Bernie Sanders 2020

I officially am off the Trump Train.
I am feeling the Bern.

The only true way to defeat the Jews is to hurt them in the money. Fuck the Jewish collegiate board, and fuck the Jewish healthcare corporations who have convinced half of the United States that we should give them money for our own rights.

To all those switching teams, declare so ITT with _the_bern

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Remember to gib him all of your money in donation, kamala and the dnc are going to need that money when they take the nomination from his sorry white ass


I jumped off that train too, hoping for muh boy bernie to cause enough inflation after I'm done borrowing money for school so that it will be easier to pay off

I see those 6 gorillions dollars of donations are already put in good use

I'll match u!

Are you shills aware how you stick out? Its so disingenuous and the message always beats around the bush. You axt like you shared of our values and drop them overnight like a hypergamous woman, just to not know what you want tomorrow . People like you are so out of touch its funny.

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>Vote for a literal Jew

Im fairness

1 man has a 40 year record of voting anti israel

The other is most israel friendly president of all time

lul lets let everyone else get tax paid school while we paid for it the hard way and had to pay for theirs. You clowns sound so retarded. We already have this system its affirmitive action. It simply does not work out. Devalues the worth of a degree, and colleges would never allow a subsidized price set by the government meant for different programs, because their whole model is set around making money off tuition. I love how you think already owing and somehow bernie will help you.

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>hurt them in the money
>collapse the U.S. economy


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yeah I don't care, I'm looking for my gain and mine alone

>You axt like you shared of our values and drop them overnight like a hypergamous woman, just to not know what you want tomorrow
The reason Trump was so popular and was ultimately elected was because he tried to portray himself as a populist, albeit a right wing populist. As a candidate that was different from the typical corporate Democrats and big business Republicans. The American people are tired of being shafted and left behind and Trump just appealed to many people because it seemed like he cared about the average working class Joe. But once he got into office it was all about filling his cabinet with more elite, cutting taxes for the rich, and more foreign wars. He pulled the wool over our eyes. The American people were let down yet again and are now desperate for solutions to their problems. Bernie Sanders with his platform of holding big business accountable and fighting for the little guy is a saving grace for the American people.

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They NPCs they can't comprehend that shit and they get paid so no fucks are given.

so funny th coordinated shill bots shift from Aoc to bernie to tulsey to whatever the trannie discord “muh feels” has on its mind for the day.

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>fighting for the little guy
>as he drives his luxury car
>from his second vacation home
>to Hillary's campaign rally
>after she cucked him out of the nomination

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He's a shill, as he already proved with him accepting Hillary stealing his win.
He's merely a stooge and it's already out that Hillary controlled the money flow in democratic party, and she was in charge of contributions and that this decision was premade and Bernie knew about it while pretending he's genuine candidate. Tulsi Gabbard is a lot better choice but she has little chance going anywhere because corporate (cia funded) "businesses", military IC, (((banking cartel))) and their media spreading disapproval propaganda and smearing campaigns as hard as they can already.
>people say they control both sides
Fact is, they simply control the money flow, since they have the majority of it, and even print it them self's, LMAO AT DISSAPPEARED TRILLIONS AND PEOPLE ARE STILL CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHO'S ON WHICH PAYROLL HAHHAHA

I hate all Socialism, we Trump Supporters will fight them until we have won.

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Bernie is a jew who will take your guns and freedom. Ok buddy.