Violence at UC Berkeley

Leftist viciously attack a conservative for simply setting up a recruitment table at UC Berkeley

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trump supporters are kike puppets be done with them

isnt Berkeley one of the mentally ill leftist hot spots?

wow, he btfo that NAAAZZZTSEEE!!

"you promote violence" *decks him in the face*


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>the alleged victim was helping students recruit other conservatives for Turning Point USA behind a table with a sign that read, "hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims,” a reference to the Jussie Smollett case in Chicago.
I thought leftists were supposed to be the "good guys" protecting people of color. I feel embarrassed for ever identifying with libs sometimes

Yes, it is a university

It truly amazes me that someone would stand there and let someone punch them in the face like that.

Can we find this man?

>turning point usa
he deserved it desu

Maybe you didnt watch both videos of the incident but the attacker tells the guy that if he hits him back he'll shoot him.

that is a jewish face

Everything is Jewish to you guys lol

>meme flag calling people kike puppets
Shocking stuff, really...

"Someone" is singular.

>I feel embarrassed for ever identifying with libs sometimes
If you had any principals or morals that feeling would be constant.

Who gives a fuck??

Shoot me then, you fucking cocksucker

You don't think I have a pistol on me, myself??

Fuck being threatened - EVER

>i'll shoot your ass

You PC, bro?!

>Conservatives being attacked
Honestly, conservatives deserve to be attacked.

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>It truly amazes me that someone would stand there and let someone punch them in the face like that.
It was a sucker punch the guy was looking at his phone.

Come user one of you know this tard....

Let's DOX him big time!!

you deserve your gang rape with a side of hand grenades

Dude in OP pic is hispanic. This is why we shouldn't let shit skins and beaners into our country, they are uncivilized savage barbarians that are incapable of intellectual debate.

Chad leftist btfo MIGIcuck

Fuck off moralfag

He comes the assault charge.

>get out of my face
>approaches aggressively

because he is
because they are always at the fucking center of everything

A guy is close to you in a threatening manner and you're sitting there on your phone instead of trying to control the adrenaline that - should be- pumping through your body?

he is totally PC. he has signaled his virtue to all the fine blue haired hotties of Berkeley and is ready to smash much puss

you like kushner dont you?

Nice flagget, fagget

>lets dox him
So... this is the power of american cuckservatives

bump for justice

>Not shooting him immediately for violating the NAP

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Assault, terroristic threat with a deadly weapon, and destruction of property.

Indeed Dox this fucking CUNT.

Should go to jail and then SUE THE FUCK OUT OF HIM!

he serves the cause and is far more damaging by letting the libtard go full meltdown.

lib now freak out like shitskins. when Mueller report comes out you will see more of this

Conservatives arent emotional crybabies and understand that the only way to ever get a leftist convicted of anything is to have overwhelming evidence because the justice system favors the left.

the thug will go to jail

And the leftist saw through the bluff, because a student would never be allowed to conceal carry on a campus in commiefornia

The left doesn't listen to your words. However, they will listen to a broken jaw

sound like a wigger

Everything is Jewish.*

Welcome and enjoy your stay.

>sue him!!!!
Americucks are truly jew spawn

just wait a week or two. once the Mueller report comes out and the Russia BS flames out you will see coast to coast lefty Meltdowns.

nobody will think twice about putting one down

Which is an obvious fucking lie because they're in Berkeley California.

Sound like someone who wasn't raised to be a pussy


You talk like reddit, fucking gas yourself.

Kill yourself

There is literally nothing wrong with bashing the fash.

I cant wait. Its like waiting for a movie to come out. Will it be this year's salt mine?


Most people who set up for chats are the meekest, softest people you will ever meet. They jump with fear if you so much as say Boo! In the unlikely event that some Leftist challenged a brawler and got literally smeared all over the pavement, while begging for his mom to come save him, the video of it would be edited to not show the shameful sniveling of the Leftist.

But that's literally the appeal of leftism. Moral relativism to defend a cognitively dissonant dogma.

Basically, rape culture is fine when we do it.

Falsely accusing people of being fash is a tactic of the fash.

you still sound like a wigger

this here. this is a Gun Free Zone... no chance anyone here is armed.

well except the TP guy he was armed with hurt words and MAGA gear... he could have killed someone with his mean MAGA words

Thank you for the correction

100 scalps! REEE, I got punched in the face.

I can't wait to see what happens to that guy.

Has he been doxed yet

Still waiting on the dozens of instances of previous leftist violence to start influencing independents. Why don't we have 80 senate seats right now?

Dox this cunt, Bump

why is it everyone who has ever said "bash the fash" is a horrid looking women with a stank front hole or some Faggy dude that eats dong or just really wants to eat dong?

For a bunch "ROFL XD" meme masters conservatives are some of the biggest pussies ever, they get bullied on a daily basis by literal cunt worshipping soiboys and demonized/mocked by almost every major media outlet, not to forget the daily cyber bullying a conservative will face for "coming out" as one.
Most companies will fire you on the spot for being a conservative and 60-70% of your base is boomers who will die out in the next decade. There is quite literally no future for conservatives in America anymore, liberalism will rule over the West, just like the last days of Rome. History is a cycle, and if this isnt the best simulation of the Roman downfall then I dont know what else is.

Words can be violence. That Nazi was literally committing literal genocide with his hate speech. That brave freedom fighter saved lives by ending the violence of words.

one drip at a time

Dont worry. The justice system in California is 100% operational.

Im sure he will be put in jail for assault and battery.

Who is that guy?

Reminder that beta orbiter Reem Quadroom only raised 96.58% of the $10k goal for college chocolate milk thrower Shelby Shoup. We need to make sure she and this brave soul receive the funding they need to continue to call out violence in all of its forms.

You sound like a fucking faggot

>support for an authoritarian and corporatist form of government
>nationalist sentiments and resentment against minority groups and foreigners
>personality or leader cult

If it walks like a fash and quacks like a fash it is a fash and gets the bash.

...... maybe probation. Maybe.

This is now an antifa hate thread
>these are the people who preach love and acceptance

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t. fash

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>literally no u

That's fine

But, I guarantee this wigger would never allow anyone to slap me around and I not do anything about it

>magapede get chad-handled
>fire dept gets called
Fucking lol. maga is a joke.

I think Coolsville sucks!

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Oh fuck off. We've been getting bloodied for years now without any retaliation, and for what? A kike president?

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He didn't get attacked for being a magapede though, he got attacked because
>conservative bad

I get to bash you now lole
cuz ur a fash

>support for an authoritarian and corporatist form of government

No that is the left, who want more government control, also isnt it strange they get so much funding from corporations who want to ship in thousands of low skill workers.

>checking your own digits

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Faggots get bullied. Conservashits are faggots. Do the math.

his name will be known, at some point. poor angry guy

Says the pro-homosexual liberal

Fuck these pieces of shit. I hope this kid does a school shooting.
>It truly amazes me that someone would stand there and let someone punch them in the face like that.
To get the crystal clear photo in OP it might be worth it. Lawsuit, expulsion, ruin the guy's life in general, could be more satisfying than just swinging at him and getting your ass kicked since this kid was a scrawny manlet and this guy looks jacked and aggressive and literally threatened to shoot him

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you can't even bench press your body weight you weak faggots stopped showing up in the south because you got made fun of and btfo at every corner, fighting and generally anything involving any effort is anathema to spiritual bourgeois scum like you

Grew up in the East Bay and would cut class to go to Berkeley almost like a family visits the zoo. Just to get a first hand look at the rampant level of degeneracy and how it effects the people. It’s a shithole that you can’t even really imagine unless you visit. Walk down Telegraph for a good appreciation of your current living situation.

He's right. The conservatives activists that get funding are little bitches

Literally could be Mike Thernovich's son. Same low-IQ neanderthal eyes.

>literally threatened to shoot him
He should report him to uni staff desu, they're probably so anti-gun he'd get the death penalty just for saying that

Berkeley is a Leftist religious temple. IT would be like walking into a Saudi mosque and trying to sell bacon, they would just kill you. Leftist are a religious cult nothing more you can't reason with them.


But, sometimes you just have to take an ass kickin' if you need to - at least you will earn respect.

I've taken a couple of ass whoopin's myself, but I never went down without a fight. Regardless, of how much bigger than me the guy was

>Violence at UC Berkeley

Jesus...Conservatives, the far right, and the alt right really are a bunch of pathetic weaklings, pussies, and beta males. No wonder the left keeps winning. For every video of a white man winning a fight there are 50 of white men getting their asses beat by leftists.

You faggots have no chance of winning any civil war, so honestly, I hope you try it. I would enjoy watching your carcasses get stacked up and then having all your guns confiscated by the long dick of the law.

...I blame Christianity for your current state, then video games, followed by anime.

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