The girl I love is talking about buying a house and moving in with her bf

>the girl I love is talking about buying a house and moving in with her bf

How do I make her understand that this is not okay? If I can't make her understand, what kind of reasonable but effective measures should I take to ensure that this doesn't happen?

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Don't be simp and get oneitis. Find other girls instead

Dude don't be a bitch. She doesn't love you. Move on. If you love something set it free. Etc.

>She doesn't love you

You are not her bf, what other proof do you need?

This. You are infatuated at best OP. You cannot be in love with someone if the feelings aren't reciprocated in any way.

> the girl I love
> her bf

Guess you have to find someone else to get obsessed with.

How is it not okay for her to choose how to progress her relationship as she sees fit?

That doesn't mean anything. People get confused, and/or stay in relationships with people they aren't into, all the time.

I'm not infatuated.


>How is it not okay for her to choose how to progress her relationship as she sees fit?
Because she's mine and she's working against the grain of my relationship progression.

This is bait, kys OP

How is it bait? If what I'm saying isn't true people would marry the first person they ever got into a relationship with, that obviously almost never happens.

Stop being weirdly possessive and let her live her own life. Life isn't a rom-com unfortunately, and no grand gesture is going to magically change her mind and make her yours

She can't marry a corpse.

Jesus christ. I hope you're joking and you're not going to actually hack the bf into pieces in some dark alley.

And if you're not, how will that remedy the situation in any way? She'll hate you with every fiber of her being for killing her man, or you will be hauled off to jail for the rest of your life. And if you don't get caught, you'll live with paranoia for the rest of your life, and your crush will likely be too distraught to date you anytime soon

I didn't say I was going to kill him, and she doesn't love him anyway so she'll move on quickly, it'll be just like if your mail-man died.

>she doesn't love him
How do you know this?

Stalking people is illegal, OP.

He's not good enough.

I'm not stalking her.

Imagine being you.

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Don’t be a creep.

What makes you so worth of her and him so unworthy?

She's not yours. She's his, that's how relationships work. Youre trying to park your car in another man's garage

Shouldn't have let your wife get a a BF, cuck

>What makes you so worth of her and him so unworthy?
I'm better than him in every way, and by a considerable margin.

>Youre trying to park your car in another man's garage
Then tell him to back his shit out of there so I can get in.

They were together before I knew her unfortunately.