I'm triggered


I wish there was something we could do legally to stick up for him, this is complete injustice

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Apply for a license

I wish that these e-celeb faggots cared about the hundreds of millions of people being censored online. Too bad they only freak out when they are at risk of losing their shekels.

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The best thing the UK can do to save itself is kill itself because you deserve it. The weak deserve to die.

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>Projecting this fucking hard

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Dank is pretty legit, he will openly speak out against any kind of censorship from what I've seen, but nobody can know about all of it all the time.

Even still, this should piss you off. Our legal system is based on the English one, the fact that this man has been railroaded so openly by anything even close to our system is scary as fuck. If they can get there, so can we, and I don't fucking want that. Hate the man all you like, but at least speak out against his false incarceration if and apparently when it happens.

Anytime anyone says anything about the UK and its extreme cuckery everyone screams and cries. If they refuse to fight them they deserve to die.

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I like how the illiterate retard that put that montage together accidentally included one of Spencer attacking homosexuality. "Very creepy stuff" is not exactly a glowing endorsement.

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bombard trumps twitter with links to this story so he finds out about it and makes fun of the UK publicly
give him a chance to shitpost and he will do so with relish and glee

This actually sounds like a really good idea. The Brits really don't like it when us uppity colonials make fun of them.

A Scotsman not being able to pay 800 pounds, money somebody flipping burgers can make with 2 and a half weeks of full time work.


He has had a year to pay the fines. He had it coming.

Its almost like talking about things (((they))) dont like is a crime. Don drink the koolaid next time. You dont have rights, you have rulers.

>Giving in and setting a precedent because a police officer didn't like your pug video
He raised a few hundred grand to get top-notch lawyer, these things should be fought against.
Get back to watching the football deano

Those are the eyes of a man who has lost almost everything and is only going to lose more and more. What do you think he'll do when he has truly lost everything? What will happen when we've all lost everything?
The fires will rise over Europe, and the conflict will be bloody, but we will right this wrong Jow Forums, Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday we will fix this Jow Forums and we will know that justice finally prevailed.

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eat shit and die

you mean that retarded britbong commiefag?

> jews created homophobia
i pray this was a fake profile or somthing
the jew Hirschfeld created the gay agenda.
also in germanian society, being accused of being gay was an insult that was expected to lead to a chellange to combat to the insult giver.
impliying that soem dude was gay alone could get you killed.

eehehrheh pay us 800 pounds

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fucking dastardly looking bastard

I support your assessment

>he doesn't have anything.
sits in a 300$ chair. With a dual monitor setup and HD vid camera. I know exactly what they're going to confiscate...

Jesus Christ. Can he really have his shit taken away from him for making a stupid dog video?