I turned 26 three days ago. Still a virgin. Is it time to give up hope already?

I turned 26 three days ago. Still a virgin. Is it time to give up hope already?

How am I going to date with women who have had like 3 or 4 partners already? I'm going to be like an alien.

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How many girls did you ask out in 2018?

This, and just find a butterface and just fuck already.

not OP, but I asked out like 5 or 6

got laid once this year

That's a perfectly respectable success rate

Guys who get laid on the regular are approaching several women in one night

Of course, if you want a serious relationship, you just need to get lucky with one girl, rather than several

No point asking out someone if they don't give you the slightest hint of interest

You are truly delusional, ask literally any female friend (assuming you have one) if they want to hang out, its that simple

Good job completely misunderstanding the fundamentals of female attraction, retard

You're supposed to MAKE women be attracted to you, not wait for a girl to just randomly emerge from the ground slobbering on your dick. Holy shit why are you incels so dense?

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I swear to god it means a lot to me seeing someone else with some sense of what's going on.

>You're supposed to MAKE women be attracted to you

What a lod of shit. They either are or they arent.
What you're supposed to do is FIND OUT whether they are attracted or not instead of trying to read "signals" like a coward. And you find out by asking them out.
If they like you, they'll play ball with whatever bullshit you come up with (within reason) as long as it gets both of you closer to fucking.

Assuming every woman is a potential partner is like the root of toxic masculinity.

You're not supposed to look at every woman like you want to fuck her, you're supposed to just be nice to people and some of those people will be women and some of those women will like you back, and then you take things from there. Not even OP by the way, but game "lul just hit on every girl" shit is bullshit

>you're supposed to just be nice to people and some of those people will be women and some of those women will like you back

That is literally what nice guys, Betas and nu-males believe, and just look at how well it works out for them.

I just can't get what is so "toxic" about finding out whether a woman is interested or not. If shes not, you leave her alone. If she is, good for both of you.

THis is literally the clueless "lol it just happens by itself" teenage girl who is too ditzy to notice that for humans to get to know each other, one has to approach the other and set things in motion. And tendentially, that is the man, since you feminists cant be bothered to be active despite preaching womens "liberation"

I cannot imagine how fucked in the head you must be to equate askaing agirl out with rape.

Statistically it's time to give up hope at 40.

I don't know if I can take 14 more years of this man. This year is probably my worst year yet since my suicide attempt one (third year of uni).

Then attempt asking out girl , whichis much more productive than attempting to kill yourself.

All people who don't get laid have the exact same issue: They are not trying.
THere might be underlying reasons why you are not trying, in which case I'd seek a therapist, but at its core your problem is that you are not doing anything towards getting laid.

You haven't got a clue, my dudes.
With that logic, no relationship would ever fall apart. She did like you once, so she'll always be attracted to you.

No. How you behave influence women's opinion and feelings for you. The user you responded to is right. You misunderstand what MAKING implies.

>She did like you once, so she'll always be attracted to you.

She did like you once as you were at that time. People change, and whiel you don't have to do anything special, you sure as fuck can ruin things by doing something stupid.

And behaviour may change from one interaction to the next, with the same parties involved.

Just kys or ask a woman to hang out, you have two options and the two are easy if you have the will, but you don't.

The problem is again that there are no girls to ask out. I don't meet that many girls and out of those I meet I like a few, I asked a few at the beginning of the year when I was motivated and shit but rejection just made me give up on it eventually. Im just too shit of a person to get someone to like me

>this dumb fucktard again
You're right, there's no point in you asking women out. Give up, you're hopeless, you'll die a virgin.

>toxic masculinity
>seduction is not a thing
Maybe try

How many people live in your city?

80k or so I'd say
Obviously by no women I don't mean it literally, I mean in my circle of friends. I would say I know around 20 women or so and every single one of them is taken no joke. Around my age most women are already taken

Same boat op. A hard drug addiction would have been less detrimental to my life.

Oh yeah and I asked out two girls in 2018 and got two dates, both around the same time. One wasn't that attractive and the other I'm infatuated with but getting weird mixed signals.
Still going through tinder and what not, but now I just have a oneitis which I haven't had since high school

Hey that's pretty good progress. I've never had an oneitis yet, I'm pretty sure I'd get an oneitis on whichever girl just showed some attention to me tho.

>I mean in my circle of friends

Then expand your circle of friends, which is good even if you're not looking or women. Or join clubs, hobby groups, hit the clubs, or even try cold approaching women.

Theres a myriad of possible solutions and one of those will suit you, you just have to try it out.

This is exactly what I mean with not even trying.

>One wasn't that attractive

Why did you ask her out then? And yes, women notice if you don't really desire them.

>now I just have a oneitis
Which is generally a sign of deficient self-worth, projecting shit onto someone else they cannot possibly measure up to. Work on that too.

You're going to date the same way a lot of 26 year olds do: all of the non-sexual stuff. That may end up being more or less common depending on where you live but it's certainly out there.

My city is pretty small and realistically the only places to find women my age are University (finished already) and clubbing. I fucking despise clubbing.

Also the vast majority of mid 20s women are already in LTRs. I'm a leftover dude. Simple as that.

>good progress
Yeah it hit me I had to start doing something. Nofap actually helped a lot. Now I'm just not sure if I should keep looking or focus on the one I like now.

>Why did you ask her out then? And yes, women notice if you don't really desire them.
It's more complicated than that, we had a lot in common, she looked ok in photos. Also just for practice/abundance mindset for myself personally. I never really dated before so I figured maybe I'd feel a spark or something, idk isn't that how it's supposed to be done?

>projecting shit onto someone else
Wut? I just like her more than she feels about me (at least I think)

>ou're going to date the same way a lot of 26 year olds do: all of the non-sexual stuff
What do you mean by this? The stress of feeling like you have to escalate sexually on some schedule or the relationship is shot is what really fucks with me.
I'm fine with companionship. Busting a nut is just busting a nut. But no, you have to also be some sex god in addition to companion, and it's overwhelming since I never learned that aspect.

THen move somewhere else.
Whats the point of staying in the boonies anyways?
>I'm a leftover dude.
Just move to a place where that concept does't exist since people no longer live like 300 years ago. Problem solved.

And yes, you will have to manage your own life without your support network and shit. Its perfect to leave your comfort zone, learn how to take risks and grow as a person, a.k.a. do the things you need to do if you no longer want to be a virgin.

This si an opportunity to lift yourself up beyond all the people who just trudge through life the way their parens and neighbours tell them and never do somethig taht is truly their own.

Or you can choose not to and rot.

>I just like her more than she feels about me

No. Genuine oneitis (read: obsession with someone you don't really know) is often someone projecting their Ideal onto a real person, not seein the actual person behind that. Just forget her and move on.

The schedule for a significant number of people is very forgiving. The expectation isn't to be a sex god in those cases; the expectation is to square away everything else first.

Obviously there are lots of promiscuous people out there. I'm not trying to blow smoke here. I'm just saying that the non-promiscuous people don't have sex outside of committed relationships, don't commit before a solid period of dating, don't date without recreational companionship, etc.

>I'm a leftover dude

Oh yeah, somethingmore to that: People separate all the time, at all stages in life. Hell, you coucld probably find single ladys even at the old folks home.

You cant tell me a city of 80k doesn't have hobby groups or all kinds of clubs/groups to enter, coffee places, bars, dancing classes,community events of all sorts.

I lost my virginity half way through 26 tbqh

Completely honest
>I wish I had done it sooner
>the first time wasn’t horribly awkward
>it isn’t all that tbqh
>she didn’t know I was a virgin

>Obviously there are lots of promiscuous people out there.

And most of those don't give ashit either. Casual sex tends to be rather mediocre often anyways. And to boot, even these people will be understanging very often - maybe not to the extent of waiting around 10 dates for you to kiss them, but enough that there is some leeway so you can go at your own pace as long as taht is faster than a snails.

>Genuine oneitis
>forget her and move on
Maybe I'm misusing the word then.
This girl is far from perfect, I'm just willing to overlook that because we both like certain things and she tolerates my weird personality.

>>she didn’t know I was a virgin
Did past partners and relationships never come up or did you lie?

No you daft cunt don’t change for anybody. Someone will love you for who you are. Don’t give up hope. I love you.

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Well I'm talking from my (admittedly anecdotal) experience. I had a somewhat large group of friends at my last job, most of us mid 20s and not a single girl in the group was single. I look at my other groups of friends and it's the same. I look at friends of my female friends and it's yet more of the same. I have no idea how it works, but like the average girl is in a relationship and the average guy is single.

You'd be surprised at how small a city of 80k can be too. I have a hobby group for war games and you can guess the sex spread there. I hit the gym but that's no place to hit on women. Then I do some running, which you do by yourself, and obviously I'm not going to waltz into a coffee shop and start talking to girls there.

I'd like to say that I am not american too. 26 is pretty god damn old to be single where I live, nevermind a virgin. I'd probably not even know how to go on a date with a girl if by some miracle of God one accepted.

>I hit the gym but that's no place to hit on women.
>obviously I'm not going to waltz into a coffee shop and start talking to girls there.

Why not? I've met women in both.

But yeah, the rural living you descibe I have no experience of, I'm a city child through and through.
As I said, consider moving to an actual city, not just for women but to get out of your bubble and get a fresh start. Isn't it kinda shitty do die in the same place you were born without ever having seen the world?

I lied whenever it came up. I told her I had only done it a few times.

I'm just afraid if they start asking specific details. And did you wait until she asked specifically or slip it into conversation?
There's certain things I hate talking about, this is one of them, and people pick up on that.
Like if she has to ask are you a virgin then you kind of messed up no matter what.

Idk man I'm overthinking. I just finally have a girl in my life and don't want to scare her away.

I've been outside already, in fact I am speaking in a completely different language to my own right now, so it's not like I'm some backwards hick.

I actually consider myself reasonable socisble, just not with women.

Literally all you need is one or two girls who you can get into bed without them knowing or caring that you are a virgin. Once you've done the deed, its done

Also don't go no fap. Watch homemade porn exclusively so you get a better idea of what actual intimate sex looks like. It might not be much, but its better than nothing. And better than ruining your brain with overproduced big studio porn, or worse, 2D cancer shit

Some girls find virgins are hot. I dunno I don't think it's that bad, if you find a girl you really connect with you the sex will get better the more you have it. Actually sex is always awkward if you're doing it with someone for the first time

When it came up in conversation I just downplayed it. It works cause I’m a very private person about our relationship as is, so she understands if I never bragged about it before.

And the other user is right. Watch some homemade stuff to get a better idea of what actual sex is like.

1. have your life in order. Put yourself in the position of others, if you can't get a clue naturally. Do you feel like you're someone desirable or decent? Can you do better, even if it's just for a little bit everyday? Little by little?
2. Meet people, not to have relationships, but because of interest, and let others get to know and reach you. Be available, be there for people. Get out of your zone of comfort because it's sucking you into the nothingness.
3. you'll naturally meet women and know if you feel a connection with some other than just friendship or any other sort of relationship. When it's time, you'll know.
4. take action, be proactive but not and NEVER desperate or pathetic. Respect yourself at all times and be respectful to others. Invite those you want into your life. Learn to take a negative for what it is, not so personally. Enjoy life when you receive a positive, because you'll inevitably will.

Then it starts and it doesn't end there. Everything else is a consequence.

This is a good way to turn most women off almost immediately. Don't be a thirsty and desperate faggot but also don't be tricked by ideologues like this retard who don't understand what women want you to do. Be confident, interesting to talk to, understand signals and context, and literally just use words properly to foster a romantic relationship and then work from there. You're better off going against the advice of people like this and not holding women incredibly highly if you are going to play the numbers game of approaching women for relationships. Just work on your game and allow your feelings to naturally evolve into caring about them if they give you reasons to care for them.

>I turned 26 three days ago. Still a virgin. Is it time to give up hope already?
I don't know man but the 25+/30+ threads start at that age for a reason.

I'm going to be 31 soon and still a virgin

you sound like you're describing niggers who hoot and holler at shit

>MAKE women be attracted to you
Why is this a one way thing? If a girl tried to MAKE me attracted to her I’d run like hell.

Encouraging people to toss their virginity away for the fuck of it is a dick move and the world would be a better place if it didn’t happen.

>Encouraging people to toss their virginity away for the fuck of it is a dick move and the world would be a better place if it didn’t happen.
Even religious people have lost their virginities in their 20s.

Why should I care though? Why should anyone care? What’s the rush? I felt differently as a teenager but now I really don’t get it.
I don’t care how early people have sex, it’s just weird to me that others are belittled for not doing it as early as possible.

>it’s just weird to me that others are belittled for not doing it as early as possible.
Being a virgin isn't bad in itself, it's just a symptom of something larger when you're still a virgin in your late 20s or 30s.

a symptom of autism.

True for most cases. But “virgin” or “incel” is the go-to insult for them, and it makes no sense. It makes it seem like you’re just encouraging them to fuck the first woman they can.
Autism is another thing, people think it’s way more common than it is because of the internet. I know it’s just a shitpost but people actually believe this shit sometimes.

>But “virgin” or “incel” is the go-to insult for them, and it makes no sense.
No one's insulting anyone here.

>It makes it seem like you’re just encouraging them to fuck the first woman they can.
Can't hurt to get a couple of notches on their belt.

Mystery solved

>No one’s insulting anyone here
That is such a piss poor argument it’s not even funny. Go in half the other threads and see for yourself. Also I’ve seen people get harassed in real life over it more than once.
Also, it can hurt to fuck some girl you don’t care about. You could regret it, knock her up, get an STD, etc. Or she could be crazy or fat and get attached to you. So many bad things can come from reckless sex.
I’m not religious, I don’t care how early you wanna do it, but it should be your own decision not something you feel obligated to do to avoid becoming a “loser.”

>Go in half the other threads and see for yourself.
That's just anons being anons.

> Also I’ve seen people get harassed in real life over it more than once.
The people who do this are usually dickheads who you shouldn't associate with.

> You could regret it, knock her up, get an STD, etc. Or she could be crazy or fat and get attached to you.
>but it should be your own decision not something you feel obligated to do to avoid becoming a “loser.”
Obviously not any random woman, but like, as a virgin myself, I don't think the path to sex is supposed to be that hard. I don't think it is even a path to sex so much as something that happens along the way of normal social interaction and growth.

It's kinda the reason people take notice when someone is a virgin late in life. Lots of milestones usually have been missed.

I feel like I’ve had very normal social interactions and I’ve had several opportunities to have sex that I just didn’t know how to take at the time. When I say several opportunities I mean two of those times a girl was trying to get my pants off so she could suck my dick. And I turned them down. One time on a school trip a girl tried getting me to go into her hotel room. Turned that down.
Haven’t missed any other milestones.
Also never had to ask any girls out to get these opportunities. I think I’m addicted to feeling bad for myself or something. Maybe I have asperger’s syndrome or some shit. Maybe that’s the larger issue.
You seem to have a healthier view than I thought, so I’m gonna take both your word and my own experiences as evidence.
One more thing: This numbers game idea irritates me. There’s a girl I know of right know who shares pretty much all of the same interests as me, and she’s not particularly attractive. As long as she’s single I could almost definitely get with her. Will I try? Probably not. Guess I don’t feel that it’s my time yet. But my point is that sometimes it’s about opportunities and observation more than just seeking out random girls you think are pretty. I know that’s off topic but I felt like saying that and I’m anonymous so I don’t care if people think I’m dumb. Sorry to OP for using this as a place to dump my ramblings about my boring life.

>Turned that down.
Why would you do that bro? Do you have some holier-than-thou complex? Stop overthinking before life leaves you behind you giant fag.

Because men are supposed to be independent

Same way you're supposed to feel awkward if you get a compliment
Women want men to be stoic islands of self esteem that work by themselves

>stoic islands of self esteem that work by themselves
I keep hearing this and it describes me to the extreme. It has only resulted in me not making friends along the way and not interacting with women at all because I was focused on the thing I was working on and not getting distracted by social shit.

>Also don't go no fap. Watch homemade porn exclusively so you get a better idea of what actual intimate sex looks like. It might not be much, but its better than nothing. And better than ruining your brain with overproduced big studio porn, or worse, 2D cancer shit
I only ever watched homemade vids or pics of girls bating, so hopefully my brain isn't completely gone and I learned something. The thing with homemade porn is that they often still put on a show.
Nofap was beneficial for kick starting me. I just broke it actually after about 2 months.

Don't give up, i lost mine at 26 to another virgin. Couldn't believe it. Now i have sex all the time.

How old was she and how did you meet?

23 and tinder. She lived in a small town and didn't get out much.

This gives me hope

Nope, not yet. I lost my virginity a week before 27 (30 now) to another virgin and I plan to propose soon. She helped me recover from being a neet 4 years straight too.

I don't know how true this is but it makes me feel slightly better. The FOMO is real and I feel so fucked up.

Even if these posts are true meeting one of these types of girls are super fucking rare.

>Idk man I'm overthinking.
You have no idea how true this is, my dude.
I've fucked 18 women throughout the years, and although most would've known I'm wasn't a virgin, the ones who've asked me about partner count or anything related to that, I've been truthful with, but it's not something I think is a good idea FOR THEM to hear about. There's most likely going to be some sort of repulsive reaction, at least sub-consciously, something that'll awaken a competative, reactionary compulsion in order to deal with all the other women I've had, or might have in the future. This is a bad idea to bring forth in anyone your just coming to know.

If a girl asks you about your sexual experience, simply tell her that it's not important, and nothing you wish to think about right now, and you tell her in a tender and caring way, so she understands that she's the only one you want to focus on right now.

Freaking out over the possibility she might figure you out, is focusing on the wrong thing, especially if it gives you a reason to avoid intimacy.

What the fuck do you think makeup is for?

28 year old virgin hear to tell OP that he should give up. I may be a statistical anomaly but so are these two.

I'm approaching 26 and just got my first gf.
Only advice I can give: go out, do stuff, meet loads of people and be nice (but not a doormat) to everyone.
Some women will eventually like you, although most women make up their mind in the first few seconds after they meet you and very rarely change it so don't go chasing after some gal that is not interested. Instead focus on meeting loads of people all the time.
As for where to meet people. Well I do lots of out doorsy stuff. Meet my gf on a hiking trip with some group of random people that I joined for a couple of days.