My fiance caught me masturbating on my period and was horrified

My fiance caught me masturbating on my period and was horrified.
>masturbating next to him in bed quietly
>accidentally wake him up by bumping him a bit
>asks if i need help
>"Wait, aren't you on your period?"
>say yes and that i only do it when it's almost over sometimes so I don't get blood on my hands and i only touch my clit anyway (it usually still smells a little bloody though)
>grabs my hand
>smells it
>licks it (he usually licks his hands after fingering me or makes me do it)
>says it's disgusting and that I should stop because it grosses him out
>goes to sleep and wont talk to me
>notice he gets a boner but i know confused boners are a thing
>go to the bathroom to take a bath and cry
>leave for work early so i dont have to see him
I feel like a freak and am fucking ashamed. Does he think I'm a pig now? What would you guys think if you found your partner doing something similar? I'm scared to see him when I get home. I know he wont break up with me or anything but I'm so embarrassed and don't want him to think I'm disgusting. I don't know if I should just pretend nothing ever happened then never masturbate on my period around him or what.

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>says it's disgusting and that I should stop because it grosses him out
He's an asshole.
Just go in a different room to masturbate if he doesn't like you doing it next to him.

This is pretty normal to do, btw OP. Don't feel ashamed.

honestly i would have just fucked you then and there
what he thinks i can't know, but i wouldnt care
actually i would be more worried about the fact that gf prefers to masturbate than to ask me, but that is still acceptable, a low effort entertainment is fine once in a while
gf used to say she got particulary horny during period so that's ok

I mean...seriously? I used to fuck my ex’s brains out on her period. Lay a towel down and just go at it. Clean up afterwards. What’s the big deal?

To be fair it's a bit jarring getting period blood all over your dick for the first time but it's nothing that made me think less of the girl because of it. Not like she was trying to bleed all over me.
I think...

Am I the only one who has sex with my gf when she's on period? What's even the big deal?

Nothing wrong with it to me, sounds like a bloody good time.

many gets disgusted for who knows what reason, but anal is fine lol

>grabs my hand
>smells it
>licks it (he usually licks his hands after fingering me or makes me do it)
>says it's disgusting and that I should stop because it grosses him out

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I have too, but I gotta recognize I did it only with girls i really liked. I tried with a girl whom I liked for her company but not her looks, and I couldn't get it hard (her period had a strong smell). The rest of the time, I put a towel, fuck, clean and be done with it. It's normal.

kek. this

He probably just doesn't understand that it isn't that big of a deal. Maybe he isn't used to it.
Just pretend it didn't happen and don't do it again around him on your period. But don't stress out over it, just let it go and he'll forget about it in time.
I've had with girls before on their period if the flow is light, usually just put a red towel down, sometimes wear a condom if the flow is heavier. I've also done anal or oral as an alternative.
On one particular occasion I fucked my gf on her period with the tampon still in and everything. Pretty gross in retrospect but we were super horny and it just happened really fast.
Bodies are weird, it's no big deal.

>He probably just doesn't understand that it isn't that big of a deal. Maybe he isn't used to it.
Either OP raping a little boy or that's absurdly stupid.

he's being a baby. there's nothing wrong with sexual activity while on your period, hell i have had sex with my girlfriend while she was on her period many many times. it's nothing. he freaked out over nothing, so don't blame this on you. you're not disgusting, you're not a pig, you did absolutely nothing wrong. he's the one being a man child, who thinks a pussy is supposed to smell like flowers and taste like a cupcake.

Horrified? Like WTF?



>grabs my hand
>smells it
>licks it
At this point whatever happens is his fault. You have done nothing wrong besides molesting a retard.

It's disgusting what you did but he probably has porn fetishes that would make you revolt in disgust as well so don't worry about it too much.

>>grabs my hand
>>smells it
>>licks it (he usually licks his hands after fingering me or makes me do it)
>>says it's disgusting and that I should stop because it grosses him out
Fukkin hell lad

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Guy isn't ready for married life, you'll have to train his stupid ass or get a better one. Next time, tell him to leave the room, not do it the other way around.
Not saying this is so between you two, but watch out for people trying to correct your behaviors too often because they don't actually know how to love you.

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>wife tells her husband to leave the room so she can masturbate while on her period
ummmm no, sweatie

Uh, yeah, dumbass. He doesn't like it, he can leave.

>start fingering my unwashed butthole while simultaneously masturbating
>wife tells me she's disgusted and that I should stop

He needs to grow the fuck up. You can do what you want and he should to. Nobody is forcing him to go down on the iron puss.

That said, I would refrain from masturbating period. It can be difficult when not everybody wants to fuck all the time, but you should try to wait even when you're horny. Fight it and have better sex.

>grabs my hand
>smells it
>licks it (he usually licks his hands after fingering me or makes me do it)
>says it's disgusting and that I should stop because it grosses him out

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Not only do I not like to fuck on period, I don't like anal either.
>So you're a hygiene freak
Yup. I can't help it , it's just gross to me

It's just banter, chill out.