Thanks Britain

Thanks Britain

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You have absolutely no right to take the piss out of us when your country is an absolute joke to the rest of the planet.

we came first prize in a (((rigged))) brothers-war, there's no honour or prestige in being kiked, it happened to Russia, Germany, Europe, Britain, Canada and the USA, probably in that order too.

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guess the moral of the story is anglo countries are a joke. Hardly an unreasonable conclusion


Who cares? In a war they'll send them to die. Just as Americans did with nigs and latinos. Can't see the difference


this thread is a shill divide and conquer thread

There literally weren't any other actors back in those days. If white countries didn't fight each other, there would be no wars at all.
Also, before there were jews, the perfidious Anglo did their part pretty well. You even had your own USA lapdog powers like Turks in Crimean wars and Russia in Napoleonic war.

>be world super power, world police
pick one and only one Nigel Thornberry

First pic: Englishmen ready to die for the British Empire on the wrong side of a war.
Second pic: Englishmen ready to die for their beliefs.

Maybe he should take the "Anti-" out of his name.

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>Musllims gather in a park for a festival

>muslims groom and rape your children
>this is fine

>Niggers turn your cities into warzones and rape your women on an unprecedented scale
>He has guns
this is fine

That's the reward for participating in creation of iSRAEL during the WW2, You're just a good goy

Hahaha yeah ok Nigel. We may be 56% but we don't get arrested for bantz on Twitter. America is fucking huge and there are still a ton of beautiful places you can live that are untouched by diversity. Also lest you forget your shit country was the seat of power for world jewry long before we were.

Keep sperging leftist trash

Heart breaking

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British people are so foul their government would rather govern rapistanies.

Thanks Israel

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>Can't handle the fact that he sat with his Giga BIG GULP and box of McDoubles as Spics flooded in from the south and organised Homosexuals pushed gay pride and poz culture

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White people best chance is to unite in some big land and make it it's last stance.

Unironically english people should organize a big exodus to north america and create a british colony and eventually retake the british island in a century or so.

Their very presence at such numbers is a sign of demographic replacement. And while your country has "asian" gangs grooming teenagers to be sex slaves, you can't say shit about any other country

No more brother wars

Keep telling yourself that. The UK is an example of everything NOT to do. You are more embarrassing than Germany.

Posting a pic of the hordes of sand niggers the UK let in is not d&c. It's a warning to us not to let that happen here.
>but you have spics!
kek I'd take spics over muslims any day.

Lmao, the Germans never wanted, nor had the ability to invade England.

Dunkirk. reminder of the benevolence

Says the man whos empire is falling already inside 80 years, pathetic.

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You no longer live in an Anglo country, Nigel.

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It was a war to defeat the German Nazi racists to keep an open, tolerant and multicultural society. Multiculturalism is what we fought for.

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It is permitted to incite the Gentiles into war. The belongings of the Gentiles are like the sands of the desert; he who first seizes then may keep them.

Shalom hack nack Shalom

So much for Rule Britannia, ay there mate.

Fookin ‘ell

Unfortunately, you take both

Actually, what you fought for is one homogeneous, brown mob of mid-level IQ wage slaves. Opposite of multiculturalism

At least let japs or chinks in. Why let a bunch of low iq sand nigs into your white nation?

fuck you anglos, we aren't brothers.

>It's a warning to us not to let that happen here.
stable door, horse

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Before 2015 I would have agreed but after what Merkel did, nope not so much anymore. Ultimately though, what does it matter? We're all fucked, there's no point in arguing who's getting fucked harder and faster.

that's what you guys said the first time

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They're no longer Britain, not like the original. They're a muslim country now.

There's nothing you can do.
They're like Morocco when it was under French rule or Bombay when it was controlled by the crown.
Same shit, sort of. The people of Britain were supplanted.
It happened to the Romans and other civs attacked by whites. The inhabitants were replaced but the land stayed put, I wouldn't be surprised if the flag changes within the next hundred years

Attached: islam-uk-flag.gif (650x400, 15K)

>to prevent a foreign invasion
>when hitler never wanted war with britain and always offered a white peace with them
anglos deserve this

Not good not good :(

stop making retarded posts like this please

This, based and redpilled.
Gott strafe England.

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You dont see me apologizing for niggers britcuck.

hitler loved muslims and muslims love hitler
in a way, by bringing all those turks into germany, merkel is fulfilling hitler's wish

this is what happens when you spend too much time on Jow Forums

At least we're not speaking German am I right guys! :)

Natürlich, oida.

Agreed, Arabic is a much more beautiful language than German!

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Good, death to all anglos

Attached: State of UK.jpg (197x256, 18K)


>this is what happens when you spend too much time on Jow Forums

Yeah, you're privy to stuff you'd normally have no clue about.
If it weren't for this board and I happened to take a trip to london.. for whatever fucked up reason, I'd be in for a surprise wouldn't I.

Never would I have imagined there were muslims in the UK.. I think you take this for granted too. The average person on the street here has no idea that your country is filled with arabs and other ragheads, I'm not kidding

It's Anglo countries. Britain, Canada, United States, Australia... they're all like this now.

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We have spics nibbas, Muslims and asians

>fund and make the illegitimate state of Israel enforced by law
>get betrayed by the jews no less than a century later

When England is on it's knees after years of civil war, they will come crawling for Israeli aid.

there's always some fucknut who posts this in every fucking thread. do you think it winds us up? it doesn't. we hate those filth and everyone associated with them
shame some american headlines don't get posted quite so often. might make you realise you've got infested by filth just as much as we have

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tfw britain was never great they were always just cucks 4 da queeni

Go polish Lakshmanan and Muhammed's cocks you groveling faggot

Because Hitler was so trustworthy when it came to alliances wasn't he

Truly a mature and intelligent response

>If it weren't for this board and I happened to take a trip to london.. for whatever fucked up reason, I'd be in for a surprise wouldn't I.
wow yeah it would be really amazing if a foreigner turned up in london and found out there were other foreigners already here
we don't want you mutts any more than we want all the pakis and wogs we've got here

>The average person on the street here has no idea that your country is filled with arabs and other ragheads, I'm not kidding
funny, because we know that america is filled with wogs and spics

oh look who's turned up to have a go. is your airport fixed up yet?

Good riddance lol.

It really is the end of Western Civilization. Whites won’t wake up until they are being hunted down and murdered. By then it is too late. It’s over.

Ignorant fucking retards, you have no strategic vision, lest understanding of anything, you're all fucking clueless dum dums.

And what is the point of knowing? What I'm an island surrounded by complete buffoons. What more can I be that a buffoon myself.

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See, is the West Christian? What is the West? Liberal? That's not really anything, it's more the absence of anything. I don't think people can complain much when they've basically given up the religion of their fathers.

great american response
>oh that state? they're not real americans
>oh that city in my state? they're not real americans
>oh that suburb in my city? they're not real americans
>oh the next street? they're not real americans
then suddenly you wonder where all the white people have gone

>Comparing a couple of psychos killing people at an office party to an organized child trafficking ring that continues to this day
It's always so funny to see bongs get their kilts in a stretch over Americans laughing at their utter failure of a state because their "no u" always, always, ALWAYS is on an entirely different scale.

>Britcucks have police officers arresting people over tweets, literally government funded policy based around subduing unruly citizens from publicly stating anger over muzzies
>"Y-yeah, well this one private business owner said he doesn't sell to Trump supporters!"
>Britcucks have massive child trafficking ring going on for literal decades, operating above the law, because all law enforcement, despite numerous tipoffs and leads, refuse to enforce the law because they are afraid to incur the wrath of their Islamic overlords
>"Y-yeah well you Americans have niggers killing other niggers in their ghetto shitholes!"

It's hilarious how deep the cope goes. Your weak nation is going extinct before your eyes. Your pathetic police force exists only as a force to bully and intimidate you, the subservient and docile working class, from rising against your foreign invaders. But you're fat and happy and have internet access for high definition interracial porn access, so what do you do instead? Point out the sociopolitical zits on another country's face.


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haha! good one mate!
2 world wars and 1 world cup right lad?

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You won't be hunted down you moron, you'll dwindle down to just a few. Many will be displaced, some of you will be absorbed into the masses that have superseded you. Others will die off or live in enclaves.. these few will still be white but they'll be brushed aside, forgotten. Treated as anybody else, no longer the center of attention. You ever see anyone from Palau Island make the cover of People magazine? It doesn't mean they don't exist, it's just that nobody talks about them.

Worst case scenario (for who? I don't know) you'll go extinct but chances are there will be pockets of people who still kinda resemble you in some form or another.

Nothing in my post is retarded, both my points are true, amerimutt. Now fuck off if you have no arguments

>Kike the post

I'm not even jewish

Interesting take

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Multi-Cultural nations have no future, economic or cultural.

I'd say they have. Multicultural nations are the absolute ideal consumer base for international corporations.
Their future as best goys is guaranteed.

Pretty much, unfortunately that describes nearly every white nation left at this point.

uk? more like cuckkay

>anglos deserve this
This. They picked their side in WW2, they fought against their own interests, now they are facing the consequences. Anglos need to go extinct, and they are well on their way to do so.

inb4 flag
I remind you that, as bad as it gets in Sweden, we're still 90% white. Should give you some perspective on how bad the situation is for you Anglos.

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But user, commies are not real americans. Commie states aren't real american states, commie cities aren't real american cities, etc, etc...

Fifth columns aren't real citizens

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Just like he made peace with the soviet union? He couldnt be trusted

Britain is a horrible case of what you mentioned but the rest of the west will become like just like that. I dont see why you can laugh at you fellow whites being raped and tricked by jews when youll scream and cry when it happens in your own country. We shouldnt be laughing at the anglos we should be trying to help them get rid of their jew infested government and police force. The anglos may be the first to revolt and set off a domino effect. And remember how much money god emperor is giving to israel.

Why the fuck are we fighting amongst ourselves about who has it worst? FFS. We're all drowning in shit together. We all have the same fate if we lose this war.

>implying other white nations didnt fight against their best interest too

A few weeks ago an American user released a chart with US cities and the percentage of white people within these cities. It's pretty depressing reading. It's attached.

Attached: Major American Cities (pop_400k),_br_Ranked by What Percentage of Population is WHITE_ (1).png (1127x1200, 290K)

> we
Fuck off you council mong, you don't speak for me. I'm emigrating to america.


Ask Milner's descendants if it was worth it to start two World Wars

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>be America
>owned by jews
>run by jews
>trillions in debt but paying jews billions
>nigger infestation
>spics everywhere

And you have the gall to try and shit talk anyone?
I love how you fuckers cope.

I then did a comparison with other world cities. It really is shocking how mixed the population of American cities is. For the record, Birmingham is as white as Columbus City, Ohio. You can make up your own mind but statistically European (and world) cities are nowhere near as mixed as the USA.

Attached: Major Cities of the World, Ranked by Percentage of Population that is WHITE.png (1174x1250, 228K)

You're the biggest shame of humanity sl yes, even fucking Canada can mock you.