Will these self harm grazes heal? I fucking hate my life. Why I decide to do this which causes me more depression

Will these self harm grazes heal? I fucking hate my life. Why I decide to do this which causes me more depression

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Fuck off cunt. Fucking self harm. I'll harm you you cunt. I burned my fucking arm with a soldering iron when I was 15. In six different places. Fuck you. I'll hut you myself bitch.

All cuts heal retard stop asking for (yous)

OP here. I am 24 before someone thinks I am underage. Having no job and being a virgin makes life not worth living

It didn't hurt that much. But you're pathetic OP. The co thing was to burn a hole into your skin with a lighter when I was a kid. Fuck you.

I would normally tell guys like ou to join the military so you’ll have a purpose, but with those self harm scars no way in hell you’ll get in

I take antidepressants so I am already not allowed in the military. Also why waste your life like that?

Antidepressants aside why would the military not allow someone with self harming? Doesnt mean I am a danger to others also you need some insanity to survive a warzone see American Sniper

I’m an US Army recruiter, so I’m not going to lie: being depressed, being on meds, and self harm and suicide attempts are PDQs and will not get a waiver unless under certain circumstances. Usually, I’d tell a depressed kid to just not tell MEPS anything about his or her medical history as the military doesn’t pull medical records. However at MEPS they do a physical, they go out of their way to look for scars. And if they see a self harm scar, they pull your medical records even if you have a lame excuse like “my cat scratched me!” Unless your scars heal, I don’t think you’ll be able to enlist, considering if you’d even want to. My advice to you, find something you enjoy and do it for a living. Whether that’s firefighting or becoming a therapist, find something you like.

Also to your question as to why they don’t allow people with depression and self harm, it’s because you don’t just affect yourself, you affect others. If you have a mental breakdown in the middle of a firefight, you’re not only endangering yourself you’re endangering your comrades. It’s just a safety measure

See a therapist. You have to realize that self harming is not normal and are clear signs of depression and/or other serious mental diseases.

Then actually kill yourself, instead of doing this self harm bullshit.
>why waste your life like that?
In the military? It's certainly less of a waste then what you're doing to yourself, so as bad as it may seem (to you), it will actually be an improvement on your situation.
Joining as a common soldier will help you build character, and will ensure that you don't die of hunger, at least until you leave the military.
Or, if you have some degree of smartness, which doesn't seem likely, you'll try to become an officer and will not have to worry about so much shit for the rest of your life.
>why would the military not allow someone with self harming? Doesnt mean I am a danger to others
That's exactly what it means, as you'll be too busy with your woe is me bullshit to actually do your duty when others are doing theirs. Don't even get me started about the other underlying issues self harm may reveal about who practices it.
>also you need some insanity to survive a warzone see American Sniper
Life is not Hollywood, and not all military duties are the same. You won't always end up in the front lines. You go through psychological exams for a reason, the reason being that this "some insanity" bs is dangerous for yourself, and for others.

Are you living alone? With your parents? At least try to learn something online. Coding, some basic graphic design, I don't know. Give your life a meaning. If you can't, at least try thinking about those that care about you before you try to kill yourself. Make those people your meaning, as faggy as it may sound.

Actually go get fucking help instead of being a pussy. Go get 51 50'd or see a therapist/psychiatrist. I was in the same position earlier this year and I got my shit together so you can too.


Psychologists and psychiatrists arent helping. They tell me to keep using the dating apps to find girls and that makes me more depressed with how hard it is. Getting a job is so hard too.

I make youtube videos so there is some meaning in that. I want to record some film essays but I used to do religious conspiracy videos 10 years ago where I used my own voice and even my own face so am too scared now to record me talking on youtube cos someone may recognize the videos I made and call me a nut

I posted this to somebody on /adv not long ago. I feel this may be a thing for you. Dealing with foreigners provides a fresh, new, clean slate and if you make mistakes then there si always a next time with new people.

>>Be confident, keep your morals, don't drink too much; show self control because it looks nicer to girls than a sloppy mess of a man.

>>I go to hostels to chat with foreigners. Some of my best nights were spent in a backpackers for $16/night. I have never left hellbent on sex on relationships. Go out, have a good time, LEARN to talk with girls, make friends, etc.

>>You'll do fine buddy. I have faith in you.

do you have friends op? what would you like them to say to you? what do you think will make you happy if it were to happen?

Messaged one of my friends other night about how depressed I am as well as my major anger issued that makes me scream and yell for hours at night. People hearing me would want me locked up in a insane asylum because I cannot help myself when I go through my OCD issues where I have been obsessed with health issues due to an issue that happened decade ago at school. Also talking to a girl for a month and she then unmatches you for no reason is sure to make anyone more depressed.

I like to be creative with hobbies when by myself but Ive been lonely for so long that its starting to get to me. 4 years ago if a girl had interest in me Id run home and jerk off to porn because I couldnt handle relationships but now I feel growing older and still a virgin making me wish I took the chance of being her bf.

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maybe they don't want you locked up in an insane asylum they just want you to seek professional therapy because they realize they can't help your mind?
so if a girl right now loves you with all her heart, cares for you, cooks food for you, kisses you all over, listens to your feelings, tells you how much she loves you.. would it cure your depression?

Yes because all I want is to cuddle with a qt