Help me with texting a girl RIGHT NOW

Any brave user that wants to help me text this one girl?
We've been chatting a bit in the past couple of days about college related stuff, honestly I just want to talk to her but use it as an excuse, she also messages me asking for college related stuff so maybe she feels the same way.

We're on a break from today on. I'm about to ask her something about a class that they had today, help me have a good conversation. We're both 20. No I can not ask her out just like that I just want to subtly steer the conversation and have a nice chat.

Help an autistic nigga out.

Attached: watashi-ga-motenai-no-wa-dou-3726.jpg (1332x850, 138K)

Also, don't tell me the usual "talk irl" stuff. I'm not looking for that kind of advice, I'm looking for advice SPECIFICALLY for talking to her right now.

>No I can not ask her out just like that
Why not? It’s the quickest way to know if she likes you back

Just don't talk about boring stuff like the weather.
Try to talk to her about her interests and then lead that into saying that you all should do that together some time.

Please don't do this I've already seen it all.
Rejection would be loss of respect.

I don’t get people like you. She’s not going to magically fall in love with you because you chose the right conversation path. And waiting to ask her out is going to make a potential rejection hurt even more

I don't know jack shit about her. It is infinitely times better to first start casually talking and then asking out when the opportunity arises

Sorry but there’s not going to be a perfect opportunity to ask her out.

How would you know

Because life isn't a fucking Disney film, there won't be some sort of dramatic happening that will change you from being some dude to being the hero she falls for.

Well what are you expecting to happen? There’s almost never a “right” time to make a move, you have to be the one who creates those opportunities.

>Infinitely times better to first start casually talking and then asking out when the opportunity arises
Okay firstly, how do you know? Secondly, the best you can do to influence whether a girl who might possibly like you to say yes can be done within two weeks. If you still don't feel confident she likes you in that time, then forget it, waiting months or even years won't change that.

Example 1: We start talking about a recent movie, she says she wants to see it and so do I. I ask her to see it together with me.

Example 2: There's an event near where both of us would be going, I ask her to go with me.

Example 3: She finds herself bored on this break, I ask her to hang out with me one day.

Possibilities are endless.

Life is not a Disney Film but it's not a depressing war story either.

3 is what's happening right now you idiot

>it's not a depressing war story either
No one said it was. So just steer the conversation to one of those topics and bing bang boom ask her out.

Where the fuck did you pull the 2 weeks from

Ask a question to start a conversation. How are grades, etc

How would you know? 3 is literally telling me she is bored.

That's what I'm trying!! That's what this whole post is about!!
What it's NOT about is just randomly going "would you go out with me"

You're a retard.

Common sense.

Ok buddy, at least I'm trying

Are you the OP?
Because you're not really if you're resorting to complete strangers to come up with words to say to a girl they've never met.

Like wtf, do you think girls have some sort of cheat code you can use?

tell her about logical positivism

Have you ever asked a friend of advice?
I don't see anything wrong with me asking this, if someone's more experienced they can help.
On the other hand you showing off how smart and intelligent you're helps no one.

Try: "what are you doing for new years eve?"

>More experienced
In who? Sally Turner, 25 from Connecticut, Likes walks on the beach, anarchic poetry and considers herself to have been a mighty phoenix in a past life?

People are different mate, there's no catch all pick up technique that will work on all girls because they're people and not robots.

Good one.

There are some general tips, all cars are different but there are several general maintenance tips that work for all of them.

>Women are like cars, there's general tips
There really aren't. What you're looking for is how to be more affable to people in general, if you just want to be an attractive person solely to women then you'll always be going the wrong direction.

When did I say women are like cars?
Why are you relentlessly trying to antagonize me and make me the bad guy?

Someone who is dirty is generally not attractive, someone who speaks like a caveman is also generally not attractive.
That's the social norm.

>Because there are people who are obviously social outcasts for being dirty, that must mean there is a trait that will have the opposite effect.

Nuh-uh, there are things you can do that won't immediately preclude you from social interactions for certain, like hygiene. But there is nothing you can do, or a way you can act that will inherently make you more attractive than the baseline of being clean, polite and confident in yourself.

>When did I say women are like cars?
Not the same user but come on man, why do you feel the need to lie? You compared getting women to fixing cars right here

Let's agree to disagree. I personally think that you've taken the "everybody is special" meme a little too far.
Yes everyone is different but there are certain norms

It's called an analogy, yes

Yes so you agree that you said women are like cars

No I think you've bought too much into the NPC meme to believe that talking to anyone isn't mostly improv.
This will be the best advice you've ever received for your situation, take it or leave it.

If you change your attitude to wishing to become a more affable and likable to not just women, but people in general, you will eventually find that it will open a lot more doors for you in society. Too many people here bang their heads at the wall while simultaneously despising humanity while also trying to come across as a nice guy to women.
If you cannot feel a sense of well wishing towards other people regardless of whether you want to fuck them or not, then women will feel that in the same way any man will.

You think I'm being antagonizing and probably think I'm getting a kick out of having a pop at you, but I promise you I really want the best for you anyone who is down on their luck on Jow Forums, I just know that focusing on being nice or attractive to just women alone is barking up the wrong tree.

You literally just have to google user, here, let the boy and the girl explain it

Attached: 1200-608204-95360641.jpg (1200x700, 275K)

and anyone*

NPC meme isn't true but so isn't yours, it's in between, it's not an extreme that goes one way or the other.

Where did you even get the idea of how my attitude is from this post? It's just an innocent post about you people helping me talk to a girl I like, that is wrong with that? I genuinely don't know how to respond to your 2nd paragraph, it's totally irrelevant and has nothing to do with the post.

No one said anything about metaphors but if you want to go the pedantic asshole route then good for you.

Well my man, if you choose to get angry because you didn't get the advice you wanted that appeals to your stereotype of women having "general tips" then there's no helping you.

Angry? How so? I expected the answers I got although I did want more on the actual topic.