Its over guys

I dont even know what to say. back in 2017 i thought the country might pull through. But it kept on getting worse.

Im at the point now where i literally cant talk to people about anything. Its all lies, all they believe in is lies. They dont even FUCKING REALIZE THAT THEY ARE BECOMING WHAT THEY HATE. Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall. Im convinced that we are at the point of no return.

Im starting to prepare and you should too
>get a gun
>get 5 people you trust within 10 miles
>find a location near water away from infrastructure preferably with tree-cover
>stockpile radios and parts for repair
>get portable solar
>stock simple tools
>Invest in LoRa comunication

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> Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall.
So you would rather just off yourself in the closet than die while watching a comfy global happening? Are you fucking retarded?

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Can you explain LoRa? I've been looking into radio stuff, and I have a few baofengs. But the utility is limited. They don't reach that far beyond line of sight. And I don't like the idea of being tied to a base station.

Enjoy life again OP

you're not alone bro. nobody here likes the migapedes

I feel something coming that will give us hope, and if not then at least we'll have a global happening as said

right in the feels m8. If you think about all your ancestors being fooled into death by the media and zog, if you think about where we could be without (((them))): we could have stabilized global population we could have ruled over the globe as merciful leaders, we could have build cities like in Germany before Anglos bombed it down or like in the chicago world fair, we could have had happy families, joyful marches in our streets, man it's getting to much to bear, we could have gone to the army without dying for kikes. We could have continued to write great philosophy and stories, we could have painted more great art.

Why even live? Some time ago I was at least able to laugh about the doomer meme, now I'm sitting here with rings under my eyes and want to end my life

LoRa is a very low power low bandwidth data transmission protocol. it has a 10 mile range on average and can be powered by a single lipo for days. check their site and pick up and esp chip of your choice

>not wanting to see the bombs falls
>not singing praises to God as you cut down the wicked and unrepentant sinners

>Fucking hell i wanna put a bullet in my skull so i dont have to see the bombs fall

Fucking coward. Go back.