Its over guys

I dont even know what to say. back in 2017 i thought the country might pull through. But it kept on getting worse.

Im at the point now where i literally cant talk to people about anything. Its all lies, all they believe in is lies. They dont even FUCKING REALIZE THAT THEY ARE BECOMING WHAT THEY HATE. Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall. Im convinced that we are at the point of no return.

Im starting to prepare and you should too
>get a gun
>get 5 people you trust within 10 miles
>find a location near water away from infrastructure preferably with tree-cover
>stockpile radios and parts for repair
>get portable solar
>stock simple tools
>Invest in LoRa comunication

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall.
So you would rather just off yourself in the closet than die while watching a comfy global happening? Are you fucking retarded?

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Can you explain LoRa? I've been looking into radio stuff, and I have a few baofengs. But the utility is limited. They don't reach that far beyond line of sight. And I don't like the idea of being tied to a base station.

Enjoy life again OP

you're not alone bro. nobody here likes the migapedes

I feel something coming that will give us hope, and if not then at least we'll have a global happening as said

right in the feels m8. If you think about all your ancestors being fooled into death by the media and zog, if you think about where we could be without (((them))): we could have stabilized global population we could have ruled over the globe as merciful leaders, we could have build cities like in Germany before Anglos bombed it down or like in the chicago world fair, we could have had happy families, joyful marches in our streets, man it's getting to much to bear, we could have gone to the army without dying for kikes. We could have continued to write great philosophy and stories, we could have painted more great art.

Why even live? Some time ago I was at least able to laugh about the doomer meme, now I'm sitting here with rings under my eyes and want to end my life

LoRa is a very low power low bandwidth data transmission protocol. it has a 10 mile range on average and can be powered by a single lipo for days. check their site and pick up and esp chip of your choice

>not wanting to see the bombs falls
>not singing praises to God as you cut down the wicked and unrepentant sinners

>Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall

Fucking coward. Go back.

I wish more anons would be self-aware like you, OP. The black pill is the ONLY pill worth taking.

>fucking coward
>says the guy who probably posts on this anonymous Tajik basket weaving board because he's too scared he will be fired and actually have to suffer for his beliefs in the real world.

>not wanting to be there to witness the collapse

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I KNOWWWW FUCK MAN. i feel like i was there, the entire past 200 years i feel like ive lived it. i know to much now.

we could be great. we could be the greating species in the galaxy. But we CHOOSE to fucking forget everything! The only thing i can think of to save us would be a human information archive that could store all of our history and everything we have ever done. our brand new alaxandria! but its too late. the damage has been done

ive been a doomer my whole life i just never knew it. post-modern nihilism has infected me to the core. ive been wanting to go to church just to take the feeling away for a while but i just cant do it anymore


I'm going to stay strong regardless of what happens. The strong push forward, forever and always!

how do i cut down the sinners when they have the power?

>mfw you think i have a job

This. Everyone paying wage cuck taxes and wanting to see bombs fall on white people is part of the problem

sure id love to watch from the comfort of an armchair but thats not how real war works. ill probably be sleeping one night when a bomb hits my building and then ill be gone forever. as if i never even existed, because i couldent help stop it.

Who knew you so called master race idiots were so mentally fragile? Minorities, especially us black people have lived with incredible hardships for centuries.

>equating slavery with global nuclear holocaust
sure jan

what's the information worth without the people who have created it for theselves? Nothing.

No man is immortal, and when the bombs start to fall social power won't mean shit.

i assume he meant slaying the enemy in the coming war

I'm not a nihilist but the whole situation is simply hopeless. In some decades our people will be enslaved, tortured and finally genocided.

any white American who knows what's happening should be making preparations for them and their families

and I don't mean stupid Sears Catalog shit like buying an underground shelter, a bunch of shelf supplies, or tacticool shit.

I mean real preparations. property overseas, things that aren't tied to your name. offsite supplies. safe houses deep in the woods. escape routes.

if your house is off of any main road, it doesn't matter if you have an underground shelter when the military rolls through town. you want to be somewhere remote, not visible from the sky, not in the cross hairs of strategical contention.

considering 99% of our politicians are literally owned by foreign lobbyists, this is a fair conclusion. there is no hope. i guess this is what it feels like to Norway or some place that's totally irrelevant on the geopolitical stage. The leading superpower is Israel, and only the delusional deny it.

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i recommend finding abandoned towns in the forest. where im from there are several mining towns that got abandoned over 100 years ago. there is raw material still there. Go to city library and check old archived maps and see what isint there anymore, check arial photography if they have it

Then what's your excuse for not rolling up your sleeves and contributing to the cause?

Exactly. They don't care, because they have no incentive TO care. They have it too easy. They don't want to make sacrifices. They think liberation just spontaneously happen. Pic related it said it best:

>Revolution is a spectators sport. The majority will sit in the stands and watch the factions fight. At the end they will choose side with the team that is winning.

It's fun watching the world burn until you're the one on fire. Anyone who posts unironically that they want to watch it all burn will likely be the first to sob like a little bitch if it really does all happen.

>yeah, let's waste tons of money and time on prepping so we can get enriched by a whole community of starving stragglers who didn't bother to prep while they breed the women and shit. Totally awesome plan, user. Why didn't I think of it?

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they will chase down every single one of us preparations may give you some etxtra time but at some point they get any of us. We need the courage to fight now. Do something like Varg does.

Im just trying to come to terms with my death. not a real death but a symbolic one. we are powerless we are dead pawns

Its my first time posting so give me a break
All i did so far was
> Moved to a house with almost no windows and a thick brick wall
>Bought a gun and lots of ammo (and got a license cause europe sucks)
> Bought 2 radios, one works with batteries, the other one is solar charged
> Bought 3 weeks worth of water on a bag, canned food and 6 mres
>bought a radiation suit (a proper one, not that cheap bs with a zipper) and a gas mask
Im pretty much ready, i ve been doing krav magna for 2 years, i ve been a boy scout(yeah yeah, its gay af i know). Now, the only thing missing is someone to repopulate the world with... But fuck it, ill find a user after the blast. Fingers crossed for a non irradiated grill anons

You mean ALL politicians. NO ONE gets into politics to actually serve the common man like you and I, user. Even if foreign lobbyists weren't a problem, they'd be serving homegrown ones instead.

>b-b-but MAGA and 8D chess 'n sheeeeit

MAGAboy couldn't even lock up Hillary like he said he would. He's just a more manly looking version of Trudeau, whose election was pretty much the death knell of Western civilization. Seriously, imagine him actually having to lead. Just imagine it. You'll resign yourself to the black pill real quick, because a country that would vote in somebody like that is irredeemably lost.

Will that "krav magna" help you against a whole horde of pillagers out to steal your shit, user?

Fucking kys doomer faggot

My Excuse? I dont need one. i used too work and then i became disabled so i stopped but ive paid the price in living as a poor fellow

its gone too far already. what would happen if we did rise up? we would be the enemys of earth. there are too many people in existence whos minds to not line up with reality

Euro philosophy is garbage compared to eastern

Good work man keep it up. i think we still have quite a bit of time to prepare. i estimate 6 years

Unarmed combat is always worth having learned. say you've been disarmed and are looking to cause a ruckus in a cantina? Unarmed combat that's how

careful not to advertise that you are a prepper
may be being facetious, but he is right that you will be targeted

cuz euro philosophy has this little thing called objectivism it has to deal with

>>Totally awesome plan, user. Why didn't I think of it?

As opposed to doing what, genius? nothing? fucking Jew shill

that's the point of my post user, to become a ghost so you can join battles when you need to and disappear otherwise. you have no idea where it's going to start or end.

I don't know if you're an American on VPN or proxy, perhaps it is different in Germany.

here in America we have lots of upper-middle class whites with lots of money and no sense. they go buy underground bomb shelters to put on their property. they think their 5 guns is going to deter an entire military unit sent to occupy their town. they have more money than sense. 99% of them don't even know how to grow food, new worlders have lost knowledge from experience that would otherwise be passed down from generations who survived gruesome wars.

take a look the vid below, this guy has 100 guns in safes in his house and a big property with a big local business and an expensive leather SUV and a big bank account. do you really think this idiot buying tacticool shit and an underground shelter is going to survive long? no, he has no tact.

the people who are going to survive are people like Varg who have supplies buried off their property. so when the military roles through (it will be state vs people), they will search his property and see nothing. then once they leave he can go to his secret spot, find his munitions and food and survive. or he can leave because he is not dependent on his home to survive. these are the people who will make it through the coming war.

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only big penises like this will survive

Lmao migapedes and "christcucks" amirite go-guy??

I think you meant to type "autism" which is what objectivism is
The easterners already figured out the truth of the universe and all of its fundamental laws thousands of years ago. Western philosophy is nothing more than people chasing phantoms that they made up themselves
Western philosophy is the Jew, and only white people get Jewed because the collective white consciousness is autistic. Sure, it leads to making discoveries quicker - but it comes at the expense of every other facet of life
Your societies are based on materialism and outward creation instead of inward development and spiritual progression - you were bound to collapse anyways.
You Jewed yourself T B H

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All they need to do is just shoot you, and then take your shit, enrich your women, and so on. I get where you're coming from, but overall I don't see it panning out.

The thing is, everyone will be targeted. You have shit? You'll be targeted. You don't? You'll be targeted. Women's rights will be little more than a figment of the imagination, as women will likely become currency, as in "let me fuck your daughter and I'll give your son this medicine," shit like that. Prepping is ultimately futile because it's not just about feeding yourself, but about stimulating the mind and soul - are you literally prepared to live in a post-apoc world with no internet? no TV? no technology? What if you're out hunting and you get injured and you've got fuck all to tend to the wound which will get infected? People who rely on prepping as the solution don't tend to think about this shit, because they live vicariously through fantasies like the average White American actually bothering to do something other than jack it to interracial porn.

Call me a Jew shill all you'd like, but what I say is true. You're just another LARPing faggot who has likely never seen a real war in his life and thinks it's as easy as playing one in a video game. It's like that one user said: you're all basically wage cuck slaves who have no real idea what you're talking about - you're just trying to save face here.

This user sums it up. You cannot expect a degenerate people to magically wake up - they'll literally fight and die to maintain their degenerate ways, and what are you, whose whole knowledge of war is watching old footage of some self-hating kike and failed painter literally singlehandedly cucking Europe by sacrificing millions in an unwinnable war:

>trusting Il Dunce and the guys who couldn't even contain guerillas in Manchuria to help him

and your fellow LARPing faggots going to do about it? Talk about fucking cartoon frogs?

It's been over for a while now. Embrace the chaos

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>You're just another LARPing faggot who has likely never seen a real war in his life and thinks it's as easy as playing one in a video game

where did I ever say that? you've said nothing of value, all you've said is "don't do anything, it's all pointless". all you've done throughout this thread is attack anons without offering any advice yourself.

just fuck off you memeflag shill

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yeah it was prob dumb. although being educated in combat will make you 1% more likely to survive so ill take it

I don't disagree with your survival strategy, I disagree partly with your tactics. If you have a family, then yes do it like Varg, make more children, get them through, think in terms of guerilla warfare and miximze your flexibility.
If you are a young NEET like without gf (like many anons are, I believe), you should however engage in metapolitics and educate your people on the JQ and race realism.
Because even good survival skills, equipment and strategy will only add time against a superior enemy. When the coming war is over things will get even worse. And at some point all remaining white people will be either enslaved or dead.

This is weirdly one of the main tenets of most warrior cultures, most notably, Bushido. This might actually be the right path. We're already dead. What is there to lose by fighting, if you're already a dead man?

you have peaked my interest. send me something or somewhere to learn more. ive always thought of eastern mysticism as hokey pokey bullshit but im fucking retarded so im prob wrong


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If i was on the front lines with a rifle i would probably be able to fight just on that alone. once your on the battlefield its already over, and if you made it out. then congrats but the fight is still never over

Ok Xi Xingping

Excuse me. WTF is grey goo?

If we would manage to have a succesful revolution in europe and get rid of zog, yes we would have the world against us but our chances would be still much better than during or after the collapse.

self replicating nanobots that disassemble matter to create copies of themselves.

the coming war will absolutely be guerrilla warfare. the state vs fifth column civilian groups (Muslims, Mexicans, communists) vs the people. the state will claim to be against the fifth column but will disproportionately seek out against the people.

it's not going to be like other wars we've had where there is a state vs state. it's going to be many groups against each other. even militias that form will turn on each other for ideological differences. also Americans are not like tribal Euros, many people here have different ideas, it's like having white people but saying the Irish or Germans or Italians all have the same exact ideas how to run society. it simply isn't so.

the point of education is passed for Americans user, we are just one insane Leftist policy away from war. things are really accelerating here, the Left is getting more insane and aggressive with their policies. I think the electoral college dissolution or gun ban will set it off.

Are you trying to get him to an hero?

maybe. the USA is too explosive of a stage tho it would send us into chaos. it would have to be the euro-boys maybe from lichtensten

oh shit son.


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>implying east asia isn't jewed to it's core.
Sorry for the bad news but your country is as much jewed as whole of europe, desu. Japan needed one war to be fully jewed, in china the communist revolution did it. Jews were in europe for thousends of years and and only sucessful now despite strong resistance.

>Your societies are based on materialism and outward creation instead of inward development and spiritual progression

If you're seriously telling me western society would be more focused on materialism than asian society then at least thanks for the laugh.

Ok my white friend but please promise not to sperg out about race in the future. The turbulent thoughts going through your mind are not based in any objective reality, your predictions for the future and your ideas of the past are nonsense that you made up yourself and decided to believe. Ethnic groups come and go, nothing is static (contrast this with the nazi thousand year reich autism, or the idea of a single pure superior race). Your grief only comes from your resistance to change, which you have decided is bad and have decided to be upset about. Freedom comes from realizing that there is nothing you can do about change. You cannot even stop your own body from changing and agin and dying, you can not even stop your own thoughts from shifting, what insanity are you pursuing to try and stop the world from changing?Those who resist change create conflict. Those who FORCE change create conflict. Those who watch the change and flow with it joyfully are liberated and free - nothing in this life can touch them, nothing can upset them or shake them.
People react better to these ideas when it comes from someone of their own race speaking their own language, so here:
Have you heard of the English author Aldous Huxley? Author of "Brave New World"? I'd be disappointed if an american over the age of 20 had not at least heard of it or the author. He's on par with George Orwell. Well, here is him giving a brief overview of one of the core concepts/idols/metaphors of Indian/Eastern philosophy:

I hope you are somewhere that you can see/hear video. Otherwise I would save it and watch later. It's 6:50, and is one of the greatest British writers giving a good exposition of the Eastern mind for westerners

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>just go with the flow
>don't bother, just watch and be happy
>do never try to change things it will only create conflict

Superior philosophy, the jews must be scared of east asia.

5 people I can trust? LOL I live in California.

The cultures of the East have stood the test of thousands of years and still survive into the present day.
The cultures of Europe arose and collapsed within a few hundred years.
Europe conquered with force and lack of understanding, and within 100 years all her empires have become dust and the once-conquered have risen up greater heights.
The cultures, language, traditions, and spirituality of the East will endure long after all european history is forgotten.
Because the Easterners ride the wave, while the Westerners fight it and are swallowed by the ocean.
The Jews were just putting it in terms you would understand. There are no outside Jews - you jewed yourselves.
Don't bother replying, because I'm not reading your posts anymore

i live in nyc.
wat do?
i dont want to die

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More than half of whites and counting are anti-white and the reason racially aware white are having problems. (((Whites))) are the fucking problem.

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