Let's say a 7 year old boy discovered hardcore pornography and has been masturbating 3 times a day, everyday...

Let's say a 7 year old boy discovered hardcore pornography and has been masturbating 3 times a day, everyday. Let's also say that boy stopped having contact with girls his age from 12yo and only masturbated to increasingly more degenerate forms of pornography. Would said boy, who is now 18 years old, currently has social anxiety, no friends, no girls beside his mother in his life, and little to no hope for romantic intimate relationships need therapy?

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therapy is for people with great lives who are too dumb to see it themselves
what you need is purpose, only you can give that to yourself

>masturbating from 7 years old
how the fuck? I didn't even know 7 year olds could become sexually aroused.

I was worried when I first started ejaculating because up until 11 or so nothing came out

Also I forgot to add my dick is only 4 inches long. I'm penis pumping and jelqing to get it bigger though.

Mine's 4 inches too, but I didn't masturbate as a child or anything. Sometimes we just get shitty rolls of the dice. 28 year old virgin now tho.

What happens if you watch gore videos AND degenerate porn from a young age?

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Therapy should help. Someone should explain you about social anxiety. Getting friends and girls is another matter, like you need to have good genetics to get that.
If you don't, you are fucked.



You fucked up. Try again next life, son.

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Yes. You need therapy.

>Let's say a 7 year old boy discovered hardcore pornography and has been masturbating 3 times a day, everyday.

This is why the internet is a mistake, it's also the reason why zoomers and younger millenials are having less sex than previous generations.

The first thing to do is to stop watching porn. Therapy would help as well.

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Fucking hell. Me too. It scared me when I first started cuming.

Therapy will help. Some medication may also help matters. Having a hobby or sport that brings you into regular contact with normal people will help resocialise you. For me, it was climbing. For you it might be something else. Good luck, OP


I started when I was six purely by accident when I was playing with myself (just looking at my dick and how weird it was), I didn't watch porn until 12. I have a hidden technique of masturbation that I've never seen anyone else emulate. See, because of me being uncircumcised (still am) and being unable stroke my dick at that time, I made this way of masturbation where my thumb goes on top of the base of my dick (facing me), my middle finger holds my shaft and my index's tip goes over my head (which HAS to be covered by my foreskin in order for it to work) in a diagonal shape, between my thumb and middle finger. Then I just rotate my index (sliding my foreskin with it) until I cum, at which point I'll pinch my urethra at the top (without having moving my hand, I just slide my thumb and middle finger to the top) and make a little gap between my thumb and index fingers so as to let the cum slowly cum out (haha get it), then after getting most of it I bring it to my mouth and sip that shit. I've never had to worry about cleaning. I've never "soiled" my underwear or bed. I'd put a video up but I've never really wanted to, I might soon though.

In my 14 years since I discovered masturbation I've yet to cum normally by stroking my dick. The two times a girl has offered a hand job I've declined because I'm afraid of not cumming.

Also, I can't be fully erect for it to work, because it'd be very painful to pull my foreskin like that. So always masturbate while flacid or with a half chub.

What the fuck


Nobody answer this.

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It could be worse. You could be late twenties and have the exact same story. Just quit porn now, you are still young and have time to fix yourself before you are out of college.

I'm the same as OP although I don't remember the exact age. Friend showed me his grandpa's playboy collection, then my parent's bought a computer with internet. I never had a chance.

I've been wondering this for a while. I masturbated a lot as a kid just like OP. Now I'm an adult but I feel less developed then I should be. It took me forever to start growing armpit hair, I still can't grow a full beard, my dick isn't small but it isn't anything special. I always worry that I really fucked myself over by jerking off too much during my formative years. What do you guys think?

I definitely think I stunted my penis growth a bit.

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just cut out the porn dude

>Dopamine is the neurotransmitter of the reward system.
>Every time you do something that feels good, your brain releases dopamine.
>With time, your brain becomes dopamine-tolerant, and shuts down its dopamine receptors.
>It's so used to getting blasted with dopamine, that it needs more and more every time.
>Dopamine, being the neurotransmitter of motivation and executive functioning, stops having effect.

And you stop giving a shit about real women and relationships. Your brain prefers porn over real life sex.

Porn is a super-normal stimulus.



What you have to do is: Dopamine fasting.

No Internet, no fast food, no sugar, no anything that makes you feel good, for 24 hours.

You're only allowed to: Write, walk, drink water and work out.

Write what you feel, what you want to do, how you want to fix your shitty life, etc. And come back tomorrow.

I suggest you to heavily limit your internet usage and stop consuming junk food.

Gonna see psychologist on Monday

I bought this yesterday. Did I screw up?

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I honestly don't see the issue. It's all about self sufficiency which masturbation is the epitome of. Who needs to waste time, energy and money on someone else when they don't actually have to?

>do what you like
>hang out with your friends
>when you get that feel, fap

Post discarded
Bring me proof that wasnt made up by a roastie with no degree


But WARMing LuBe SenPai

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So does nobody care that I do this? I thought I'd get some (You)'s. Should I film it?

Everyone is weird when it comes to sex.

Gib milk mommi

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Open the link first, dense retard. Don't pretend you did, hideous nigger.


Yes, film it.


... I started at least as early as 3 years old. It's one of my earliest memories. Yes I'm a bit of a nut job.


Therapy is just talking to some stranger and psychogy is a pseudoscience at best. Go make an actual friend and save your money.

I've been wacking it since like fucking 4 dude