Why is the Hispanic race so disgusting? Not even niggers are this ugly

Why is the Hispanic race so disgusting? Not even niggers are this ugly

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You're thinking Latinos

all girls look that ugly without hair, make-up, or smile

Spaniards were raped by niggers and Arabs in the early middle ages. They then went to the New World, picking up black blood on the way. That creole blood got then mixed with mestizo-indian blood. And that whole racemixy thing is what you see today.

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meh, you're a fag and that woman is pretty bad ass. Get off Jow Forums once in awhile incel.

This, they become repulsive after 25 if they abused alcohol or drugs at any point in their lives.

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didn't someone post her nudes here last year

You just insulted about seventy-five percent of this board you jerk.

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As bad as niggers are wetbacks are 1000x worse
t. texan

t. José Rodriguez

Isn't she black in the game though?

re-asking. anyone remember this ? was/is she even legal ?

>calling that 'thing' a woman

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Quality meme, I r8 8/8

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yes, her nipples are inverted and she has one of those weird vags that go way up

nice cherrypicking faggot

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You shut your fucking faggot mouth OP

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Who is this semen demon

Bad shlomo bad

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brown women> american white women

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Can confirm, even today we have plenty of Arab immigrants thanks to Spain, the richest man now in Mexico is descendant of the Lebanon

>all fields
>hide thread

>Dont' go off script
>Repeat after Puttin

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> (OP)
>Spaniards were raped by niggers and Arabs in the early middle ages. They then went to the New World, picking up black blood on the way. That creole blood got then mixed with mestizo-indian blood. And that whole racemixy thing is what you see today.
This. I work with a spic that looks like an arab. He gets pissed off if you call him a milsim.

Let me educate you niggers.
Hispanic is not a race.
Latino is not a race.

What you're referring to is called mestizos, a mix of native american and europeans.


I think she looks attractive? I'd fuck her. I like her eyes. She just needs to grow out her hair.



of course you would

I'm dating a Panamanian woman. She's great. She looks like a light skin black woman, but acts white. She has the tightest pussy I've ever fucked. She thought I was a premature ejaculator, but I can't help that shit, she gets me off so easily. She's athletic and goes to the gym, so when she rides you, it's intense.

>spain at it again with the natives from Mexico

that's what got you into this mess in the first place...remember?

Hispanics are masterrace.
OP is a dirty anglo and is ashamed for being unable to ever look like a chad hispanic.

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Maya QTs are the best

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Do you actually believe anything but 5% of hispanics look like this, Sven?
The only ones lucky enough to retain 75%+ European DNA AND get attractive DNA at that.

The vast majority of Spics looks disgusting as fuck. From Mexicans out West to Puerto Shitskins in the East.

LA goblina

Be warned, Polbro, they age like shit

Dios mio...

Coal burner detected!

They literally already look like shit.
If he thinks THOSE are attractive I'm sure he'll be fine with their middle aged counterparts

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Really makes you think.

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I can't believe you guys don't want a qt Mexican gf

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Only the ones with more native dna imo, the ones who look rather european make me want to conquer their land just so I can rape them.

Sole purpose of Native Indian QTs is to get seeded by their superior European Man

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I think she's more along the lines of el atrocidad desu senpai.

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Fine. Why are Mestizos, Indios, Pardos, and Cafuzos uglier than Criollos, Castizos, Mestizos, and to an extent Mulattoes and Negros?

>The Mayan princess
>The soulless ginger

Ahem I think I've made my choice

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just Seed & Forget

I already have a Polish gf I want my kids to have green eyes like me, but it doesn't mean I can't spread my genes a bit

Listed Mestizos twice lol

Nah m8

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Yeah dude who the fuck wants a castiza gf
It's only orange skinned blonde swedes for me or nothing

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When you spread white DNA to non-whites, you are also propagating non-white DNA.

I would argue that the amerimutt is the ugliest racial abomination ever created.

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whitish chad living in mexico AMA..

>do girls like the more white you are?
>yes the real pretty latinas they love white guys that are *masculine*.. the basedboy looking white boys still have a chance but if youre a sperg you will only have it easy with the more india ones

>do people treat you differently
>absolutely. they respect and smile more at you and think you are at least competent or smart.

>what is life like in mexico for a white guy
>there are plenty of white looking people in the gated communities that dont interact with the lower class, its pretty comfy.. dont hang out with really brown people and dont become a druggie and you can get a comfy office job

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Non white DNA in South America is majority anyway so what's the problem?

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Even if she is Castiza then she's gonna be part of the degenerate Latino culture and have Mestizo friends and family members.

FUCKING KEK, you're right about the -ish you fucking mutt.

Weak jawline, skinny and generally weak features.

So either bait or seriously posts on the degenerate attention whore board of Jow Forums.

>latinas they love white guys that are *masculine*
Latinas like basically all white boys. This is well known; they have an inferiority complex the browner they get.

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it's a concept that will never be understood by people in the United States. Anyone that speaks Spanish is a mexican mestizo here.

Oh well, you're right, user. If it's in their native countries, you're good. As long as you're not propogating mudskin genes in Europe and other "traditionally" White dominant countries.

Please seed some Native QTs for me, user

GL and enjoy!

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Hans, there is almost no trace of arab blood in modern day spaniards. If there is a tiny bit it's negligible. Since when did niggers rape spaniards? It's the other way around. Come on Fritz get your facts straight.

I don't know what latino culture even is, must be the contrapart of "white culture"

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There's this Polish youtuber that travels around South America, he's not even a Chad or anything but the latinas are constantly eye fucking him which is hillarious

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She has make up in there though.

It's that where they're coming from, just not that well a livin. Negativity that physically shapes the face.

Yes. It's well known white genes are easily the most desirable in Latin America. The browner, the more desperate for white seed. I've lived around many hispanics in my life, and (as a result) I understand a bit of Spanish on top my two main languages. I see this same attitude first-hand in their culture. Even though bullshit social justice politics is catching on in Latin America, they still are desperate for white men. Perhaps even moreso now that we've become a little more taboo.

I look down on spics with contempt, however. I could never breed with one and I am loyal to my (white) woman so long as she is loyal to me anyway.

post a similar angle of you i bet you arent even close to my level of genetics son..

also did you know the average girl would consider "weak" features much more attractive than aggressive meat head ones right?? ask them to name who they think the hottest guys are, its always a dude who looks in between masculine and "weak features" they never mention fucking dan bilzerian or the rock you fucking mongol

My theory is that they sacrificed all the pretty girls to their demons while they were still virgens, so they fucked with their own genetics.
Its like reverse eugenics.

>dan bilzerian

actually scratch that. you got me naming this stupid fucking faggot just like yourself i bet... kill yourself you fucking roach you will never amount to anything

Only in pockets of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile are there majority white people. Even then, not the majority of the population, except maybe Uruguay.

>post a similar angle of you i bet you arent even close to my level of genetics son..
You're a typicaly spic mutt. It's obvious. I've seen many of you before. Just because you live in Mexico where most people are darker than you doesn't mean you're not mixed (with maybe a TWINGE more European DNA).

>also did you know the average girl would consider "weak" features much more attractive than aggressive meat head ones right??


This has to be the greatest joke in the thread. Women do not prefer men with weak features you delusional autist. The only girls that hold this opinion are (some) teens and Asians.

That's a tranny.

He's right on the weak features bit but it really varies, women are intimidated by men who look to mansculine, that's why short hair with facial hair is bad for pulling chicks but good for intimidating other men, generally speaking you want to strike a good zone where your masculine features attract her without being so harsh that they scare her off, hence why very masculine faces go well with long hair

Mexicans are hideous or hot. They have no inbetweens.

nevermind I'm retarded and cant read

I'd have to remove that gross hand mole.

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just ignore this kid.
hes a complete faggot

he types shit like
>"hurr durr fucking cuck x4 XDD"

no one who types like that should ever be taken seriously..

She's half jewish

Facial hair is not "bad for pulling chicks". In fact, most women seem to prefer it.


"The results indicated that the women found men with light stubble most attractive; these men were preferred as both short- and long-term partners. However, the women perceived male faces with full beards as the most masculine, aggressive, and socially mature; the women also thought these men looked older. Men's faces with light beards were considered the most dominant."

"Overall, these ratings suggest that an intermediate level of facial stubble is more attractive for a sex partner, while a fuller beard is perceived as indicative of someone with good fathering ability and more investment in offspring."

Additionally, as I previously stated and I will reiterate, masculine features are the most attractive to women. This is easily observable in day-to-day life. Men with broader, stronger features are more able to jump around from woman to woman with ease if he desires.


"women generally preferred masculinized over feminized versions of men’s faces, particularly when assessing men’s attractiveness for short-term, rather than long-term, relationships."

You insecure dumb fucking mutt attention whoring on Jow Forums of all boards like the dumb faggot you are.
>"I'm going to force an incorrect hypothesis... WAIT DON'T SAY I'M NOT ATTRACTIVE, DON'T CALL ME WEAK"
Go fucking camwhore on soc you fucking taco burrito "wipipo" LARPing loser.

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I'm not denying that masculine features are attractive, just that there is such a thing as too masculine and that you need to enter her strike zone
Take it as a teal color thing, women don't like 100% blue (some do) while 90% blue and 10% green is better (most do), you can play around with the % but you get the idea
I agree that feminine men only attract little girls though

Oh yeah I'll also add that while there is a correlation with masculinity and dominance, you can be a bit more feminine looking but if you nail it with a dominant frame you'll pull girls regardless

By frame i mean attitude/behavior

And I never denied that, but refer to this graph (pic related). Hyper-masculine levels are virtually considered the same level of attractiveness as an "average man" or 0.
Anything under average masculinity is considered very unattractive to women. And masculinity (even 100 points over the average!) is seen as ideal.

Couple that with the fact that facial hair = more attractive and it pays to be overly masculine, even if you reached the "equalization level" where your hyper-masculinity is seen just about as attractive as a normal male.

But we're veering away from the point, anyway. The point is that the poster I was replying to has far weaker than average masculinity (plenty of skinny/weak features). He would be considered generally unattractive and that fact that he's posting as some self-proclaimed "Chad" is absolutely comical.

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You're posting this everywhere, geez. You're like that albanian in Italy talking about his """alpine""" phenotype. And your nose looks shopped.

god damn shes ugly but id still put my seed deep in her belly and then force her to get an abortion 5 months later

>post a similar angle of you i bet you arent even close to my level of genetics son..

>also did you know the average girl would consider "weak" features much more attractive than aggressive meat head ones right?

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