Aside from what do you guys use to find things to do?

Aside from what do you guys use to find things to do?

It's friday night and there is nothing on meetup and I'm BORED.

Attached: 1539468348033.jpg (714x1000, 435K)

>Boohoohoo I'm an extrovert and need to be surrounded by people at all times

Watch YouTube. Read something. Watch some anime. Or ideally, kill yourself, slut.

I'm an introvert and trying to meet people baka.

You can always help out and clean your local park.

Wanna suck my dick?

She'd probably get distracted and suck the cocks of everyone helping her clean the park like the whore that she is.

Mate I'm a dude.

I'm just asking for advice.

You're also a complete normalfag if you have an internet connection to entertain you, but get bored if there's even one slow day where you don't go out and socialize.

>come here for advice on how to fix my life
>go out and socialize
>come here to ask for advice on finding social things
>reeeee fuck off
I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

Sorry, I'm just teasing you. Don't get upset.

Attached: touhou for the neo geo pocket staring hakumei reimu.jpg (502x678, 73K)

This probably won't appeal to you but what SWIM usually does is go to dive bars in their city where they sell powdered-style drugs from South America. When acquired SWIM will mix these substances with alcohol and proceed to socialize. SWIM doesn't need it to socialize but it keeps him alert when the alcohol starts to slow him down. SWIM averages one girl's number every weekend he does this.

SWIM doesn't recommend this method to everyone but it has worked for him.

It's Ok user

Facebook has an events section.

You can also try instagram using locations.

If all else fails just go out alone and chat with people.

How does one use facebook events?

I thought it was just what your friends posted?

I am a recovering NEET so I'm not sure how facebook works.

There's an events section that shows stuff happening in your area , just find and click on it

I have to chip in with my own experience with facebook events section. All of my friends are out of town and I broke up with my gf. Using facebook I found a new years party going at a bar. I'm going solo but come on... it's new years and people drink. I'm sure I'll find someone to talk to.

If I can do it, I'm sure you can too, user! I believe in you!


Firstly, ignore the fags.

Second, sit down and work out what you really want to do as a hobby. Then, research it online, what you need to make a start and start looking at reviews of gear etc. Then find a club to join.

I will look into that. Thanks user.

Some kind of creative outlet (painting, programming, photography, music making)

Back to programming.

Try to see about getting a new hobby and pushing into that.

This isn’t teasing you’re just being fucking autistic

t. outside observer

Join a sports group that allows you to meet people and isn't very intensive. Examples:
1. hiking
2. swimming
3. archery
Best sessions are always on Friday night too. Cause you know the others there are also lonely, lol.

Writing “SWIM” provides no legal protection whatsoever just so you know

You can openly say you do coke here dude the DEA is busy trying to bust commercial level fentanyl dealers