Woman here. How can I be confident about my looks? How do you deal with body image issues?

Woman here. How can I be confident about my looks? How do you deal with body image issues?

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Therapy. Healthy nurturing relationships and bonds. Avoid Jow Forums and the Internet in general. You can also watch diverse genres of porn if you’re into that. Most porn actress look nothing like models, and have men and women drooling over them.

Is pic related supposed to be your standard for beauty? She looks like an aliens depiction of a woman.

Depends on what the issue is? If you are overweight, diet and exercise. Small tiddies? Wear clothes that suit small tiddies. Bad skin? see a dermatologist.

you should post pictures of it here so lonely incels like myself can validate you.

This. Find people that will repair your damaged self image and abstain from anything that reinforces the pathology

Don't look for approval from other people, especially not significant others. It's a slippery slope that leads to dependency issues and turning yourself into something you're not.

First, understand that attractiveness comes in many forms. You already have a personality which can be expressed in your appearance, and you should feel proud enough to wear it. Someone will notice and they will like it.

>But what if they find another girl hot and I feel inferior to her? Don't all people want twigs with big boobs?
See this picture? None of these women are comparable. Argue all you want but it's subjective. Stop comparing yourself to other people, it's not healthy. Find who you are and be that.

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Exercise and eat well

Just accept your body how it is. It can’t be changed because it’s your genetics. If you’re fat, that’s just how your body is.

Don’t fall for the diet lie. The entire “calorie in / calorie out” argument has been debunkt by science and is only used these days by the fat shaming community.

Love your curves for what they are sweetheart! If a man doesn’t accept you for how you are now, he doesn’t deserve you. Wait for the right man to come.

I agree with this completely.

Never try to improve yourself to make a significant other happy. Relationships aren’t about self improvement or compromise, healthy relationships are on a strong foundation of maintaining status quo.

>watch diverse genres of porn

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>Relationships aren’t about self improvement
They are. Don't let your perception be narrowed from the classic model of relationship as a business arrangement of mutual benefit

Let me guess, you’re a white male who expects women to constantly defy nature by being thin skeletons. Oh, and you’re a Trump supporter.

I was about to say post what you look like but don't, idk if you're cutie or uggo but getting roasted here won't help lol.

thin =\= hot my darling *sniffs your hair*
memes aside, ill love the shit out of a plain looking girl, infact i 100x prefer them because they feel attainable and human. theres probably 10 or so million women in the US alone that id pick over OP's pic

-White Male Trump Supporter, im so southern i have a horny cowboy discord emote server

No. The business model of relationships is a very impoverished idea of relating and a direct result of third wave feminism and late capitalism.

Why this place is full of sjws now?

Stop making excuses for fatties.

>Why this place is full of sjws now?
user, please don't say that!!
Think of the advertisers!!

Either an elaborate larp
A mass counter culture meme conspiracy because trump and right wingers are becoming more popular
Or the most likely are tumblr refugees that come here for troll and non-troll posting.

Get a body like that girl and you won't have any more issues, promise.

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Self-improvement makes yourself happy too. Compromise is also important for a healthy relationship. How much compromise depends on the issue and how much it matters to both parties.

The status quo thing is silly. No matter what both people will change. That's what the passage of time entails - change. Why settle for the status quo if it can evolve into something deeper, better?