Smart Dust

You're redpilled. Woke.
You would never embed an RFID chip in your hand.
But they know that and have already planned out counter measures.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They also put nanobots in all vaccines to track you more effectively

Nanobots: the future of medicine
AS Bhat
International Journal of Management and Engineering Sciences 5 (1), 44-49, 2014
The health care industry of today is focusing on developing minimally invasive techniques for diagnosis, as well as treatment of ailments. The most promising development in this field involves marriage of the latest nanomaterial science and robotics technology with biological knowledge: Nanorobotics. This paper will deal with the latest development in this field as well as the promising future it offers, mainly focusing on health care, though this is a nanoscopic fraction of the scope of this technology

Do you hear that?
The ringing in your "ears"?

That's the mic test before they switch you "on".

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They will be powered and controlled by 5G.
The main vector of spreading may be through chemtrails, vaccines, or the water supply.

Smart phone, smart dust, SMARTIES.
I would avoid this buzz word at all costs.

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Not a new or novel idea, smart dust was developed by DARPA and the RAND institute in 1992.

Prey is a novel by Michael Crichton, first published in November 2002. An excerpt was published in the January–February 2003 issue of Seed. Like Jurassic Park, the novel serves as a cautionary tale about developments in science and technology; in this case, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and distributed artificial intelligence.

The book features relatively new advances in the computing/scientific community, such as artificial life, emergence (and by extension, complexity), genetic algorithms, and agent-based computing. Fields such as population dynamics and host-parasite coevolution are also at the heart of the novel.

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Turn me on babe

Bump for shiet nobody wanted but got it anyway.

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Spray pryolysis: nano particle production during combustion process achieved with ultrasound nozzles of watery solution.

The heavy metals sprayed above us aid the neural dust, inhaled by the population, turning your body into a better working organic antennae.

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NASA's outlook of 2025

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thats how you get grey goo

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tinfoils no

99% of you are never more than five feet from your smartphone. You're already voluntarily being tracked by entities with defense contracts and intel sharing because you're a retard who takes high quality face scans of yourself and gave crapple or jewgle your thumbprints. You've probably given facebook or twitter a scan of your ID, and chances are very high that you're in an urban enough area for you to be on a camera half the time even if you forget your phone somewhere.

The government will never try to force you to get a primitive RFID tracking implant because they get a thousand times more and better material every time you turn your phone on- they have your nudes, your web of contacts, and know exactly where you are and often what you're doing 99% of the time.

>the government will never

Whats worse than a CIANIGGER? A ROONIGGER.

How many spook agents are posting from the outback/Pine Gap? the same place the US Airforce tests all of their latest designs.

Tinfoil is aluminum foil and you should be avoiding it.

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This post is glowing.
The phone is outside of your body.
You can opt out of the phone if you really wanted to. It cant read or control your thoughts(yet) if you don't interact through voice or touch.

They dont care about the nudes or contracts of the average joe. They want you submissive, in line, and not questioning authority.

You are either a glownigger or blissfully ignorant.

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what's the countermeasure? powerful magnets?

How powerful of a radio source would you need to blow one of these things?

You can disrupt radio waves with strong magnets, detox from heavy metals, live in a Faraday cage or on your own personal island.

There really is no countermeasure except to be aware of reality. If you start hearing voices, or acting abnormally you're probably aren't schizophrenic, its just the V2K being cycled on.

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tfw you remember johnny (mgs4) doesnt get effected because HE SKIPPED THE VACCINES
oh shit its real

HG Well's, The Time Machine

In the final scene, the Eloi (goy) are led to underground caves via sirens where the Morlocks("they") feast upon their bodies for food and energy.

The Eloi are a future race of humans, living in what looks like a utopia with oversized fruit and plenty of leisure time.
Yet they are uneducated, ignorant, and follow every order of their false idyllic leader, ultimately leading to their own slaughter.

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The US LOVES Tunnels and Underground Bunkers.

""The 'Black Budget' currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States""

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No, he is completly correct. I'm glad I dont have a smartphone like you goys.

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Project Raven
"Smart Dust" was tested during the second Iraq war.
Silent Sound / Clear Channel (Clear Channel Communications)
They found ways to manipulate DNA/RNA via smart dust and radio waves. Base pairs can be mounted into a chain that simulates a computer.
Terra-hertz range is the resonance frequency of these basepairs, sounds can open or close these "logic" gates. They can be manipulated to create light or poison.

Light is everything.

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>No smartphone but is interfacing with a computer.
Shill harder snowglownigger.

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Tell more about how to prevent this ....


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Personal advice would be to find some spiritual "Christ" and live day by day to the fullest. I fear for our children more than myself.
They want to put an artificial soul into your body, its essentially ayys(demons) vs humans right now.
Remember mad cow disease?

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Give physicall tips instead

Nah, thats just my tinnitus. Wear earpro when you go shooting, kids.

The piezoelectric crystals break down the neurons, stripping off the mylelin sheath and creating prions. The body tries to rebuild the nervous system but does it incorrectly due to the particle infection.

Guess what the chem-trails are composed of..

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One step closer to a brain in a vat

I know they teach you all to be atheists, but true atheism is not achievable.
Just live now and be a good person. If you knew you were going to die in 2 hours would be in a mental torture? That is hell.
Repent and make amends to the sins you have committed, an honestly good person will face death with no fear.
The only physical thing to do is stay in good health. Everyone and everything is already incubated with these things, its only a matter of time.

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I am a bigger Christian than you are

Physicall tips

holy shit i memed this and nanobots weeks ago and now I'm seeing it everywhere

>tfw always ahead of the curve
>tfw all your predictions come true

btw the sun will purge society and kick-start a hermetic neofascist civilization in your lifetime

My apologies for the assumption.
I do not know any tips other than keeping your body in peak condition.
Watch for candida and keep the liver healthy.
You're body will extract the particles just like any other infection.
Morgellons (nano tags) develop when the immune system is compromised. These self replicating structures come out of the skin on those with poor health and an over-saturation of the fibers. They use the heavy metals for structure.

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breathe deeply and completely, let the air god down to your balls and back up through the top of your head (that's bot what really happens but try for that feeling)

i could get into more esoteric/visualization stuff but i might get autistic about it


About 5g they are gönna be Placed as towers in your neighborhood

Stop being a heretic kid

That is from hearing damage but a lot of minor "tinnitus" is just sensitivity to EMF, completely skipping the outer and inner ear.

if you are so paranoid about spying devices, just build a faraday cage within your home (bear in mind you won't be able to use comunication devices inside the cage)

also, you people seem to be so scared of nano things (which is fair, don't be surprised if alsheimer's becomes pretty much the norm, nano particles can bypass neural walls), but the air in most cities (pop >10 000) is already tainted with several noxious substances that have been making people (especially the youth) meeker and prone to all kinds of issues (like ashtma, allergies, hormone imbalances, etc..).

5G is black magic. It will be the "matrix" that brings all these things together.
The roller coaster ride is about to descend. Buckle up.

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All according to plan.
Look up chemistry reactions between aluminum and Sulfuric acid.

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>breathing is heretical
fear of the unkown comes from a lack of faith

There is no escape. The east, europe and the US are all breathing the same air.
Brazil seems ok, but they make up for it with ultra-violence.

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Please tell them the mic is working, I just want the ringing to end.

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>this thread

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The elites are unstoppable, they hate the middle class and they will not stop until they destroy it, and block economic mobility, thats the real wall

heavier gases move lower to the ground level (so to speak), so air does not drag them so well past mountains or dense forests.
Also, like CO2 and NO2 they complex with water to make their corresponding acids (H2SO4, HNO3, H2CO3), pretty much trapping an x amount of them in the interface water-air. Which is why those gases are more common in cities near water.

most of these gases are related to industry and fuel combustion,so it's not really easy to tackle the issue. Also H2SO4 is probably the most produced (and used, of course) industrial chemical in the world (you even have those freaky 114% H2SO4 solution from iron and steel refining)

This, and it's global, governments everywhere are clamping down and corporations work in concert, just look at all the "fake news" laws popping up which is just thinly disguised cencorship, and it affects EVERYONE no matter what you believe in.

Fellow Hermetica user. Interesting. The meteorites etc End December, early Jan.

Being aware of reality isn't schizophrenia.
True schizophrenia is pretty rare.
Its a lovely ZOG term mostly used to belittle anyone who can think outside of the programming.

Lots of Scandinavian glowworms in here today...

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are you mj?

how do we fix this

Good info.
Why is California devoid of SO2? Is it their stricter regulations or their proximity to the Pacific and Sierras?

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Most schizophrenia is induced by the government somehow.
Either through CIA drugs being run in through oil rigs, medication(drugs), EMF, halites in the water supply.
They mentally have over-processed how everyone IS being watched. They are not wrong, their ego is just too inflamed.

Halites are know to disrupt the pineal gland, which regulates melatonin and other homones.
Disrupting this whole process can induce schizophrenic type symptoms.
The DSM "cure" is to sedate the victim.