
Ok so I'm only 150lbs but this dude at my work boxes and hes 165 but way shorter than me. Like 6 inches shorter. He's also skinny. Im confident I would destroy him in street fight I don't want to test it. How the fuck can a skinny mook wih no muscle mass be a whole 15 lbs heavier than me and box niggas out (he's wins when he fights). I'm extremely angry (like infinitely) idk if that helps. But a street fight isn't just boxing and I have the reach advantage. What are my chances of winning? I've been itching to hurt someone for a long time. And fuck neither of us are black or white or ghetto. Fuck you.

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It means that his bones are denser and he has more muscle.
Straight up, id put $100 on him.

If we were to bring in the fact that he is fucking trained in how to punch people and take punches, you’re goong to get wasted.

I have a black belt in tae kwon do if that helps, plus it's a street fight, I can kick and tackle him. He's a smartypants too, that makes him weaker.

tae kwon do Is completely useless in a fight. It’s the single most for show only martial art there is. All of thise high kicks you practice just leave you completely open.

You have a 0% chance of success regarding that fight.

Cmon hes so much smaller than me. I know to is useless but I can't be hopeless to this douchebag. Once I knocked a kids front teeth out and another to i literally broke my whole hand on a dude's skull. Gave him a concussion. I'm not a calm fellow.

I think you should befriend this guy. He would be more of an asset to you. Plus join his boxing club and get some of that anger out.

You have a huge chip on your shoulder, and you are talking about how "you would win a fight" on Jow Forums, which is possibly the one thing that says that you would lose that fight, try not to provoke him, he'll probably kick your ass.

True but im not gonna like getting my ass kicked in training. Plus this kid is like 4 years younger than me but I have a babyface so everyone things I'm a high schooler. Fuck man my anger should count.

Whatever he thinks he smart because he "learns languages fast". I'm way smarter than this nigga.

I’ve never read such strong insecurity.


Befriend him and let him fuck your girlfriend for you, if you have one or ever get one later on. Your obviously obsessed with this guy

He has discipline... you do not.

Doesn't mean shit the real world. I would love to try out his strength as gay as that sounds. He might hit harder than me but he can't hope to win outside of boxing. I would hurt him so badly. It's not even funny.

So this guy did nothing to you aside from have fight training and possibly being intelligent?

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It’s cause you’re just a little bitch

My motto is "never give up" and when condescending white skinny fat faggot talks down to me I feel like killing a whole continent. So that's what I'll do you little fuck. I'm fucking insane, just ask my mom.

>What are my chances of winning?
even if he's shorter than you, if he actually boxes and wins often he knows more about fighting than you do even with "street fight" rules. The odds are against you, go use your anger in the gym or join his boxing club and learn something

Hes never thrown a punch without gloves or broken a bone I'm sure. Plus in a streetfight I can gouge eyeballs and shit. I'll make him eat his own intestines

A boxer may not practice his kicks and grapples, but he understands avoiding his opponent, exploiting weak points, and any fighting gym will teach basic self defense options AND if he competes he won't go picking a street fight for shits and giggles if he respects his gym.
>never thrown a punch without gloves on
don't talk like an idiot, do you know anything about boxers training? boxing requires some of the most discipline and intensity of any sport even at amateur level

how about be friends with him and join his gym and stop acting like a hoodrat

I am a hood thougj lmao. He's nice to me and we get along but i still wanna fucking kill him. No-one believes me.

then join his gym and spar with him in a controlled environment where you can gain something from it and not grievously hurt one another

That's a great idea but I i can't stand losing. I know I will lose in the long run but it'll still be good for "my health". How do I fuck niggas up permanently despite my weak-ass genes and upbringing? Tell me now. I will not be cucked any longer. Fuck smarts. I wanna be strong. O don't wanna be the pussy bitch every time I want to make the people that would've called me a bitch bleed profusely. I want people to suffer at my hands now and forever. I need it.

Is this bait or a cry for help user?

JOIN THE GYM, they will teach you how to deal and learn with your loses if the place is worth its salt, you can never learn a thing if you don't fail a few times

It sounds like you really want to fight him so just do it.

Fuck it all and fucking no regrets

How do you fix insecurity?

It’s not about how much smaller he is. If he knows how to fight it won’t matter, his lower center of gravity will be an advantage if he knows how to use it.

Me and a buddy both work out hard, he’s 6’3 300lbs and I’m 5’8 210lbs and we got into a serious fight and I destroyed him. On top of that I regularly beat him in arm wrestling.

He’s 15lbs heavier than you, but you’re probably skinny fat and he’s in shape, 15lbs of muscle over you, probably something like 30lbs of muscle over you once you consider height differences. You’re done kiddo.

>150 pounds
Are you a girl

No but I'm male enough
Anyway, the righteous will prevail. That means white people will die horrible deaths and I will hurt everyone I hate to the core. That's just what Jesus said or are you atheist now faggot? God thid bullshit is do unfair. You will know eterrnal pain. Whatever I didn't wanna bring it up but my family's rich and you will be poor forever you scum fuck piece of shit. Die cunt.

This cunt has it coming win or lose. You faggots srent even human if you don't understand that. Die.
Fuck you so much all of you self right righteous insufferable smug condescending pieces of the dirtiest shit. You all have a special area in Hell with particularly tortuous torment for eternity.

Cmon you niggers you can let this happen to me. Fuck your sense of pride. You don't understand this man's faggotry. I guess you guys are just padding for the cunts of the world.God wouldn't allow this shit.

Fuck off kike, it’s sad nibba hours

Are you drunk?

I guarantee that manlet will kick your ass

White man here, go ahead, start a fight with a boxer. You best bring a gun, you dumb piece of shit.

OP seems like a fucking psycho and needs meds

Yes I was

>I have a black belt in tae kwon do if that helps
It does not. You're street meat if you go toe to toe with him tough guy.

>low self esteem
>no boxing experience
>only 15lb heavier than your opponent

He’s going to pummel your weak ass face so fucking hard you won’t know what year it is

I know I know I'm dumb. I was more pissed about a family fight, I'm on good on good terms with this guy but I'm insecure about my masculinity (with good reason). God I can't stand being screamed at. I don't need to be smart or strong, I don't care. And I can be not-psycho, I just can't be too stressed. How do other people cope with large amounts of stress? Also, I might be racist but I know it's a cope, white people mog me at everything, that's why I stay home.

Yeah probably but he *looks* not that strong but he probably has functional strength or whatever. I think he's like Russian or some shit and you know those guys are fucking hardcore.

It's alright man but you're talking to white people here too. Let go of that shit. You're main focus should be on self centering and knowing that you can control your reactions to all things not just stress. You can not and should not go about your life blaming others for how you choose to react and deal. Start from the inside and work outwards.

Idk man I try to be civil with my mom but she's fucking out of her mind.

Sounds like you're surrounded by unstable influences affecting your judgement on how to handle situations. It's a learned habit and not entirely your fault, but you can learn to change how you respond. You are angry and feel out matched, but if you let that shit eat at you, your personality gets eaten with it. Unless you want to be a hapless overly aggressive person who no one wants to be around, then you're on the right track.

Ok ok. But how do I let go of baggage *without* drinking copious amounts of alcohol. I don't want to fight anybody. I really don't care, I just want to take it easy in life.

First off alcohol is a depressant and will most likely make controlling your emotions harder not easier overtime. So that is not part of the answer at all. Learning to manipulate your reactions to things takes practice and time. You need to be aware of what you're feeling, and then aware of why you're feeling it. That level of self awareness is necessary to the most important next step: absorption not redirection. Being angry and then wanting to punch someone is redirection. It's a lie you tell yourself and an emotional cheat. A quick fix your brain wants to a long term problem. Absorbing what you're feeling means acknowledging it and living with it until you can control it. For example:
>Mom makes me angry when she yells
>why? Because getting yelled at makes me feel small and cornered
>why does feeling cornered like that make you angry?
>because it is an animal instinct to protect myself and I want to feel safe
>can you control your mother?
>not really
>can you control how angry you allow this to make you?
>not easily but yes
>okay, so on a level of 1 to 10 HOW angry are you really?

This kind of internal dialog does two things to help absorb your outburts. One it makes you self analysis and two it puts a barrier between you and the situation. Like an emotional airbag.

None of it is easy and you will forget to do these steps but even if you think on it after the fact it will become more familiar an exercise.

Well I didn't have an outburst last night, I just shitposter my emotions away. I just feel bad for saying all this bad shit in 4channel.

Better on Jow Forums than irl

you sound like an insecure spaz so my advice would be to fight him, get your ass beat, lower your self confidence, learn from your retarded mistakes, and become a better or at least smarter person

thing is you already lost

Try hurting small animals and work your way up from there; hurting larger and larger creatures until you're strong enough to knock out something as fat as you.

>Discipline doesn't mean shit the real world
I can't even imagine being this deluded.
Discipline is one of the most important things in the real world. It separates the failures (like you) from the successful people (probably him).

You need to calm down for one. You wanna get your ass beat by this small man then go for it. He will wreck you.

I'm 6'1" 230lb and I've done karate / ju-jitsu / sword fight / kick boxing / boxing and have served as military police.

Just to give you a sense of my own experience. Based on what you are saying, that guy will hit you like a truck and you will get your ass beatin' likely severally if his a nignog that will hit you while your own and out.

Your dancing skills in the childrens "fighting style" will not help you here. Before I was a man and learned I'm not mr invincible. I got into a fight with a nig mutt, despite me having a height advantage ( no fighting skills at all ) he bested me in under a minute, despite me slap fighting. Likely he didn't chimp out and beat me while I was down. ( not knocked out but submitted )

Lesson learned. I didn't "nerd rage" and act like a tough faggot. I went and go my ass in shape, learned real fighting, got in plenty of fight after that and never lost a street fight again. Then joined military all the while keeping myself in shape and practiced.

Better yourself and quit thinking you are gonna beat this nobody up. Hes pointless existence apparently is all about fighting. Your's is all talk and nothing.

Like a burger flipper claiming to be a navy seal. All talk, as you make big macs. A real seal would kill you for dishonoring the work he put into getting that title.

That's basically what you are doing now. Grow the fuck up and calm down. You still want to go for it? Get ready to be world starred.

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Damn you're a fucking loser.

Unless you have experience in real fights (doesn't have to professional) you are going to LOSE, consistent fighters are tougher mentally and will bring out how soft you really are (might not be soft at all)