Do you hate posh cunts, user?

Do you hate posh cunts, user?

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It's kind of funny and ironic that this "highly educated" woman complaining about not being able to find a similar man gets the swipe direction wrong in the picture

Why would a woman want to be with a man who thinks like a woman? Is she interested in a lesbian relationship?

Hate them? That would be a waste of energy. Just ignore them.

Why would men want to date a woman with debt?

The question no one asks.

translation: can't find educated Chads willing to commit easily

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>Debt free Virgins without Tattoos

I love that we got it down to something so simple yet so effective.

Why are roasties so racist? There's plenty of multicultural diversity they can date, but they only want a privileged white male.

Construction worker with that age and experience guaranteed makes more than kaitlyn from hr

Happiest couple I know is a girl that just graduated law school and her electrician boyfriend. It only works because she's not a vapid narcissist.
Imagine how terrible a person would have to be to look down on their wife for being a housewife and mother. Now just flip it to sociology degree looking down on a tradesman. Truly a bizarre time we live in.

Gee, good looking educated men with careers in their 30s are actually interested in women in their early 20s because THEY WANT CHILDREN. Who could have predicted such a thing?

Sounds like there's not enough privileged white males to go around. No problem. A roastie - bulbheaded Somali dating service should fix it.

What I find funny is from the men I know, the educated ones seem to have a harder time finding women then the dudes I know who work trades. I don't know any guy in trades that stays single for long.

Because the 'educated' women have all had their minds poisoned by the jews. They're un-marriageable.

We all know where this is headed...

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Then again, being poisoned by Jews is a sign of bad genetics and inferior brain evolution. Weak genes basically.


I suck at tinder/dating app bio's pol help me out

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Be honest but not harsh. Its literally as simple as that. Say what you do and what you want, just dont be a dick about it.

>t. Guy with over 1000 tinder/bumble matches

Truth for the ages

No they care about status, they perceive education as high status.


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Im a man in my 30s with 4 degrees including a Juris doctorate and have no interest in dating a highly educated career driven women after spending years in school with these kinds of women.

Women have always pursued solely the top percentage of men throughout every period in history. This isn't newsworthy.

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>4 degrees
>retarded posts on Jow Forums

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women are chasing a dream

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Actually this is totally feasbale.

Probable has tow undergraduate degrees instead of one and a masters in business along with the law degree. There are plenty of MBA-JD combo programs.

A good post by this lad and a very astute summation of what's happened in society.

I have a graduate degree and am a CPA and I never planned to get married or in any relationship at all until I met my wife and got married after 4 years in a relationship at 33. I only had 1 "serious" relationship before my wife because it was fucking pointless and most women are insufferable cunts with no personality. I 100% relate to any man who never wants to get married.

I’m an undergrad rn but I’m already apart of 3 honors societies and on track to be a business lawyer. Yet I’m not experiencing the pussy deluge this article is claiming I should be in the middle of.
>pic unrelated

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Yes it is cock-sucker.

Tradition kept these whores in check and evenly distributed them. Modern (((degeneracy))) set them free to only Fuck you chats.

The only solution is to kill every Chad and beat all women into submission.

That’s because they’ve never come in contact with a real man or a real woman. Just beta males(men that are women)
And “strong women”(women that are men)

Their dream is to fuck chads like this through their 20s until they are suddenly left with nothing at 32 but wasted years shoveling away at a meaningless career until *something* happens. There is no long term thought going on in their heads - no end game here and marrying this chad faggot is not realistic. Because most women in their 20s are nihilistic and materialistic they "live for the now" essentially their lives have no true meaning.
This is why so many of this vapid bitches end up an heroing at 35.

That's one good lookin gigachad. Gotta make sure to work my traps today for that thicc neck bitches love.

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I know I'm not from the west, but I'm 29, have an LLB (similar to JD, still a law degree), 2 undergraduates, and my taxes paid alone is enough to surpass most annual salaries. Posting in 4chinz doesn't automatically make one a loser, kraut.

I'm actually just fishing for funny stuff since I know it won't really affect the number of matches. The only thing that matters when it comes to matches is being a photogenic Chad over 6ft or having pictures that portray you as rich.

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Maybe if women weren't such selfish, loveless whores who are only attracted to the top 20% of men, they would find it within themselves to date down.

But we all know these disloyal whores would never do that.

There are more men graduates than women
>opression, problematic system, women are just as capable as men, sexist sciences, enforce representation

There are more women graduates than men
>women are just smtater tee hee


Here's the secret for women to find the man of their dreams

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There is none coming user. You need to understand that. Women will fuck you because they will understand you have a wealthy future coming but stay away from any cunt who knows your background before dating - they are entirely fucking you for the money you will bring in the future.

Also as a CPA with an MSA you should get a JD. You will make fucking bank. I am considering doing an JD/LLM. Take all that fucking money and smoke Padrons every day. Never change who you are or want to be for some women. It is a mistake too many men make.

My girlfriend graduates med school soon and is like 8 years younger than me.
I'm also unemployed :^)
She's a nice Catholic cutie that's never had a boyfriend before.
Wants to have a baby as soon as she's in a stable job.
Feels good man.

>1 post by this ID

fuck off. and don't forget sage tea is good for your health

"Where have all the good men who watch rick and morty gone"
Absolute state of usedniversity roasties

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dyel faggot?

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the picture used looks like it comes from a porn, though (more likely some softcore photoshoot)
it's kind of disturbing how many popular "conservative" meme pictures with women use whores to celebrate good women

I don't think women will ever appreciate how easy it is for men to not try.

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>tfw too smart

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Have a pic of a dog. I doesn't even have be your dog you can literally take a picture of a stray.

>REEEEEE give me equality
>women are now 60% of graduates
>REEEEEE where did all the high achieving men go?

Because the target audience is whores, they need to feel they can relate.

It's the same as the Jesus statues being brown skinned in brown countries.

yeah if you want an NPC gf this tactic works

that and talk about how you want someone to adventuring with

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What do think will happen first?

A) Women will learn to abandon hypergamy

B) Women will push to reinstate polygamy

My money is on B, they'd rather share Alpha Chad than pretend to love Beta Brad if forced to choose.

isn't kind of funny that women are now half of the work force, something they desperately wanted, wages are now shit, but they still expect men to pay for most of the dates? funny how that works.

Women naturally widen the gap as they get older or they become cat ladies. Too bad as I get older the gap of women I'd choose to be with narrows.

I’m getting my cpa in a year and a half. Then I’m going to law school right after. My experience is that girls don’t give a shit if you’re gonna be rich in the future. More if you’re rich at that given moment. It’s all relative to what she is making at that time too.

you say that like they don't need to be culled for humanity to go on

Because they conflate progression through the education system as a sign of intelligence. My friends vapid whore of a sister does this same shit. "Lack of men on their intellectual level." Meanwhile this cunt is a SJW with a meme degree who thinks her completion of said meme degree makes her smarter than someone who works a trade.

Pic related is usually their opinion of themselves

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Because women don’t want men who make less and men don’t want strong independent women

>this article is claiming
These articles are written by kikes
Why do you take them seriously?

>kill every Chad
kill every jew
we need the chads to manipulate the population, just like the jews do

we need power

Ok blog time
I know a landscaper who is incredibly creative and is a very talented writer. But the latter is only his hobby. That you work in a trade does not mean you are less, and any woman who thinks that can go die in a sewer.

Time to settle for a lazy and broke bf, roasties. Cant wait to be a trophy husband who can spend all day shitposting while living in a mansion desu.

I’m providing the kikes wrong based on my experience

post-grad woman would be looking for a hard-working, intelligent man
she shouldn't be looking to post-grad men rofl

she's looking for a tradesman. a man with skill and knowledge.
a woman would never search for a man with the same fucking knowledge as her.

Just gaze out your window, look at the buildings, streets, lights, sewers, highways, roofs, etc, and realize, it was all built and created by men.

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CPA is highly sought after. After 5 years or so at a firm you'll be pulling in $120k+ easily. Get a law degree and 10 years experience you're talking $250k+ salary easily. Highly recommend it.

You're definitely not wrong there. My advice as a 33 year old with a similar path and more mistakes to count is never tell a women how much you make or have in the bank etc They will use you for it. A $50 birthday gift will be seen as a slap in the face or a $1500 engagement ring will make them cry because they wanted the $5k one.

Lmao. Have you ever met a tradesman?

>Tfw too smart to not ruin the universities with womanly nonsense.

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a post-grad woman 'feels' like she has so much knowledge but inherently knows that she lacks 'talent'
a tradesman hones his talent and is knowledgeable about his subject and will always have work

checkmate collegefags

am a contractor
i'm literally a handyman that can do anything from plumbing to hvac

>they wanted the $5k one.
Shit that's a broke ass ring desu

>accidental eugenics
Part of the reason why gen-z is so based.

Basically the story goes like this:
>I want to be on equal footing and be with a man of the same standing as me! I hate babies! Women who are housewives are oppressed.

Thirties, after working for a few years :
>I hate this, I want a husband to provide for me and my children while I stay at home.

Women are told by (((them))) that they need to have a career, so they can buy all that shitty makeup and go party and have fun. Careers are fun goyim, don't believe what they say.
They buy the lie, get degrees, party hard, start working and their world crumbles. Most women don't get pleasure out of working hard, are not that interested in the things they do and rot away somewhere in the middle of the corporate ladder.
Extremely disillusioned with work, they start dreaming of a ticket out of where they got themselves into, and look for a man to save them. There again, they buy the lie that they deserve a 9/10 chad with a 6 pack, 6 figures and over 6 foot. The system is designed to keep women unhappy so they can crash our birthrates.

Women don't have that much agency, they go with the flow. If the flow leads them to university, careers then not marrying or not having children, it's because the culture is rotten.

some of us wanted careers and worked towards them rather than acquiring a collection meaningless degrees.

Yes, but certainly not men like you. You are a fucking parasite.


>What do think will happen first?

the white race will go extinct while niggers multiply like bacteria

Thanks brah, hopefully I’ll find a marginally less degenerate woman

Or just avoid materialistic women

Maybe in Canada
You guys are acting like actual faggots
The lot of you.

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>Snu Snu
>Sex, me and you
>Anal in the back seat, you in

keep it simple, keep it clear

but little stacy has been told since grade 9 that its degree or bust

she does not see you as equal, you MUST be more highly educated than she is or her brainwashing just cannot compute

Well if they're fugly they should go with a poorer man if he's better looking than most of the other men going after her.
I mean fugly women and fatties are the bottom of the totem pole so they should adjust their standards accordingly.

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>Maybe in Canada
its a global projection fucking retaded mutt

italian fertility rate is 1.2 you stupid fuck

africa is 4 or 5

Having a high IQ doesn't mean thinking like a women you coping tard. The thing these cunts are getting wrong is thinking that their useless degrees put them above blue collar men and on equal terms with white collar men.

Materialism is the plague of modern society.
My wife's engagement ring was $1500. Our wedding rings were in total $3k. All the money I saved goes into good cigars and into my ETF account.

They're a diamond in the rough lad.

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Who cares what some slut thinks?

Do american women really care that much about money?

Asking as an autistic bong of that gender. I don't get the fixation on wealth. Looks I understand much better, it's genetic material.

Work is for the goyim.

Well, im an actual tradesman and in telling you that the average tradesman is fucked in the head. Also just lol at burgers letting a handyman do plumbing and ac

imagine being a bitch who doesn't want a construction worker or whoever was wearing that hard hat

>They're a diamond in the rough lad.
They are not hard to find

This shit right here.

The picture she chose says more about her than any user could.

>some slut
you mean literally 70-80% of white females of breeding age?

yeah i see why you dont care, doesnt matter that the whites are gone, no water off your fucking wet back retarded mutt

>tfw genuinely enjoy hiking but every THOT on social media and dating apps pretends they like hiking
Sometimes I dream of violence.

>Swipe left unless you're over 6'10" and have a 20" dick that ejaculates money and acts as an emotional sponge.
No thanks, man.