a decent stem or medical degree.

>quality sleep
I meant sex. Fuck English and the morning too.


Oversimplification. You are doing it wrong.

Didn't we already have this thread earlier?