SALARY : hop on the new FAKE NEWS narrative, "Salary"

As we all know, it's perfectly normal and common for employees who want more money in their weekly Salary, to hire 2 guys from Africa to dump bleach on them, we all know that bleach stains on your clothes garners more SALARY.

While the FAKE NEWS narrative is now that the entire Event was a Salary Dispute, it helps people forget about the entire TIMELINE:

JANUARY 18th or so: Jussie was down in Miami (CNN's Ana Navarro admits to seeing him down in Miami)

JANUARY 21 (MLK Day) : Kamala Harris announces her Presidential Campaign, Kamala is good friends with Jussie

JANUARY 29 : The Nigerian Brothers said the attack MUST be done by January 29th. They wanted the attack done before FEBRUARY came

FEBRUARY 1: (Black History Month begins) Cory Booker declared his Presidency on February 1st

Kamala Harris was pushing Anti-Lynching Legislation, she then needed something in the News to promote that she is able to "get Legislation pushed through", and she needed something to deflect attention AWAY from Cory Booker's big Presidential news which was only days away.... she needed the News Cycle all to herself before February came around... and along came Jussie being attacked on a sidewalk

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Hope he likes making 2 dollars a day in prison.

CNN's Ana Navarro seeing Jussie down in Miami days before the attack is the icing on the cake. Clearly CNN must have been in on the planning stages of the attack, there is no way that CNN's Chief Race baiter just happens to bump into Jussie in a city of Miami, with a half-million people living in it

This is clear collusion. I hope the FBI is still investigating.

>This is clear collusion. I hope the FBI is still investigating.

will Tucker talk about any of this tonight ???

The US is a joke at this point, a bad one.

He works for Fox so most likely no.

>The US is a joke at this point, a bad one.
The entire west is a joke.

Is Kamala Harris even black? I thought she was Indian.

>Is Kamala Harris even black? I thought she was Indian.

This is probably why the attack was even more important and necessary for her to plan, to give her "street cred" as a Black, she has black friends, she is pushing through Anti-Lynching bills, and her black friend was just attacked for being black...

Im not arguing.
So how long do we ride this tiger?

Archive all the media face saving ad flip flopping.
All the fucks in Hollywood who was sucking this faggots dick and shitting on MAGA. Trump, and white men but are now jumping on the condemnation train.
Pieces of shit like The Talk are just as guilty as Jussie is for spreading falsehoods and trying to silence those who were suspect.

Kali Yuga ends soon. Everyone can feel it.

I’m a brainlet. Why is this significant?

Kali Yuga, user?

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What kind of nigger name is jussie? Did the nog's steal the name Jesse and turn it into jussie...

Bump for truth
They will frame it as him acting entirely alone when we know that not to be the case.

Salary is a really funny way of spelling "payouts from Kamala Harris and Cory Booker"

One can hope

Correct. all they did was spell it (somehow) the way the say it. like most nig names.

lol, only in it for the gibs.
Classic nigger.

so how much is he making for being a niggerfaggot?

I bet it's more than I make for working 55+ hours a week

>Did the nog's steal the name Jesse and turn it into jussie
Yes, literally. They literally did it as described.

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Kamala almost looks like Jussie's mom.

You ride the Tiger until you take control over Money, News, Education, Entertainment, Courts, Cops, Military, etc. (In that order. The Money is the most important and communications are second most important.)

The narrative is all designed to protect Mass Immigration Cheap Labor because that keeps the (((Masters))) in power and luxury.

I wonder why?

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Unironically based af. I wish I had the balls to pull off this level of fraud.

>I wonder why?
no shit right

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It didn’t mean nephew literally you retard.

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does anyone else feel like they should be submitting a tip to the FB_

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Why do millennials stage hate crimes instead of asking for a raise?


The Fruedian implications of having bleach poured on himself, this poor Niggers hungry for.........The BWC!!! Big WHITE COCK!!!!!!! Stay salty libturd faggots!

>why did you do it?
Then why did he brag that he was attacked for *dramatic pause with sigh* because he was so hard on "45". Lying sack of divisive leftist shit.

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this is the last time the glowies are ever going to let nogs carry out a psyop lmao

they tried to kill this nigg and he's a funny sassy one too

soon the news announcer is going to glitch out and scream "I need scissors 61 ,turn off your tv".

He's right!!!

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Cook County DA just laid out the step by step evidence they have on Jussie. He's beyond fucked. They have texts of him saying he was going to pay the nigerians for committing the fake hate crime with cash and ecstasy.

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This whole thing is so incomprehensibly dumb

Holy fucking shit lol i am at a loss for words with this clown. Why not destroy the fucking phone?

This. Than we have the false flag demorat killer conveniently pop up at the peak of this story. I hate these kikes so much.

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makes me wonder if all the shit I read about mk ultra is real.

still probably more total black on white killings since 1776.

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How the fuck do all these big democrats know this guy? Like personally? Do they all go to the dick sucking parties? How good is Jussie at sucking dick? Asking for a friend.

I'm pretty surprised that nog made an effort to be fair at least

>Jussie Smollett networth: 500,000
Not that it'd be any more justified to pull that shit if he was working minimum wage, but what the fuck? The guy is worth half a million.
I mean just looking at the fucking mess he's done and not covering his tracks at all, he's obviously a fucking retard who should probably plead insanity... But still.

He's trying to protect Kamala Harris and Booker

I'm fine with locking both men in a cell and throwing the key, if that's his point.

>But y'all don't wanna talk about that.
but i do
1) which group made up 0.7% of the population
but owned 26% all slaves?
2) which party stand to gain- if this hoax wasn't exposed
3) and which party owned slaves?

So who's expecting the DNC to Seth Rich Smollett soon, lest he jam up Kamala?

no wonder the KKK has been moving to the right, the current day left is too extreme even for them.

Also >(((Goldmark)))

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Holy crap. I can smell the gefilte fish from here.

I'm racist and I would love if this were done. Only about 2000 people were ever lynched. If blacks commit the most crime now, it's hard to imagine they would not still have been very criminal back then too.

Oy vey, smollet did nothing wrong!

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Stop protecting the evil hat goy!

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the fag is kamala's nephew not a friend you fucking brainlet, the dude that revealed this got ran off a bridge 20 min after he posted that shit

OP asking the real questions. Whoever believes this is about salary is a goddamn retard. This is just his way of deflecting blame. He's scared shitless and will say anything at this point. You won't get the truth for awhile.

>Harris and Booker are guilty by Association

Well in that case...

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The motive doesn't make sense.

That doesn't get rid of phone records though. He should have just gotten a burner phone not attached to his name that he was going to use to plan and orchestrate this shit and dumped. Now he is going to be the pass around bottom in jail. He is the gay Tupac afterall.

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Half. Her father is from Jamaica. Her grate grandmother owned slaves in Jamaica.

So it's got nothing to do with wanting to be seen as a victim or making white people/Trump supporters out to be racists? That's a relief!

I'm sick of seeing this guy plastered all over the board like hes some sort of monster. He is a human being with feelings and emotions, and it is because of those feelings and emotions that he did what he did. It's as simple as that. I dont with him harm, I dont want him in prison. I want to talk to him. I want to look him in the eyes and say "where does it hurt. What made you feel this was the answer." I want to start a dialogue in this country about intolerance, and he will be the springboard. This is where it begins.

Kek gaaaayyyyyy!

Fuck off fag, he would throw you under the bus and claim you are a racist in a heart beat for even posting here. Go be gay somewhere else.

>I’m unhappy with my salary
>I have an idea, I’ll spend 10% of the average American’s salary to stage a false flag to be a (((victim)))

>falsely accusing white people of trying to 'lynch' you while shouting 'MAGA country' isn't race baiting

Faggots are not people.
Commies are not people.
Democrats are not people.
It should be lynched.

Nigger speak for 'Juicy'.

>trusting lyft or any shit like that after getting on a dem's shitlist
Woof, that's a hell of a mistake.
In his place I wouldn't order a fucking pizza, much less get in a random stranger's car.

Anybody else fucking call this shit from a mile away?

Lot of words for saying nothing.

>can't get Trump
>gets people on other charges not related

Take your best shot, Flatlander woman.

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55+ hours a week
user, I genuinely hope you get through this okay. Thank you for being a hard worker desu.

>What kind of nigger name is jussie?
You know Oprah was supposed to be named Opera but her dad misspelled it when filling out the birth certificate information.

>pay the nigerians for committing the fake hate crime with cash and ecstasy.
He wrote a check.

>o how much is he making for being a niggerfaggot?
$65,000 per episode.

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If this is true, Jussie's a sociopath and needs to be locked away forever.

Notice how once this story falls apart, a new one comes out of a neo-Nazi targeting every prominent Democrat. It's so fucking tiring.

Sure looks like a guy with an awful "salary"