How do I get better at speaking...

How do I get better at speaking? Its not like I'm speaking a foreign language but people have an insanely hard time understanding me at first. I've been a hardcore hikkimori in the past few years so I'm worried that may have affected it.

It's not just that I can't speak but apparently I don't have any facial expressions on my face or emotion in my voice when i speak which is just as weird

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same except im not a shut in. i barely avoided speech therapy in elementary school, but they shouldve put me in it. I speak too fast and have a hard time enunciating. my brain moves much faster than my mouth and i have a hard time controlling it. it has slowly gotten better over the years but a really disappointing amount considering that ive had it so long and im now in my early 20s.

honestly just speak to more people and dont be afraid to pause before speaking
t. going through the same shit

>I speak too fast and have a hard time enunciating. my brain moves much faster than my mouth and i have a hard time controlling it. it has slowly gotten better over the years but a really disappointing amount considering that ive had it so long and im now in my early 20s.
Literally me word for word

Is there a way I can cure stutter?

just pause before you speak

I improved mine to the point 1 in 100 sentences don't make much sense

First,always think what you are gonna say before you actually start speaking

Second,don't talk with your mouth closed,or as we say in my country "don't speak between the teeth".Open your mouth enough like a normal person and speak

Third,practise reading books,stuff,maybe the shitpots on Jow Forums loudly,as if you were talking to someone.Practice makes perfect

Finally don't get too stressed about it,sometimes you will fuck up but if you keep trying it's only gonna get better

>don't get too stressed about it,sometimes you will fuck up but if you keep trying it's only gonna get better
Words to live by

>watch a show with a based main
>emulate his manner of speech
>pratice by talking to randoms

also, thank you Jow Forums for dessensitizing me for this "asian girls" bullshit, there's actually nothing attractive about asian females

>also, thank you Jow Forums for dessensitizing me for this "asian girls" bullshit, there's actually nothing attractive about asian females
But that's where you're wrong

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>How do I get better at speaking?
Stop having anxiety. You have been conditioned to fear communication because your parents for a shitty job. You have to pay someone (therapist) to be your mommy/dad and teach you it's not dangerous to bee yourself.
A loyal balanced and caring friend could do that too but most people are self absorbed fucktards so not a good chance. Maybe find some old dude in a retirement home that you can talk to. That would work too

*did a shitty job
Fucking phoneposting

My problem is I have super deep voice and if I speak fast its just all fucking bass nobody can understand, and If I speak normally S L O W L Y for everyone to get me they say
>You dont have to scream
what the fuck you wouldnt handle my scream

>there's actually nothing attractive about asian females
Why do you faggots speak in absolutes

tell me one inherent physical trait from asians that's atractive

Their pussy is tight like a child's.

face, eyes, tits and booty like most women

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>my problem is X
>X being an uncontrollable factor

That is bullshit, your deep voice has nothing to do with it. A deep voice is a gift few people have been born with, and it's a positive trait.

Your problem is that you suck at talking.
Just look and talk to people more.
But have in mind this: not all people want to be talked to. Some people do not want to talk or establish a conversation. So if you talk to them, you may not get a fluid conversation and you are going to perceive this as a failure, and feel bad thinking is your fault.
Be perceptive about this and aim for people willing to talk.
When talking to strangers, some people are simply assholes. The people open to have conversations and meet new people are few.

Don't talk out of your ass. Talking fast in deep voice meshes sounds together, so sometimes it's hard to comprehend the speaker.

This is true

big boys told me asians have horizontal vagoos, sounds kinda gross desu


I have the same problem op, I don't get how to fix your brain from moving too fast than your face/eyes It really inhibits my ability to read fast/properly it's strange and hard to explain.