New and improved

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sup y'all, family drama. What do? Just not get involved. Tell off anyone that fucks with me? What?

>doing puzzle with sister
>sister going faster than me
>whatever, do my thing
>we both stop
>sister (but i sleep) starts again in the evening and stays up until 5 am doing said puzzle
>not a lot changes
>I go to work
>come home
>do puzzle for approx 1 hour
>finish the whole thing
I swear I'm not stupid no matter what, this is why do many people from so many different backgrounds considered me smart as a child.

I feel sorry for you to be honest. You're missing out on so much and heard today you won't be able to get your life together for another four years. I didn't realize it would take that long but I believe it thinking about all you have to accomplish and realize. I knew you were stuck but I didn't think like that stuck. So I had a talk with him tonight and I told him you loved him and you'll return someday but it'll be a long time away from now. I think it helped him hearing me tell him you love him. He's a very special person and I adore him. I feel very fortunate to have him with me and be able to see him grow and develop. Maybe someday you'll be able to share in that too? But is really all up to you and how long it'll take you to get unstuck and strong enough to be able to live your life for yourself and not her any more.

I think I'm starting to understand. This ground was poisoned even before he came in as an Enola Gay, and black rain. I think I'm starting to understand. I'm not alone, definitely not. I think I'm starting to understand. Art converses with life, and she still spoke of fighting, even though she's completely torn to shreds - I was bitten by some venomous things. I just want to be fixed before I'm thirty.

I need a girl with a soul.

My sister allows her friend to follow me around our home. She follows me around and stares and compliments.

I'm 25 she's 16. I've asked her to back off but she's only pressed harder.

No day is a boring one while living with my mom. It's always some backwards retard shit here.

I'm having my first real drink in a week.
It feels so good

I HATE myself. Sooo much!. Fuck life! Mother nature is beautiful tho. I see the darkness

I am okay with myself.
Sure I have many places to improve, but I like going one step at a time.

Meanwhile I do love nature. So much so I'm considering starting a beetle farm or even a damn cockroach farm. I just think invertebrates are awesome and I should raise some. Snakes do look pretty though.

Why don't you just fucking try you little bitch. I don't care if you took 20 years of boxing faggot. You didn't grow up like I did and you're not bigger than me. I would KILL you with my bare fists. Fuck you.

but user, you are a nature!

Good point.

A month ago or so, I thought I saw a post that reminded me of you, M. It was the one where someone said the only thing they remember of the person was them crying and saying they hope they don’t think they were manipulating them despite that being what they did. I know I’m projecting but I would one day like to apologize to you for what had happened between us. I’m much different than I was before and I truly mean it. I’ve matured a lot in the past year. My life is drastically different than how it was like when you knew me. I realized a lot of things.

I am starting to see the limitations of my life with my current partner, the problem is we have a kid who i do care about quite a bit, I regret inviting her to my annual seasonal party cause shes going to make it suck

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I fucking hate how much this site has desensitized me to the word “nigger”. After using it and seeing it casually online for so many years, I’m now at the point where if I’m cursing under my breath, I’ll inadvertently say “nigger” like I have fucking Tourette’s. The thing is though, now I actually have a black friend, black acquaintances, and one qt black girl I’m interested in. And I’m scared shitless I’m going to ruin my relationship with all of them in one fell swoop by blurting out “nigger” one day.

You sound like an protagonist in a bad harem anime

WHY would you violate my privacy like that?! Did you not THINK?! You can't have every single piece of me! FUCK. You already control so much of me, WHY would you touch my most private and personal things?! Why?! Let me be! What the FUCK! STOP! What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you have been comfortable with this?! What the fuck?! I feel violated and disgusted and like I can't have any part of myself to myself. Every bit of me has to be known to you. I feel demeaned and horrified. What the fuck, why why WHY?

What happened?

It's just CIA mind tricks

They are now pretending to be me on here. What actually happened is they broke into my home (I saw them) and went through my stuff. Then they later tormented me online telling me what they found. They also sent 3 guys to all stare at me without looking away. I know you think it's crazy but that's what they do. They stalk me. I used to think it was just some random kids doing pranks but no one goes that far.

Let me guess, you tormented a woman online for years and now you are feeling remorse. Too late. I fucking hate you.

Taking a jog down memory lane...

Wasn't it just so cute that time you saw me pumping air in my tires and later that day, went to the forum I went to say women shouldn't pump air into their own tires. Just another coincidence right? #132

Soon you'll get on and ridicule me again.

It's real, it happened.

It already sucks because you suck. Quit bitching and get busy, only you are responsible for how miserable or meaningful you are.

I just really want a cute Japanese gf to watch anime and sentai shows with, and to game with while we talk about our days and cuddle, like, why is that so hard to have?

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I didn't used to be a weka alcoholic piece of shit. I used to be stronger than everyone in my I'm me vicinity.but jow I'm mediocre at everything.

You think you will escape all that you've done but that is impossible. Literally impossible because that isn't how the universe works.

This is my last post on Jow Forums and to you. You know how much I hate you.

No one today understand that all these sites now are run by people or at the very least, frequented by, people trying to spread hatred and sow battles between men & women, between republicans and democrats. You'll laugh it off but I know the truth. When they keep us fighting, that's all we see.

Lay off the kiddy porn my nigga

Why would you even think that? That must be something you look at. Jesus Christ - you creep kys.

Just kidding my nigga, btw why are the c.i.a raiding you for real tho?

CIA are into kiddie porn. There you go.

Some group is. I think it's CIA because they are coordinated.

Recently I experienced a psychotic break on an overdose of lsd which led me to getting arrested. Here is the story:

>be me
>want to try acid
>meet up with friends, accidentally take too much (and by too much i mean twice as much a junkie would take on a trip)
>wake up few hours later to find that everything is completely different
>walls are moving, faces are everywhere, people don't seem themselves
>talked about family troubles, hitler, and my confusing sexuality
>go to washroom and am disgusted by what I see
>decide to come to terms with who i am/what i have become
>also decide to pop pimples in mirror with my shirt
>door opens and all my friends are freaked to see me half naked in their bathroom
>"relax im just popping pimples"
>get told to leave
>bring toilet paper, and before leaving notice huge mess
>walk out
>decide that I am not experiencing reality and that I need to wake up
>try calling father to set things right
>still here
>freak out
>give the finger to ongoing traffic
>go back to friends place
>bang on the door
>want to go back in but am forced out
>decide to be cautious with people because they seem prone to aggression in the simulation
>have no clue what to do
>just got an imaginary text despite having no wifi or data
>freak out because I think that I may never wake up again
>grab a plant and throw it against the window
>chinks come out and scream at me
>others walk towards me, notice that their eyes are multiplied
>remember that might hurt me
>run away
>catch my breath
>am literally surrounded by police cars
>eventually get dogpilled by officers, breaking my nose in the process
>am driven to the hospital
>they run tests and only detect cannabis
>am only charged with breaking a window
>few days later, still confused about whether or not i made it back to reality
>found out from another friend that things went completely differently

will continue...

>found out that i tried sucking all my friends dicks
>punched one of them in the face
>outran four cops
>had them fear for their own lives because they genuinely thought i went crazy

Now I'm trying to take it easy because I could potentially have mental problems that may only manifest later in my life. It was a hard experience but it was necessary in a way.

Fuck everyone better than me because know fact they don't deserve it. They better suffer or God is a scam. And I mean SUFFER faggot.

I see what you did there. It didn't go unnoticed.

Go apologize to them.

You make me mad and upset and lovey dovey and starry eyed, and it seems like I do the same to you. I miss you.

9 days till my new home. I am tired and my patience has run dry. I think this is the third night in a row that my sleep got interrupted. 9 more days to go...

Also, why is this thread filled with scizophrenic people? Y'all need Jesus.

My boyfriend has been brainwashed by alcoholics anonymous that alcohol and/or the victim of rape/assault/etc is to blame and not the rapist. He already believed that anyway though, now he just has a whole community of sexual predators backing him up. I'm so torn about staying.

Last gf was a broken girl with huge issues with keeping friends and talking in public, I eventually broke her out of her shell and got her to be able to keep friends through effort and time.
After 3 Years she broke it off for no longer having interest. I feel she just used me to make her happy, and when her life seemed to no longer require me she threw me away. Maybe I'm blind and missed something though.
Now after around 5 months I'm trying things out with this other girl who has some similar problems and I know they're different people, but I still have that lingering feeling that it could happen again.
Man I just want someone to trust, someone who wont let me down anymore.

An insane family divide happened and I'm being forced to pick sides. My mom and sister don't hate each other, but they both approach each other the wrong way. I love them both and my sister not being around during Thanksgiving and Christmas has been gloomy. I feel like I failed as an older sibling. This year has been absolute trash and I'm finished with it. I will do my best next year, so I hope it comes soon.

So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers, all false.
The truth is that I'm a bad person, but that's going to change,
I'm going to change. This is the last of this sort of thing. I'm
cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life.
I'm looking forward to it already. I'm going to be just like you:
the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing
machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good
health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home,
leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk
food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf,
washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed
pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking
ahead, to the day you die.

I want to be with someone who likes being needy and romantic and loveydovey
I'm with a dude who can't emote who's physically my type and has similar interests but is an ex-incel with weird problems being romantic or social.

So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers, all false.
The truth is that I'm a bad person, but that's going to change,
I'm going to change. This is the last of this sort of thing. I'm
cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life.
I'm looking forward to it already. I'm going to be just like you:
the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing
machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good
health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home,
leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk
food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf,
washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed
pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking
ahead, to the day you die.

Ive been the victim of armed robbery twice (both times I had almost no cash on me) and I suspect one of those was a setup as I had the wrong type of 'friends'

Last week I caught a burglar in the house next to me, I heard sounds so I went over to look and I didnt see him at first and he was almost next to me

Scared the shit out of me and now my hearing is dialed to the max and I hear every little sound at night and suspect someone breaking in. I know its stupid and unrealistic but Im having panic attacks and I cant sleep or relax, medication only makes it worse by giving me nightmares.

I sound like a wuss and I wasnt always like this, infact for most of my life I was too stupid to be scared even when I shouldve been

tl;dr what can I do to feel safe, live alone in semi bad neighborhood

firearms are illegal here, I own knives but I constantly have to patrol my property to feel safe, so that in case I catch someone I have the element of surprise instead of them surprising me

I fucking love you.
I want to keep you for as long as I have life. I want to do some really degenerate shit with you. Like hold hands, get into a long term monogamous relationship with you, support and love you. I want you to be the one that I get to open my eyes to everyday, and the one i kiss as I close them at night.
You're a mess, but I cherish you all the same.
I love you, you stupid girl.

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Tell her user

Sounds like you need to move. I live in a bad neighborhood as well, there was a murder about 200 meters from me. That's when I decided to pack my bags and leave. Luckily, I am in the position to leave after a year or so of saving up and will be out of here in 9 days.

I let myself fall for a good friend who is still dealing with fallout from a breakup, but I tried to bring my feelings up to her anyways. I thought I was seeing signs, and I still think they were signs, but I guess she wasn't actually ready (or maybe im that fucking desperate idk anymore).
She handled it well enough and we kept up our conversations, but now that we haven't seen each other for a bit the paranoia has set in. I'm not sure where the fuck we stand anymore, and I feel weird asking her out to lunch or whatever to talk this out because she might get the wrong idea or i might completely sperg out. Worse, I'm somehow enjoying this struggle: It's been a while since I've crushed on someone and I don't think it's ever been this hard, so part of me wants to keep pushing my luck until I get a definitive no and fuck up one of my best friendships I've ever had.
I just wanna get shit figured out, but she might not be ready for that conversation, or it could end messily if I play it wrong. It's the doubt that's fucking killing me.


I miss you.

If Jesus was here there wouldn’t be shit like this happening.

Yeah that movie was great.

I don’t want to be a nervous wreck who worries too much about everything. I want to be a down to Earth person who knows what they value without getting upset about other people’s reactions. I want to be mindful, and I want to know when to speak, what to say, when to say it, and when to not speak. I want to care about other people without thinking negative thoughts about both them and myself. I want to care about myself in a healthy way.

Truth. Men and women hate each other now. The me too thing has caused incredible damage. As a female I understand the reason for it, but to equate a word or gesture with “sexual assault” is a dangerous thing.

You don't love me. You never did.

You are clearly autistic, but you are so goddamed hot. Fuck you and you know it. You’re a dangerous man and all I wanted you for was a sex toy. But you insisted upon having a personality, a truly fucked-up one. Why can’t you be a sweet cuddly sex boy? I really miss sucking your cock, you weird sexy bastard. My mouth waters and I taste strawberries. God, I fucking hate you.

I love you enough to put up with your manipulative attention seeking drama scheming and pamper you till you have your fill, but I guess that's not good enough for you. Nothing ever does...

Why am I feeling so low lately? It’s been a week of straight drinking and I still wish you would come back. Maybe I’m so lost cause it’s been three years, why am I so lost after three years? Where is the light?

Here goes nothing.

I want to feel something.

I'm sorry family. The truth is I don't really like anyone of you.

Sister you are a hysteric bitch and insufferable. You could have a happy life if you just learned to chill and trust people and yourself

Brother, you don't give a fuck about anybody else and generally think you are better than everybody else. Wished i had a bit of your arrogance, can't blame you for not giving a f about this family

Father: You are pathetic at best i feel sorry for you

Mother: I'm sorry. You did your best, but i honestly don't think you were ever supposed to have kids.

If you weren't my close family i know, none of you would be in my friend's circle.
I still kinda love you and wish you all have a happy life. But if i'm honest i would be ok if you were not part of my life anymore

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I don't hate you.
I love you and miss you.
The thing is because of my disorder I relive and exaggerate really negative thoughts and realities in my head.
Even when I'm sleeping and dreaming.
And I have to reinforce what is actually true all the time.
But because of your own trauma those words you tried so hard not to say to me, that you avoided me, ended up spilling out in bursts.
And now I hear these thoughts in your voice, and that hurts so badly.
When it was my own I could fight it.
But not yours, your lovely voice.
I doubt I would still be here if you had not recorded that birthday message for me.
I listen to it to keep my sanity, you don't even know that do you.
And I know you regret it all so much.
I know you didn't mean for things to be this way.
But I'm just genetically dispositioned to have difficulty accepting this.
So the panic attacks continue.
And I know you know all of this because we talked about it directly and indirectly by some stroke of fate.
I know you're watching over me from a distance, I know you're hurting so much.
And I want nothing more than you in my life.
So if you really are trying to come back as cool as possible, I hope you know I am waiting, I have always been waiting, even before we met, since we separated from a past life.
I've always had you in my heart.

Please come soon.. is it possible we could even spend new years together?

I'm not gonna let shit get to me anymore. I gotta be selfish I'm sorry. They don't care, and they never will so I have to keep up with that

I hope we can talk again without hard feelings someday.

Me too.

This could describe my family from my little brothers perspective where I'm the brother. Lol

What the fuck?

this. fuck trying to appease everybody.

Pleasing everyone is pleasing anyone

I'm sorry but this is some funny shit

You sound like a classical paranoid schizophrenic - it's okay I have some schizophrenic tendencies too. Just gotta get help and reconnect with reality.

i actually don't really have an issue about him, except the times when he talks badly to me.
He realised this family is disfunctional and beyond repair and just acts accordingly.

My sister and mother are the only ones who haven't given up yet. I feel sorry for them because they seem to need family. i think i don't.

But my sister is just such a bossy and lunatic bitch. Mom lets herself get pushed around by her and i don't intend get pushed around too anymore

Thanks for great morning chuckle.

Yeah yeah laugh it up asshole

That would be nice

God I was such an idiot for thinking I could ever have a girlfriend or even just a friend. Sorry for wasting your time.

You will be gladly allowed in his life once you've got your shit together but she will never be allowed to return.
When you finally reach the point of understanding the above, you'll be able to start to move forward in your life. Until then you're just slowly continually poisoned by the toxicity. It is what keeps you immobile. Tragic really.

I loved you. You were my first true love.

But I had to brake up with you due to the drama and the way you acted.

I still feel heartbroken. Logically braking up with you was the best choice. But emotionally im very broken.

I want to move on. But i cannot.

K, I hate that I still love you.


The realization that I have no friends hit me the other day at work, and it hit like a sack of bricks.
I guess depending on how you define it I might have some, I know some people who'd be happy to hang out with me if I called out to them and I have highschool friends I meet up with once in a while (more of a semi-annual reunion, really).
What I'm missing out on are true friends, close, real genuine friends with whom I'd talk every day without getting bored, who I wouldn't mind helping even in shitty things like manual labor or money problems, who I wouldn't mind being around indefinitely and all that shit you'd see in media like cartoons or movies but don't really see IRL.
I'm not really the type of person to go to bars or clubs or whatever but I figured I could meet some fun people in my new (very temporary) part time job or the courses I take to improve scores to get to where I want in Uni, but everyone I meet is so.. how can I put this, surface level?
They're very boring, predictable cookie cutter people (I'm trying to avoid the term normalfags, even though it feels almost appropriate) who don't have a speck of wit or passion about anything, they're so gray and shitty that I'd rather be on my own.
(that being said, I don't think it's unique to prefer being alone to forcing a relationship with people you don't relate to)
This isn't a new thought, but lately I've been thinking it's my fault, it can't be that 95% of the population is incompatible with me because they're the ones who are flawed, I might just be a very picky person or maybe I'm just fantasizing about something that comes to one in thousands of people.
Even when people on Jow Forums mention they've met someone on discord or something like that I feel this very clearly defined jealousy, even though I know if it happened to me I might just dismiss them as boring just like almost everyone else I meet, I might just be an elitist now that I think about it.
I just feel this desperate starvation for socializing.

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Fair. Im pretty drunk though, so one misspelled word, I feel like im doing ok.

Seriously though, auto correct needs to step up.

You know what? I'm not done.
I can already think of two things that make this problem worse.
Number one, I guess you could say I'm sort of in between hobbies?
I used to be all about vidya and anime until I was at least 20, maybe even 21, but from that point I started losing interest in them and now at the age of 22 I can definitely say I've lost interest in both of them, I don't hate them but I absolutely can't be assed to try new stuff in either anime or vidya, I just don't care, and I honestly don't think I have any other hobbies.
When someone asked me 'what are your hobbies' i'd say technology if I didn't want to reveal my, for lack of a better term, power level, and anime and vidya if I didn't mind to, now I honestly have no idea what to answer, not to mention, if someone ELSE had told me they don't really have any hobbies I'd immediately think they're not interesting people.
I guess I like photography, but I don't indulge in it enough to really call it a hobby.
Second one is that I dismiss people over the most retarded shit.
They're too much of a normalfag, they're too much of a blatant weeb, they're too passive, they're too extroverted, I'm obsessed about finding some sort of magical sweet spot middle ground that I don't even have clearly defined myself.
I would really like if that friend had a hobby and was into anime or vidya or whatever, but I also absolutely despise the stereotypical image of an anime con going person, I want people with dorky hobbies but who act like actual fucking human beings instead of screeching teenagers in their fucking twenties.
I just sort of want someone compatible with me and my shit, but I don't know what my shit is or what being compatible with it would even be.

The more I write this down the more it feels like the generic "mfw no azn gf", except with friends instead of a girlfriend, maybe my problem is identical to theirs but applied to a different, but very similar field?
I guess writing really is therapeutic.

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>Number one, I guess you could say I'm sort of in between hobbies? I used to be all about vidya and anime until I was at least 20, maybe even 21, but from that point I started losing interest in them and now at the age of 22 I can definitely say I've lost interest in both of them, I don't hate them but I absolutely can't be assed to try new stuff in either anime or vidya, I just don't care, and I honestly don't think I have any other hobbies.
>now I honestly have no idea what to answer
>I guess I like photography, but I don't indulge in it enough to really call it a hobby.
>I just sort of want someone compatible with me and my shit, but I don't know what my shit is or what being compatible with it would even be.

fuck, I'm kind of in the same boat. I know the obvious answer is "well go try something new or join a club" but -- and this is probably more a result of depression than anything -- I genuinely don't have any interest in anything anymore. And I don't want to seem super boring to people so I usually kind of answer kind of vaguely, "oh you know gaming, reading, I'm kind of an introvert haha", which just makes me feel guilty because I'm basically lying and I know they'll see right through it eventually.

Fuck the word limit I have word diarrhea and all of you fuckers are caught right in the middle of it.
I like to think of myself as being okay alone, I like being on my lonesome, I like wasting away on the internet for days and I honestly and genuinely feel free all alone, but sometimes, seemingly out of nowhere, this loneliness hits, and when it rains, man oh man does it pour.
I have no idea if there are any meaningful advice anyone could comment on this situation, I guess I just want to write it all out, as I said writing is therapeutic.

Maybe that's my niche, I like talking, I like explaining, I'm by no means a good student or well learned in any particular subject but I genuinely enjoy opportunities I get to teach people to do something or explain something, that being said, this feels kind of worthless if it doesn't accompany a different passion I could talk about.
I don't really see myself as being a teacher, because even though it gives me an opportunity to teach it's also so many things other than teaching.
Maybe I could record myself telling something, like podcasts or one of those youtube videos you might see, I HAVE been told I have a radiophonic voice (if that's even the appropriate way to describe it in English, what I mean is a voice that would fit the radio), but that just leads to the previous problem, I have nothing to talk about.

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Lol you're a nice drunk

So like, yeah

>wake up early, weekend hoping to have a nice bright, happy day
>First thing I have to deal with is my mother throwing a hissy fit over something petty

Everytime. Everytime I try to have a nice, bright day with my family the immediately tear that shit down. It's like they don't know what it means to be happy. All I know how to do is be miserable and tear everything down. It sucks. I just wanted to have a nice happy day with them enjoying every moment. I was a fool for thinking they'd change.

Aughh I wish I could muster up the strength to die.

my life sucks, its only going to go downhill from here.

Why can’t you love me?

My hope for you is that you get everything you want and work for. I think you telling me you want your own home, your own little place, was true.
I think you just want freedom and your own life. Autonomy. That's all you want but seem elusive of.
I've never known you to be a strong man. To be honest, you are kind of a push over. You didn't stand up to me untilyou blew your lid. You never stand up to her.
I'm out of the picture thankfully. I do owe you for that one. Sincerely thank you.
You're still stuck with her and she's going to make sure you stay there. Of course she's going to say things like "When you fill-in-the-blank" or "Once you've fill-in-the-blank" in a couple years then you can but it'll take a couple of years for you to realize you've gotten nowhere and she wants it exactly like that.
She sees you as her spouse in her mind. She has for years and your father sensed that. It infuriated him. It wasn't your fault but it was the unhealthy relationship she cultivated with you that drove them apart.
I'm so sorry but she is bitter and cold. It's her life lesson to learn to move on and I dont think she'll ever learn it. :(
I just hope someday you get your own life to live minus her.

Fuck off CIA, burn in hell.

I need to work on both myself and this online store I never have the drive to do despite greatly wanting to start it so I can bring in some income that’s not from my damn day job.

>You’re a dangerous man and all I wanted you for was a sex toy.
>But you insisted upon having a personality
>I really miss sucking your cock


How do I go farther with girls, I used to be a loner but now I'm acquainted with most people and am fine with small talk and conversation, but when I'm in situations of intimacy and isolation where maybe something can happen I completely freeze. Me having no experience is killing me.

>equate a word or gesture with “sexual assault”

Nobody does that except those with downs syndrome maybe. Jesus christ stop spreading the hate and myth. You think we're stupid?

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I can’t wait to see you but I’m so terrified of it also. I want to tell you how important you have become to me and how much I really foresee a future for us together and while you seem to feel the same way sometimes you say things that make me feel like you’ve never really considered it. But I have to get this off my chest and I want to do it in person

I kissed you while you were asleep on the couch. I also brought you the blanket. Hurts so much to know other guy got credit for it