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How has Jow Forums affected your life?
Kevin Sanchez
Sebastian Walker
Slowly I began to hate them.
Dylan Turner
It has let me call people from costa rica niggers.
Ian Stewart
I don't know if it's because of Jow Forums or the surrounding events by I've learn to take things less seriously.
Aaron Lee
Dude which is the vpn that includes Israel?
I want that flag.
Henry Torres
Ask not how Jow Forums has affected your life....ask how your life has affected Jow Forums.
Gabriel Ross
It made me lose a lot of friends before realizing I was retarded.
Levi Bell
Kicked a meth addiction (but also got fat) , got a sweet job and wife because of Jow Forums
Austin King
Jow Forums gave me gout and a third nipple
Daniel Reyes
You've got internet tica? Is it true costa rica is full of hunchbacks?
Camden Fisher
Ever since I found Jow Forums I have become ten times smarter, ten times faster,100 times better looking and 1000times richer. I've turned into a turboChad and my cock has grown to a gurthy 12.5 inches. I can walk on water and turn niggers into humans.
Nathan Brooks
not much to be desu, i'm still the same normie as years ago.
Henry Evans
Camden Reed
Schizophrenia and hate, inability to be in public without a weapon for defence
Samuel Cruz
Liam Jones
What’d you say bitch?
Jonathan Parker
kick ass
Jow Forums touched my heart greatly
Aiden Garcia
Jeremiah Flores
also raised my iq by 50 points
Ian Scott
im black pilled 2 tha max, i've lost all my will to live. propaply me being 30yo still living with mommy and daddy and not having job and being a permavirgin has something to do with it also. i just wish for ww3 that would end all humanity, i want to see everything get destroyed.
Julian Wright
Noah Scott
Mainly niggers and you get extorted by the fucking police of that shithole.
Connor Morris
Damn they were chads before the call heard around the world. Truly transcended.
Andrew Evans
never submitted to 4chang contest but was going to
you literally can't win that