The Daily Stormer is unironically shilling for Trump more than r/The_Donald, what an embarrassment, Anglin is a disgrace

The Daily Stormer is unironically shilling for Trump more than r/The_Donald, what an embarrassment, Anglin is a disgrace

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Site's been shoah'd for a while now

wtf i'm gonna start listening to chapo trannyhouse now

anyone remember that conspiracy theory about anglin being murdered by mossad? when is the last time you heard him on audio? Feb 2018?

weev the jew and his mossad friends killed him

He criticizes Trump all the time, learn to read nigger.

>Anglin is a disgrace
yes, but not for the reason you say.
Stormer is pretty middle ground on the Trump Question, they'll criticize him when he cucks and cheer him when he's based
HOWEVER, i really dropped Anglin when he turned the site into a REEEEEEEEE WOMEN SUCK blog

Stormer and TRS are both owned by jews.
But then again, you knew that already didn't you?

The left have utilized your disdain for kikes and weaponised this. You're all fools being manipulated day in and out

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>everyone is Jews except me

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The whole Daily Stormer/Weev/Nazi troll thing is dead as a doornail. The Daily Stormer technically still exists but it's been irrelevant since Charlottesville.

he's right that your hissy fits about Trump don't matter

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Read the article. He has a good point that shilling against Trump serves no purpose but being a trumpism supporter that is critical against Trump when he goes against his agenda is an effective strategy.

Anglin is the only guy on the net who makes any fucking sense anymore.

OP is probably a shill anyway.

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/pol is controlled by seige Jews promoting inactivity through accelerationism. it's the leash that restrains white revolt through both convoluted ideology and endless fingerpointing. (((Accelerationist))) reject anti semitism claming that it will drive Jews to Israel and give them an ethnic Homeland.

Accelerationism is Zionism. Antisemitism is the driving force behind a great white revival.
>If the sink is flooding do you mop up the over flow or turn off the faucet?
This is the proposed hypothetical that often arises. They attack your individual sense of reason by subtly indicating that you're alone to fix the problem. Reality shows you're not, there's many of us and together we can both fix and clean this mess at once, brotherhood and multifaceted coordination will be required to delete such a crafty enemy. Remember these Jews post among you, counterproductive, pointing fingers and claiming
>He's the Jew! He hates Jews she's the Jew!

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TRS taking government holidays off does make me think they may actually be federal employees. There was no excuse for not having a Monday show.

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The shameless promotion of individualism and the demonizing of collectivism keeps us from experiencing philia, therefore nobody believes they have meaningful support even if they do, and so all of them wait for a savior or idol (that will never come given the above climate) to rally behind.

When you have 0 support from like-minded individuals in the real world, putting your life and well-being on the line for an ideological stand doesn't get you anywhere except financial ruin and dead. No hero's parade, no martyr status, no success - and not only your opponents, but THOSE YOU WERE FIGHTING FOR will ALL mock you and use you to dehumanize others taking a meaningful stand once you're eliminated.


What’s it like in your collapsing god forsaken frozen cuckland?

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I don't like the way Anglin keeps counter signaling marriage and pushing the asian waifu meme. Family should be the foundation of the white movement.

Maybe user. Maybe.


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dailystormer is great
I dont agree with everything AA has to say but then again I don't agree with half the shit posted here.

>Stormer is pretty middle ground on the Trump Question,
No, DS is a full-on GOP shill website. Anglin weakly "criticizes" Trump so he can edge the line of not alienating his audience with blatant shilling. In 2020, anglin will be back to "vote R down ticket." He is already building up the narrative that if democrats win, then they will round everyone up and throw them in gulags.

Where is the lie though?