Why is animal abuse illegal...

Why is animal abuse illegal? What is the philosophical or political basis of charging human beings with crimes for mistreating barely sentient beings?

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Because not everyone is a fucking sociopath.

The Holy Bible is clear: animal abuse is morally ok:

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Also the sociopath argument is a weak argument given that a sociopath acts in this way towards humans, not the beast. Who cares if someone acts "mean" to a beast? Calling them a sociopath is scum tier.

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Does insect cruelty perturb you? When a 5 year old stomps ants for fun, is that sociopathic? Give your head a shake

Religion does not dictate morality any more than legislation does.

>Leaf thread

Same reason we can't abuse barely sentient humans aka children.
Stupid bureaucratic shit.
If I want to lock my son in a cage for a week feeding him nothing but bread and water because he puked on me the fuck the police, you have no right to tell me I can't

Sounds like you are a manchild incapable of coming to terms with authority. God is perfect and thus so are his orders; humans are flawed and thus ultimately should be ignored.

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I agree as a matter of fact. Congratulations on being the first rational individual in this thread (aside from myself).

Man was to have dominion over the animals & the Earth as wardens, not animal-torturers.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>Original human diet before the fall was entirely plant-based.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

>Original animal diet before the fall was also plant based.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Appeal to an authority you cannot even prove exists is beyond farcical.

The Holy Bible was written by Jews so of course it's full of sociopathic degenerate drivel.

>vegan propaganda

The pewling of you people truly sickens me. You'll have to wake up and smell the coffee sooner or later. If I have absolute dominion over something, that is absolute. I can do whatever I want. Thus animal abuse isn't morally reprehensible. I encourage it as a healthy outlet for rage, so that the angry person doesn't hurt a human being.

The bible is wrong. We are learning more about animals every year. Your autism is not carte blanche to be shitty to everything around you.

Dunno really, I've been thinking about this. If someone tortures an animal it makes me angry, a human? Not at all.

I think it's because an animal can't really defend itself like a human can.

what you do to the weak shows what kind of person you are. someone who abuses an innocent creature is at there core without a soul or compassion. our ancestors didnt kill animals for the fun of it, they did it to eat. taking enjoyment in torture is something that requires a lack of a soul

I can prove it exists with one video:

False argument. That is bullsquash and you know it!

It makes average people angry and thats enough. The legal system exists to prevent vigilantism and lynchings. Any act that has a decent probability of leading to that must be illegal for the system to hold.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Upon serving Satan in Eden humanity revoked its dominion over the Earth to Satan.

All the horrors you witness today is the result of Satanic governance.

Truth does not fear scrutiny.

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The same reason beating niggers is illegal

Oh really? Please enlighten me oh knowledgable one about how noble and intelligent animals are. Do you get mad if I abuse a cockroach? No difference between a cockroach and a dog in a normal, mentally healthy persons eyes.
Bullsquash. Animals are vicious and can defend themselves much more effectively than humans.

You are wrong. It is a healthy output for anger.

Ruling over something doesn't mean abusing them is ok. Parents rule over their children, but abusing said children isn't alright

Yes we do. You use roads freely, consume water and food grown on the land you occupy. You live next to people who will have to witness your cruelty. Life is by design constrained both in nature and in society. Its to keep people like you from imposing upon other people who do not want or consent to retardation like you espouse.

Your child is likewise not property. Dont be fucking stupid.

People are soft willies.



The African is not a Homo sapiens, it is a Homo erectus

Holy bible written by Jews.
Jews are sociopaths.
Everything Jews push on others is degenerate.
Entire bible is just some garbage programming by Jews for the consumption of their slaves.
Nothing false in my argument.

Comments disabled.

im not sure if this is just me or anything. but i dont have constant anger i need to get rid of. and certainly not to the point of torturing a fucking animal. but hey, maybe leafes do need to torture animals like seals to get the stress of the day gone.

It does mean that. I'll tell you a little story.

My good friend Paul got laid off from his job. He got a rescue dog and castrated it, chain it up from his garage rafters and began using it as a punching bag. He was angry at the world, and I recommended he do this so that anger doesn't hurt anyone. Now Paul is gainfully employed again, and very very happy.

Yes. i in fact do get angry with people who abuse anything. If I go and abuse your mother or your home or your religion, you would get upset. That would be an unwelcome imposition on you. If you were to get upset about me doinganything that upset you in any way, you would be contradicting yourself based on what you've said in this thread (for example, agreeing with the ancap's statement about being violent to his children).

Based and respilled. Sociophaggots get out

That's silly I agree, but it's up to the authors discretion.

Life is stressful. You'll see as you grow older. In my 47 years on this planet, that's one thing I've learnt.

>Why is animal abuse illegal?
so niggers and leafs can live without fear
guess what goes in the field

You are actually just an edgy retard. Based on the very "logic" you espouse in this thread, I would be able to rob you at gun point, assault you, and you wouldnt be able to retaliate because its my right to do whatever the fuck I want so long as I can prove domination.

That's different, a human and his property are very much different. It is immoral to violate a human and/or his property. To violate an animal is so miniscule in importance that to be completely frank it isn't even worth seriously humouring with anger or outrage.

Gee, the symbiotic relationship they had with us for thousands of years maybe? Fucking degenerate

No; because I am a human. You must be civil to your fellow man and not bring any harm upon him.

Interesting, the symbiosis seen in such behaviour as devouring dead human bodies? Or mauling people?

so when you have a bad day at the office you find the nearest cat and set it on fire?

>No; because I am a human
>egdy leaf

Day of the rope can't come soon enough for fucking psychopaths like you. I'm fucking disgusted that people like you even dare to call themselves human.

i hope you and your mother get diagnosed with cancer one day

You didn't answer my question you soulless chink

Not necessarily a bad day at the office specifically but I have dabbled yes.

I'm looking out for mankind's best interests.

Which question?

The people of ancient times got correctly that the more evolved the animals are, the more empathy they evoke in people. Butchery and animal sacrifices were borderline okay, though butchers were ostracised in many societies. However, open cruelty to mammals and birds is a clear symptom of psychopathy.
And then there comes the retarded edgy zoomer (and a fucking leaf to boot) who equalizes mammals with fucking ants. Of course ants evoke little to no empathy as we have almost nothing in common with them.

Not only is that rude, but it shows you are incapable of discussing anything in a grown up way and just resort to petty name calling.

>What is the philosophical or political basis
The ethical basis is that we are to be good stewards of God's Creation, that He trusted to us. Treat His creatures the way you would want them to treat you if the roles were reversed.

What differentiates an ant from a dog, without resorting to emotional arguments.

Animal abuse is factually rooted in violent and mentally deranged behavior and shows an extremely shitty emotional quotient required for living in society. And it also defeats the purpose of having a pet in the first place.

Animal abuse is illegal because civilized people don't want to live next to neighbors who beat dogs. We made a behavior illegal because we don't like it, because the people who would beat dogs tend to be antisocial scum. Same reason why gay marriage used to be illegal. Because dog beaters are insufferable faggots.

But the roles aren't resorted. Humans have intelligence. Humans have souls. Animals have neither.

>Religion does not dictate morality
nothing dictates mortality because it is not a real thing

Maybe ever consider that having a pet is obtuse and absurd?

This is bullsquash

1989 Tiananmen Square

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I'm an excellent neighbour. My neighbors love me.

You either have severe problems or you're baiting us.
Seek help

I don't get it?

>Animal abuse is factually rooted in violent and mentally deranged behavior and shows an extremely shitty emotional quotient required for living in society
this sounds like the word salad of a low iq women

Go back to China, yellow nigger!

I don't need to seek help because I have a healthy outlet for the troubles in my life.

I am a pillar of my community.

Be assured that if I see anyone abuse an animal, I will put them in the ground.

Good if larp

People can easily read a dog’s emotions from its facial expression, tail movements, general activity, fur, whatever. Also people yawn when they see their dogs yawn and vice versa. We react to them, they react to us. They have some similar instincts and behaviors to us, and we can easily project some of our feelings on them (not always correct, but the similarity helps).
You can’t however reasonably guess emotions of an ant, unless you observe it wriggling its extremeties when in pain.

>Seek help
this. sorry, leafbrother.

Well said.

I'm white.

>Animal abuse is illegal because civilized people don't want to live next to neighbors who beat dogs. We made a behavior illegal because we don't like
but why did people decided they dont like it?

Well said.

I'm white.

Big tough man. You would never try it.

Just don't you fucking mix up abuse with training, I can't stand when you limp wristed cucks get a beautiful canine, and never once give it a boot to it's rear end or a quick slap to the snout or a real decent yank of the skin on the back of its neck [via pinch/grip].
You only ever need to do that a handful of times, once if you've got a smart doggo. Then that fucker will never challenge you, and both of you can live to enjoy every waking moment of walkies, fetchies, snugglies, trickies.

This is all a lie. Dogs are extraordinarily stupid. All of this stuff was made up by schizophrenics who don't know what planet they're on and women propagated it. And guess what? You fell for it.

Most people like animals

Inside this supermajority group of people there exists a percentage who can fuck you up

>theese people will fuck you up if you hurt animals, therefore, don't do it.

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>No difference between a cockroach and a dog in a normal, mentally healthy persons eyes.
>no difference between an insect that acts on pure instinct and a mammal that exhibits emotions
Sandnig detected. Please find a lake and jump into it.

You are a actual inept faggot

>People can easily read a dog’s emotions from its facial expression, tail movements, general activity, fur, whatever. Also people yawn when they see their dogs yawn and vice versa. We react to them, they react to us. They have some similar instincts and behaviors to us, and we can easily project some of our feelings on them (not always correct, but the similarity helps).
this was always the case but it is only recently that violance against animals has started to become taboo and this is still only true in some parts of the world
The question is why now?medieval people were project their feeling on animals much more than we are doing it today yet they still burned cats alive for entertaining

Have you ever seen a police canine? They are smarter than most people and will watch you like a fucking hawk and read you like a book.
10/10 you're making me reply, I refuse to believe sub-humans like you exist

It's good instincts.

Anyone who is familiar with criminal profiling knows that animal abuse is a precursor to violence against other humans, particularly serial killers and sociopaths.

We don't like it because evolution has beaten into us that if we see a dude beating a dog, it's much more likely he'll be a danger to us in the future.

Disregard that crazy leaf that's posted the mutilated animal photos, and praises some backwards semetic kosher level shit onto animals.
He's likely a fucking hoser and/or a goof.

Waaah you’re so disgusting and evil you killed the cute puppy!!!!111!

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I'm not afraid. I've dealt with tough guy vigilantes before.

A neighbor of mine broke into my basement to save a dog I had down there as a project. When I found out it was him, I called his work, told them he was embezzling funds, told everyone on the block I saw him molesting a child at the park, and called the police on him for breaking and entry. Needless to say he did time and his house was foreclosed on.

You can't trick me with your ninja shenanigans, yellow menace!
I grew up around gypsies!

Also, humans(Chinese not included) have a power to associate with and empathize with anything from other people to objects, if similarities are found.

Animals, especially smart animals that can show basic emotion and know suffering and joy are offered great empathy.
A human who would harm an animal for fun, does not empathize with that animal. He can not empathize with anything on or below that level of association. This is indicative that he won't feel a high level of empathy for humans as well, so that guy was right.

There's a reason why people hate animal abusers as much as pedophiles.

Ruling over something doesn't mean you need to abuse them. In that case, you are not a leader, you are a tyrant.

The white trait of having sympathy for other people and lesser life forms is both a strength and a weakness but usually leads to great things. A chink like you wouldn't understand though.

So you make up shit online for rustled jimmies. That's cool, I remember being a bit younger too.

Actually commit suicide please

You're an idiot. Stop fooling yourself. Can the Einstein dog that's "smarter than most people" do multiplication questions?

It's really dumb honestly. You can murder a pigeon. No problem. You can murder and cows, no problem. Duck tape your dogs mouth shut and put it on Facebook-> going to jail. No consistency.

>Anyone who is familiar with criminal profiling knows that animal abuse is a precursor to violence against other humans, particularly serial killers and sociopath
But this is not true is it?animal abuse is common in other parts of the world and it used to be common in europe as well yet the population was not full of sociopaths and serial killers
>We don't like it because evolution has beaten into us that if we see a dude beating a dog, it's much more likely he'll be a danger to us in the future.
this doesn't make any sense evolution doesn't work like this

>having respect for life is onions
you're a faggot, torturing cats won't make your micropenis any bigger

To rule and to abuse are entirely different things. Sage.

Like this one?

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>this happened
Such a shitty LARP. You went too far with the dog in the basement-project bullshit.
You act as well as JUSTie Smellett


>animal abuse is common in the world
Name a first world country that is not full or subhumans where it is common
>it used to be common in europe as well yet the population was not full of sociopaths and serial killers


>barely sentient
More sentient than you, chink.

If I find you, I’ll kill you weak faggot

You don't need to believe me, no skin off my teeth.

I've heard mutliple contexts of this story, I can feel most at ease believing it bit someone and had to be put down.
Although the method is a bit brutalist and traditional, we can't have a dog running around that bites people willy nilly.

I hope die

This is true. Thanks for the rationality.