I've never spoken to a girl since middle school. How the fuck am I supposed to meet them? All my friends are male...

I've never spoken to a girl since middle school. How the fuck am I supposed to meet them? All my friends are male, they don't have any female friends or girlfriends. The same for my hobbies - programming, politics, woodworking, etc. No women there. School is also all-male.
Just what am I supposed to do?

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>remember when i was in hs
>joined debate team just to meet one girl i saw in it
>talk to her and she likes me
>stop going and never ask her out

Get a job in retail. It's basically high school part 2.

I wouldn't need the money, and it seems like a real shitty job. Why?

I worked at a DVD store and met some of the coolest people ever, even a few girls I had flings with and others I just became close friends with.

I was stupid in high school but at least I was never this stupid
>I wouldn't need the money
what do you mean? more money is always better
worst case scenario you can afford 15 year whisky and get fucked up on really good stuff

I have nearly no expenses and those are covered by my student loans. I have around $25k in mutual funds if there's an emergency.
Sure, it's better with more money, but I really don't have anything to spend it on.

So you are in college?
Dorms? Parties? Bars? Group assignments?

This is painfully accurate. same goes for working in a kitchen or at a pizza place.

the best aprt time job tho is working at a golf course. Chill work environment, and tons of cuties.

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>Dorms? Parties? Bars? Group assignments?
Studying computer engineering, man.

What’s that have to do with anything? Do you have a college social life or not?

Yeah, but I don't have any female friends, nor do my friends. So I can't meet any through school.

Okay, so first off you're never ever ever ever gonna meet women if all you do is produce excuses as to why you shouldn't be entering society

>reasons to get a job
Savings/Stock options/plans (well, we do things like that with certain companies)
(depending on the job) Exposure, fresh air and exercise

>reasons not to have a job
More free time
Can find a new job

Haha. Same here. Except that there are girls at my uni.

There's engineering, but also management, and there are lots of girls on my class. Actually cute girls.

It's unreal. It doesn't even look like an engineering course.

>Tfw too socially autistic to ever talk to women.

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Go to the social events in school? Go to places where you can meet girls

>Go to the social events in school?
Yeah, it's a sausage fest.
>Go to places where you can meet girls
Where? The only place I see them is on the train, and it's not really acceptable to cold approach them there.

Neither you nor any of your friends know any women? Really? Make new friends and hobbies at meetup.com. Or use dating apps. Or go to bars with friends. Or speed dating.

Yeah, they're the traditional engineer types - pic kinda related.

>Really? Make new friends and hobbies at meetup.com.
How do you mean? The only ones that come up are abroad, for foreigners, or obvious sausage fests.
>Or use dating apps.
What'd I write? "Hey, I'm 20 years old, studying engineering," and a picture of me in my dorm? I've heard it's a bad idea to upload selfies, but I don't have anything else to put. I don't have any interests to put on there, and I should probably avoid mentioning I'm an engineer.
Tinder is hopeless, unless you're a very specific type of person or a woman.
>Or go to bars with friends.
Sausage fest.
>Or speed dating.
Doesn't exist here. I'd have to travel around 500km to get to the nearest such event from what I've seen. It would not look good, and I don't want a LDR.

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All these reasons are just excuses to god your own cowardice and laziness

*cover up, not god

No, why? I really don't know what the fuck to do. Are you saying it's a good idea to travel 500km to get to a speed dating event, maybe meet some people, then try and convince them to move to my city?
Should I upload a profile like that on Tinder? It's a giant red flag, and especially girls would pick up on it.
People always have these unworkable suggestion, you have the tiniest of objections, and then it's your own fault for "not trying".
What should I do?

Probably get your degree and move to a city when you graduate if your area is nothing but guys

>Should I upload a profile like that on Tinder?
Yes? People like you have the stupidest of objections to every suggestion thrown at you. And if you’re worried that your profile is boring, then maybe work on your boring life instead of hoping a girl will fall out of the sky for you. Your problem of not knowing where to find girls is part of your larger problem: your insular, unexciting life.

No, I live in a city. There are girls there, but none that I meet. I'll get my degree in four years, and then start working in a sausage fest field. I don't see what it solves. I've done nothing but waited for close to 18 years now. "It'll be better in high school, it'll be better in uni, it'll be better when you graduate..."
>People like you have the stupidest of objections to every suggestion thrown at you.
But it's a perfectly reasonable suggestion. It's what everyone says - "Don't have a profile with only a selfie and no bio". And yet it's exactly what you encourage me to do.
>And if you’re worried that your profile is boring, then maybe work on your boring life instead of hoping a girl will fall out of the sky for you.
So I shouldn't have gone into engineering after all? I was worried about this exact issue, and I asked on here, and I was told, "don't think with your dick, don't pick your degree just because it has girls or not, don't worry you can meet them elsewhere". Yet now I should've gone into something else instead?
What should I do to work on my boring life? Switch degrees and accept having wasted 1 year of my life and take a considerably lower salary in order to be "interesting"?

>Your problem of not knowing where to find girls is part of your larger problem: your insular, unexciting life.
So how do you solve it?

Well if your life is boring, what do you do in your free time then? What new hobbies and areas to visit are you interested in? Does your meetup really have nothing in your city?

It's not boring to me, it's boring to others, in particular girls.
In no particular order, read the news, study, browse Jow Forums, work on programming projects.
>What new hobbies and areas to visit are you interested in?
I don't feel I have any need for any new hobbies.
>Does your meetup really have nothing in your city?
It does, but it's either tech (sausage fest) or for foreigners.

Well dude try to expand your hobbies, pick at least one outdoor one and see if you like it. Are those really the only meetups groups there is or just the ones that interest you?

>all his hobbies involve staying at home alone
>wonders why he doesn’t meet women
Every fucking time

No, those are the meetup groups. None of them interest me, but I could've gone there just to meet people otherwise. It's just that it's kind of pointless if I'm not interested in it and they don't have any women there.
No, I know perfectly well why I don't meet them, but it's still an issue and I don't know how to solve it.

DVD stores don't exist anymore, boomer

>It's what everyone says - "Don't have a profile with only a selfie and no bio".
It’s not going to hurt you to have one or two good selfies on tinder. And you can ask your buddies to take pics of you to add non-selfie images. Or better yet get some picture of you and your mates hanging out, even if it’s sitting waiting for class or at a restaurant or something. And as for the bio, keep it short and simple like you put in And add an extra line about yourself.

Not that guy, but you've been given a ton of ways to solve it. You just keep saying no.

Here's what your actual OP should have been:
>hi, I don't meet girls, and I have no intention of changing anything I do. Thank you for reading my post. Goodbye!

Dude I dont know what kind of dimension you live where the city has no meetups and no women. Try to change something at least like your hobbies

Look, you don't get it. Engineering/IT is a large turnoff, and you should avoid writing it. It would be completely pointless to create such a profile revealing it.
The city has both meetups and women, but no meetups with women, possibly excluding the ones for foreigners.
>Try to change something at least like your hobbies
Yeah, that's what I thought. I just don't know what to do, or how.

>It would be completely pointless to create such a profile revealing it.
So then don’t put it on your bio if you don’t want to. It’s funny how you ignored everything else in the post to fixate on the one thing you could object to.

I did not. It's just that without it, it would look suspicious. It would just be restating the information (name, age) that they already see. So in other words, a blank profile, also a great turnoff.
It's pointless and I should have studied something else.

So then just say you’re in college and you like to do X activity. I know you don’t use tinder but you would be surprised how little effort girls put into their bios.

>sausage fests
What bars are you visiting? Arcades are not bars remember.

>you’re in college and you like to do X activity
Yeah, but then I'd have to write an activity. And it would be a stereotypically male interest, one I mentioned in the OP. "Programming" is pretty much the same as engineering, and I should make very sure to keep out of my profile. As for politics, they might ask about it and then there goes that woman.
Unless I make something up, that is. But people also say that's bad. So I don't know what to do.
>you would be surprised how little effort girls put into their bios.
And for girls, it's obviously different. They could get matches without it bio, heck, even without a picture, no trouble.
Those around where I live. I am told the situation is the same in all of the country, due to all the immigrants.

fine, don't do the only thing that can fix the situation you lament in the OP
>I'm fine financially I have borrowed money to live off
it would be a tragedy for any woman to give you the time of day with that self-destructive attitude

God. You seem so insecure and negative.

"Bohoo I'm an IT engineer. No girl will ever talk to me if she finds out. And finding women in public is impossible. Women don't visit bars"

Stop the bs. I also have a IT/CS degree. Girls don't give a fuck as long as you are comfortable with who you are and what you like. And college bars are full of willing women

Are any of them marriage material? I'm not interested in a practice relationship and apparently I shouldnt be doing that at all anyway.

Meh. I'm studying engineering. I'll have no trouble finding a job after graduation. It's fine now too. I could in theory pay off all my loans right now, but it's pointless as the interest rates are very favorable.

How could getting a job fix anything?
No, that's not what I've said, I just said that it would be a bad idea to put it in a tinder bio due to the unfortunate associations.

Women do visit bars, but the gender balance is too fucked.
>finding women in public is impossible
Yes? Or are you saying I should just talk to random women on the street?

>And college bars are full of willing women
Is this an American thing? My university doesn't operate any bars, it would be very illegal for them to do so.

not me
t. op

damn op got shit on in this thread lol I hope he realizes hes the only thing holding himself back and noone else. nothing but excuses

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What hobbies would you suggest someone looking to meet women pick up?

>tfw no pantyhose gf

Write any fucking hobby you have or fact about yourself that you think would be mildly interesting to another person. Why are you making this so difficult?

Because taking 'person' as 'woman', there's no intersection of those categories.

You know, it doesn’t even seem like you want a girlfriend with all the excuses you have for everything.

That's untrue. All I'm saying is that my hobbies aren't very interesting to women, so I shouldn't mention them. And that there in fact is nothing about me which would be worthwhile to put on such a profile. It's not an excuse, it's objectively correct.

I don’t believe you, but honestly I don’t feel like wasting my time with you anymore. The only one standing in your way is yourself.

>yeah bro lots of stuff can be done, I just can't tell you what

it is very difficult to meet women in a sausage fest STEM field
try meetup if a job would be too much time out of your studies, but going out and doing things typically costs money
you should also join clubs, even if it is an all boys school having a wide social circle is still very useful. a mate's sister or his girlfriend has a sister or something. the more people you know the more people you will meet.

Meetups are also STEM, at least around here. It's all tech, programming, web development, agile.
Well, there aren't any clubs here. I do have friends, but I'd spit my coffee out if it turned out any of them had any female friends. And I'm not close enough to meet their families. I'm not sure they are, either.

Dude I dont know what to tell you, literally everything we tell you to do or go you keep saying g women are non existent. Go hiking or run in parks, you'll probably see them there

Yeah, but you can't talk to them there.

>never spoken to a girl since middle school

Well there’s your problem pal! Easy fix. Talk to them.

And how do I do that? I never meet them, it's my whole issue.

Look man, if the only place you can meet women is in public, you're going to have to approach them. If you're right that literally everywhere you go is nothing but guys, cold approaching is the only way

And then what? Get the cops called on me?

>Get the cops called on me?
Ah, you're one of those people. Pack it up boys, thread is done, no point of helping someone who put their head in the dirt

Not him, but could you give me a specific time cold approaching worked for you and how it went/what you said? I'm just curious on how to do something like that.

you're advocating cold starts with strangers
if you act like Kuno from Ranma 1/2 asking out every woman you see at a park or a train or a grocery store it is likely you will be asked to leave because you are being a nuisance
and when anyone points out that this is a terrible idea you kvetch "oy vey, these incels are irredeemable"