Is my professor correct when he says that race doesn't really exist

He told us that race itself isn't a valid taxonomic category and also said that you could invent dozens of different races tomorrow anywhere in the world based on a subjective particular cluster of alleles.
He then said something about genetic variation and population relatedness within and outside an area.
The point he made basically though was that race itself isn't biologically valid, he told us to use ethnic groups as placeholders for certain populations and to always allow for variation and to not get stuck into an unrealistic template mind and to know that a large part of what we are dealing with is a social construct.

Though I notice at least on Jow Forums that most on here are adamant that race exists. But I don't see any objective reasoning for it on Jow Forums, I see people say things on here which they clearly think is a reason (but it actually isn't consistent with any groupings).

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Other urls found in this thread:

All the categories are artificial, we come up with them in order to aid our understanding. Ask yourself: do blacks share certain traits (physical, cultural, behavioral) such that your understanding is enhanced by defining that as a category? What about Asians? Whites? Spoiler alert, the answer is obviously yes, it's just become taboo to acknowledge because the current political-philosophical vogue is to pretend that 100% of differences between humans are due to nurture and 0% from nature. The races are something like subspecies, whose traits have diverged accordingly.

How come I can tell Jussie Smollett is a nigger just by looking at him?

If race doesn't exist then racism doesn't exist. Good luck getting him to agree to that.

Have we actually gotten to the point where the science of human biology is thought crime?

Race is a biological construct. Racism is a Marxist construct.

Jow Forums is an autistic construct.

>race isn't real
>all white people are racist
The first red pill for many college kids

Yes I have heard the old sub-species claims on here and places like stormfront. But according to actual science the genetic difference is too small to constitute a sub species. Though Homo sapiens idaltu is a real sub species, though it is extinct.

>all white people are racist
No professor ever told me that, unsure where you are getting that from.

Here's some actual science. Do these clusters look equidistant to you?

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Cluster maps and PCA maps can give a variety of results depending upon what is being clustered for. In some cases these which are a group can be very close to another, in another case it can be quite distant.

The only proper way it to use total autosomal genetic relation, though our professor already covered that.

Negroids and Europoids aren't even the same species, much less the same race(subspecies).

Why of course goyim, don't you remember that all social scientists got together and decided race didn't exist immediately after WW2? UNESCO proved race doesn't exist in 1950, it's just luddites who pray to Pagan Gods and have a literacy age of 8 who still believe in that old "skin colour magic" theories.

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race is an actual taxonomic term though

species -> subspecies -> race -> strain

the races of man are really more like subspecies though so he's honestly wrong twice over

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Try to make a response and leave out the silly Jewish conspiracy theories.

Understand that there was a scientific consensus about race being biological until around the 1930’s. There wasn’t an important scientific discovery that changed the consensus, it was completely political. What political event happened during this time? And who would want to change the scientific consensus to gain a political advantage? Why, it’s the “chosen people”, of course.

at this point I'm pretty sure there are more proofs that race doesn't exist than there are proofs of the pythagorean theorem or quadratic reciprocity, but those damn lefties won't stop talking about white people

are they just anti-science Jow Forums?

If race doesn't exist than Congolese all have a genetic right of return to Israel.

He is correct, but the left uses it as a way to garner support so they will never admit to it.


Heres a dog

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You are wrong, there is no taxonomy of race and it's an informal rank (which largely isn't used anymore).

different races have different bone structures, else the series "bones" and associated forensic techniques wouldnt work.
if he is arguing it from a genetics standpoint he should an hero in my opinion.

And here is another dog

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Any time some gash says race isn't real, remind them that they can't blame white people for colonization then. It was simply migration :)

Tell the professor the following:
racism = privilege + power
The largest demographic on the p[lanet is the Chinese.
They have disproportionate economic power.
They're literally economically oppressing backs in Africa by stealing resources.
The Chinese are colonizing Canaduh and the Pacific North West.
The Chinese are using their privilege and power against many nations.
The biggest racists on the planet are the Chinese.
Fucking gooks need to go back to Africa.
Then wait for him to call security.

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Both are canines but different breeds, comparable to "races" which are just "breeds".

Tell him what the word race meant linguistically and simplifying it to just skin color is a recent thing. Also just say you can substitute race for population.

race is an arbitrary term designed to differentiate generalized phenotypes of a specific region.

not really. Niggers are barely related to humans, just enough to breed.

>Use eyes
>can tell an African from a Caucasian from an Asian
>even mixed race has those tells
Your professor needs glasses and an exorcism.

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it's a sleight of hand i've read dozens of times at this point:

It goes like this:
>there isn't really a "black race"
>e.g. the San and Bantu peoples are genetically very different and can be grouped into one monolithic group
>therefore the concept of races is invalid and pygmies and Hmong are the same race

That are several fallacies at once. It just proves that there are several races with black skin on the African continent.

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No that is not how it works and you know it, stop being an edge lord.

race doesn't exist? ok great, then let's create 100% white countries then. it doesn't matter if everyone is white since race is irrelevant.

>In taxonomy, an informal group is not a well defined taxonomic rank.
>This type of group can be paraphyletic or polyphyletic but is kept for ease, pending new systems of classification.
>In zoology[edit]
>Examples can be found in the classification of gastropods: Opisthobranchia, Sorbeoconcha, Hypsogastropoda and Ptenoglossa are informal groups nearby the level of the order.
>In human taxonomy, the informal taxonomic rank of race is variously considered equivalent or subordinate to the rank of subspecies.

Watch this

Racism can still exist, just because the ideas that racists believe in are not valid doesn't mean they still can't discriminate.
It's still possibly to see a person has dark skin for example, or fuzzy hair or some other trait. But to then go into pseudoscience like phrenology or claim they are innately inferior or subhumans etc is then stepping into the area of racism and invalidity.

For example I can blatantly see what people have red hair, it doesn't mean if I call them a race that I make up and insist they have no souls and are violent etc that it's true, just because I was able to spot them out because of their red hair at the start.

Race does exist. They aren't 100% distinct categories, nor do they have to be. The fact that there are gradients between populations doesn't change the fact that there are very specific and identifiable genetic clusters for different continental racial populations.

No, according to actual science the fixation index between human racial populations is anywhere between 5 and 15%, which is absolutely statistically significant and in any other species would be more than enough to classify subspecies, or variants if you think the term subspecies inherently connotes superiority.

I don't disagree, the far left certainly use it as a tool.

I had a race and ethnic studies sociology class in undergrad and my professor posed the same question.

My response was if race was a social construct and had no meanings, are dog breeds also a social construct and uselss in analyzing differences in dogs?

Modern dogs have evolved into different breeds in a shorter amount of time than humans have evolved into different races.

Genetic differences are profound enough that when genetic evidence is left at the scene of the crime, a geneticist can recognize the race of the suspect with over 99% certainty.

While the presence of most alleles exists across most racial groups, excluding aborigines, the frequency distribution of those genes is best measured through genetic distance metrics. Races that have developed without cross breading over great periods of time express greater genetic distance in their population. There are species classified as distinctly different that have less genetic distance than is present among racial subgroups.

Phenotypically, we can see expressed traits and instantly recognize the race of most individuals. Most classification systems are rooted in observational information.

Really, the scientific social movement to claim that races aren’t real is a way to dodge a politically incorrect topic and stifle rsearch that may support racial chauvinism.

The idea that races are not real is an absurd concept with little academic support.

Race was invented as a euphemism for subspecies

Now leftists and scientists (who are all bound to leftist dogma) are saying RACE ITSELF isn’t even real

And now we have leftist vegans insisting that animals have “rights” and that humans should almost all suffer protein deficiency because they want to larp as civil rights activists for LITERAL ANIMALS and prevent ang “animals suffering” whatsoever, and end our entire production of dairy and other foods from domesticated animals or even ones hunted in the wild

Leftism is a disease rotting humanity to its core

Literally propaganda. If race wasn't real, then either we'd all be the same color or color would be as random as eye color or hair color... Two white parents could have a black child, and vice versa.

Tell him race is a spectrum

The difference in extreme examples is possible. But the fact that most of us are already mixed from previous groups and all people in their own culture believe themselves to be a pure peoples etc should clue you in to the problem here with the notion of race.

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It does exist, not biologically but as an oppressive force, because it exists in the minds of reactionaries. - Trostkyist

Pathologists have recognized that there are inherent medical differences between ethnic groups for decades and are trained to handle the diagnostic process differently for different races. Different races have different risks for developing genetic disorders - White people have a higher risk of genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, people with African ancestry are at a greater risk for developing sickle-cell anemia, ethnic Jews have a high risk of developing Tay-Sachs. Racial groups even have different susceptibilities to non-genetic disorders - White people are twice as likely to develop respiratory conditions as Hispanics, Black people are three times as likely to develop diabetes as Asians, etc. Some of this comes down to culture and lifestyle differences, but a LOT of it is biological.

There's nothing wrong with accepting that human subspecies are biologically distinguishable, the only problems come from acting like one is "superior" to the others.

>Race doesn’t exist!
Oh jesus fuck, not this shit again.

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And a source

>FST values depend strongly on the choice of populations. Closely related ethnic groups, such as the Danes vs. the Dutch, or the French vs. the Spanish show values significantly below 1%, indistinguishable from panmixia. Within Europe, the most divergent groups have been found to have values of the order of 7% (Lapps vs. Sardinians). If great "continental" populations are formed (viz, the great racial groups, Europeans, East Asian, Sub-Saharan African), values of the order of 12% to 19% are found. Even larger values are found if highly divergent homogenous groups are compared: the highest such value found was at close to 46%, between Mbuti and Papuans.

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>race is variously considered equivalent or subordinate to the rank of subspecies.
Again this is false, I don't know why you repeat this over and over again.
According to science the genetic difference is too small to consider any two peoples a sub species.

And before the dog examples pop up, dogs are not sub species of each other either. They don't have enough genetic difference and they are insane inbred creations, so they are not akin to naturally occurring animals from natural selection.

Mostly this. It's quite like wolves and dogs are different species not because of an arbitrary line in the sand, but because the distinction is useful for understanding.

I kind of don't substitute education with random youtube videos, especially with people like Jordan Peterson who really has no position to talk about biology and these things.

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>According to science the genetic difference is too small to consider any two peoples a sub species.
That's false.

Why is Liberia (which was never colonised) a bigger shithole than the African countries that WERE colonized? Why are Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea pretty prosperous despite enduring colonisation?

It's been proven that children of African descent have worse time preference than children of white descent (who have worse time preference than children of asian descent).
The average IQ in Sub-Sahara Africa is 70, which is the same number which would have you legally classified as a "moron" in the Western world 100 years ago.

Why did Africa never even manage to invent the wheel or a written language while Asia, Eurasia and Europe were building Empires spanning millions of people and writing deep philosophy, poetry and painting beautiful art?

If there aren't races how the fuck does affirmative action work

>According to science the genetic difference is too small to consider any two peoples a sub species.

"However small the racial partition of the total variation may be, if such racial characteristics as there are highly correlate with other racial characteristics, they are by definition informative, and therefore of taxonomic significance."

-Richard Dawkins

Why does the medium you receive information matter? You're essentially admitting an appeal to authority "I will believe my education (indoctrination). I will not substitute anything for my education (indoctrination)."

I wasnt gonna even read what you posted. You and you're professor suck cocks.

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At the end of the day you can selectively choose your data to prove almost anything you want. What you really have to ask yourself is:
1) Does the claim that race is completely meaningless match up with my observation of reality?
2) Do I trust that my professor would be ready to tell an incredibly inconvenient, more or less career ending truth in the event that he perceived the current scientific consensus to be driven more by ideology than data?

Ask for his definition of "real"

you are simply incorrect, there are no more arguments. talking to you is like talking to a christcuck

have a good day

I mean it quite literally. Sub saharans were cut off from the rest of humanity for the vast majority of human history.
I'm not shitting on them, either.

I have had this discussion at length.
(((Social Scientists))) saw that treating humanity as Polytypic species (species that have subspecies due to geographic isolation and empirically observed differences) had the potential to highlight superiority/inferiority among the races. The fear was literally that observing race taxonomically would resulg in ANUDDA SHOAH!

I forget the jew that observed the mathematical differences between the races and his whole claim was that "the differences were present, but insignificant, so there is only one race". The guy's research is tied to a Mathematical Fallacy.

I like pointing people to pics of the Sumatran and Siberian Tiger(pic related) these are two DIFFERENT SUBSPECIES of tiger.
> Different geographic isolation
> Empirically observabld differences (height, weight, color, etc)

Look at how different the "races" aka subspecies of human are, and how we evolved differently diento geographic isolation.

How are humans objectively NOT Polytypic?

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And last question: why is it that every intelligent man in human history was a racist (either in public or in private diaries) up until WW2? What was the seismic shift that happened that turned every intellectual from a racially-conscious person to people losing everything they have for publicly believing race exists?

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>Western Europeans are 1-5% mixed with other races
>It's easy to tell who is more mixed (greek vs nordic for example)
>this proves race doesn't exist

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>Jordan Peterson who really has no position to talk about biology and these things.
Yet, you both seem to agree when it comes to race.

Ask your professor why he seems to gravitate towards whites in his own neighborhood and out of work social circle, yet he tries to force everyone else to mix with everything non white. Your professor sure seems to know how to find people who will be called white if they try to keep their neighborhood white. Funny, isn't it?

Race doesn't exist; different superior and inferior species of Humans exist.

>human racial populations is anywhere between 5 and 15%
It is nowhere near that, not even close. You need to get your facts straight.
The total genomic difference between any two modern humans is in the league of 0.1%. This is simply too low to constitute a sub-species.

However the genomic difference between homo sapiens sapiens and homo sapiens idaltu is at least 3x greater than this. Which validates homo sapiens idaltu being a sub species.

Yes he is right.
Biology doesn't count for Humans goyim.

>White people don't exist
>White people are the most evil group of all time
>Don't be racist and racially aware, you "white" devil
>You're just a stupid pink pig
>But don't be a racist. Be a cuck like me

That's actually you and your hunders of threads you've made. Quite incoherent, if you will.

You are a white-hating shill.

Just start posting those BBC pictures you have saved, drop the act and start the hate. I know you want to.

A cardboard box and a paper bag are the same because they're both made of compressed wood fibers. We must treat them equally, any job suitable for a cardboard box must have equal representation from paper bags.

Do you see how stupid this sounds?

I am not doing sociology, I am doing biology.

Also dog breeds are not sub-species compared to each other, they are all the same species. They also are highly inbred, and would not exist without human selective breeding to attain the comical traits.

I'm going to guess what this article does and one of you who has the godlike patience to read long form propaganda tell me if I'm right.

Did they do the thing where they break up "race", "ethnicity" and whatever other terms they have for genetic groupings, and say they're all different?
And since we used to use skull measurements and phrenology to determine stuff and race science used to have some bullshit in it, now it's all bullshit?

Like we, "socially constructed" a difference between two groups, so I guess we can't scientifically measure genetic differences between the averages of populations?

(also did they say the one about "there is more difference within than without)?

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I once heard the genetic difference between wolves and dogs is shorter than between negroids and caucasoids. Is this true or just a stormfront infographic?

>spectrum fallacy
Yes, the lines between races are blurry. It's hard to draw a line between one race and another and say that the guy on one side is this race and the guy on that side is another. Yes, where you choose to draw the lines and how many you draw is somewhat arbitrary. There could be six races or six million.
Everything I just said also applies to color. Where does yellow end and blue begin? Is there such a thing as green? Wat about teal, aqua, and cyan? How many shades of green are there? Three? Thirty? Does any of this prove that there is no difference between yellow and blue? No.
>more variation within than between
The same can be said of humans and chimpanzees. We are 99% genetically identical. It really matters which 1% it is, though.
Taxonomy is an imprecise science. What is the hard definition that separates species, or separates subspecies within that species? The truth is that there isn't a hard definition. There are other animals who we choose to call separate species despite being more similar to each other than whites are to blacks. There are other species which we choose to divide into many subspecies despite being far more similar than whites are to blacks.

Your professor is being obscurantist. What he says is true in the sense that some of it is in fact a bit arbitrary. For example, the idea of a white race is artificial is the sense that the categorization is dependent on its relation to another, so the idea of a white race depends on the existence of a black or Asian race, along with the cultural and historical motivations that encouraged it.

However, the idea that race is not a physical and real phenomenon is simply not true (even though it may be slightly arbitrary ). There are significant differences between the IQ distributions of certain races. Further, in the realm of the forensic and medical sciences, there are clear differences. You can identify the race of a person by their skeleton, with the most indicative part being the skull. Some Drugs are produced specifically for blacks (I believe it has to do with their propensity for heart disease). Certain ethnic groups have a greater propensity for genetic diseases. etc

Furthermore, the racial categories we have (black, white, Asian) are well understood historical constructs. They were not just invented to serve a recent political ideology. It is justified by the fact that the European peoples (outside of a small number of exceptions) are a racially, culturally, and economically distinct group. It is one of the more pervasive tricks that, just because one has a hard time defining something to an autistic extent, that it does not exist at all.

tldr, your professor is nitpicking in order to try to disprove an obvious truth.

> "race isnt real"
> "ok, but if it was then my ideology of an ethnostate would be correct right?"
> "..well, no, it wouldn't..."

No, you're wrong. You can look up the fixation index numbers yourselves. What you're referring to is the total genomic difference, which really doesn't mean much considering humans share 50% of their DNA with the Banana tree. You have to look at specific human variation, which is what the Fixation index does. Educate yourself.

The threshold of genetic distance is also a social construct. Every Race Don't Real take eventually devolves into the same thing, denying the utility of any categorization of anything and effectively denying the existence of knowledge itself. It's just tactical nihilism.

If its just taxonomic social constructs then why do we have an endangered species list? Who cares if were are all animals, species literally dont exist.

My mistake,

There are no significant differences between a chihuahua and a St. Bernard.

>And since we used to use skull measurements and phrenology to determine stuff and race science used to have some bullshit in it, now it's all bullshit?

To be fair, the stuff you are at least admitting is BS right there is the stuff that I see most on places like Jow Forums still posting and insisting it's valid. Especially the phrenology and the skull templates and those things.

If races aren't real, then what is positive discrimination?

>And since we used to use skull measurements and phrenology to determine stuff
Phrenology was a bunch of hooey, but determining race through skeletal measurements is standard practice in forensics.

That's actually the Bill Nye posting, white-hating shill from Australia. A professor of some kind. A proud cuck.

And I'm here for him.

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Of course race is real. How can humans evolve under diffferent conditions for millions of years and only difference is skin color. Give me a break professor.

I'm not having this conversation for the 18000th time, just watch this video. Everything is sources are listed below the video.

>the colors red and blue aren’t real because there are an infinite number of shades between them
Well shit I know there’s a 1000% chance that the guy in pic related has African ancestry, but I guess your professor just proved us all wrong.

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Yes. Lots of research on human biodiversity never gets published.

You don't know what Phrenology is, and what are colloquial referred to as "the races" have different skull size.

Now you've triggered him and he'll start posting bbc cuck pictures and calling white people pink pigs.

He's mentally ill. And a cuck.

He's right though. One example is that Black mothers are at a bigger risk of birthing children from a White father, because their average hip width is narrower than White women and thus at a disadvantage because mulatto/White children have a larger cranial capacity than Black ones.

>race isn't real
>we need dem programs
Pick one

phrenology is bs, but craniology and craniometry certainly isn't not. variations in cranial capacity across the varying populations of the planet is reason enough to justify the existence of "race".

Why do you have so much jealousy over people with light skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, other colors than black and brown? Why do the (((Elite))) keep their own neighborhoods so white while forcing integration on poorer white communities?

No wonder you ban free speech anywhere you can. You can weasel word all day long, but sooner or later you get spotted lusting after white people. You are afraid they won't want to touch you at night if they have exclusive communities again, aren't you?

Yeah, I can tell.

Skull measurements are still used by forensic anthropologists to determine race to this day, and they do so with a large degree of accuracy.