/b/tier thread

Redpill me on ass Jow Forums

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Feet > ass

Fuck off you have to be 18 to post here.

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Only monkies are attractive to it.

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Oh noes

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Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and I like looking at them on the Internet.

t. 50% kike

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Anna Nicole was taken from us too young, though I suppose it was inevitable given her lifestyle


>Redpill me on ass Jow Forums
It's full of shit.

Redpill you on ass?

No problem...

Ass is the origin of poop.

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No the origin is your mouth you retard

Personally I love it. But I’ve been into female flatulence long before it was ever memed here. Pic is my braaphog, tattoo is my name

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You will never get one, nigger.

I am an ass man and GF is plenty of it. Pic related.
Anyway OP, ass is fine unless the person who owns it hamplanets to oblivion still feeling good because muh fat acceptance

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More like the ass-pull, lmao

Lol aaaaaiiidsss

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Boobs are for the h'wite man. Asses are nigger tier.

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Honestly I've only been laid once with a girl who had "a lot of ass" and I just couldn't find what was so cool about muh big ass.. sure I like to grab it but big tits are much more erotic to grab and play around with and you can also lick. An assignment like the OP pic is also too large since my penis is a humble 4" I really do come up a bit short so it's not enjoyable for neither of us.. I like a nice soft and round booty like But big tittie's. Big asses are in practical and can be disgusting

Boobs are for babies. Asses are for men

Fake and gay

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How odd.

You call That a BRAPHOG?

>back dimples


Cringe, more like autism. Is it any wonder that serial killers are so often foot fetishists?