I believe I'm jinxed

>be me
>be 18
>i believe i am cursed
>everytime i like a boy, I tell one of my friends i like x person
>fast forward to the end of the week
>the friend i told that i like the boy starts to date him
>tfw your friends always steal your crushes
>i always pretend like it's nothing it's just a crush nothing too serious
>but damn it
>starting to think I'm somewhat invisible
>hate myself because im not that outgoing as my friends
>first year in college
>decide to be a new person
>learn how to do make up and dress better
>become more social and train to start conversations with people
>see a couple guys i like
>strike up a conversation ,it's going pretty neatly
>crush is smiling and talking about his favorite topics
>it's beautiful
>we flirt like cute virgins
>best friend appears
>goes in the conversation
>all his attention is on her because of the sudden interfere
>she becomes touchy
>grabs both his hands
>pats his shoulder
>makes way too much eye contact
>later on this week
>"hey user, is your friend from the other day single? Haha i like her"
>he's asking me if she's single tf
>go home and cry

What do ?

Attached: QwG2ESy4bD-8.png (300x250, 24K)

Get better friends.

get better friends and learn to make your own moves faster, before anyone can swoop in

this desu

your friend sounds awful

but the problem is that my friend is not that bad as she seems, she's just prettier and more outgoing and does this to every guy she meets

tell your friend who you have a crush on so she doesnt interfere

So shes a flirty slut? Shes no real friend of yours. Also maybe you just look really bad. How would you rate your looks ( be as objective as you can).

You're not cursed. You're just not that interesting.

Drop this bitch; there are 8 billion people on the planet

I would rate my looks as a 7/10
Nothing weird about my face
also my body is fine
I'm 174 cm and 60kgs
she's like very fat

the guy seemed to be intrested in me before she jumped in

do you use makeup, user? i normally do my eyebrows, light bb cream, and blush. it makes me look and feel cuter and it can give you a confidence boost

yeah I'm kinda good with make up, i apply foundation and blush (i don't contour) i use red lipsticks aaand occasionally do an eye look, if its not a special day I'll just put on some brown eye shadow and a soft glittery shade under my eyes, i never leave the house without an eyeliner wing

if shes very fat, you can almost always look cuter. if you really like your crush dont back down or find someone else and dont let her try the same shit

Looks like you've got plenty opportunity.
What about... you know... trying again?

Only sure way to failure is to give up.

I understand you're sour over your friends "stealing" your boys, but it's not like you're at a loss here.
Learn from it and keep trying.

Why not get on tinder?

Tinder scares me because everyone there is looking for sex
I sure did move on from this boy but I need to not let it happen again
what bothers me is that she's not even willing to date him or do anything with him, she's just way too flirty

I got news for you girl, everyone is looking for sex, tinder or not. If you get a bf, you're going to have sex with him. Because if you don't, he will leave you. Seriously, just try tinder, not everyone there is looking for hookups, there are people who have found serious relationships from there as well.

Stop hanging out with girls start hanging out with groups of guys. They'll end up bonding to you even if you're not a flirt and then eventually start subconsciously fighting over the girl in the group. I should know these things, I play MMOs

You can still try dating websites and make it abundantly clear you're not interested in hookups and all of "those people" will not go for anything serious out of fear of sexual assault charges.
But you'll have to learn to grow a thicker skin because you *will* be sent a lot of obscene pictures, whether you like it or not.

Kindly, please stop labeling your opinions as facts.
Thank you.

>opinions as facts

>everyone is looking for sex, tinder or not. If you get a bf, you're going to have sex with him. Because if you don't, he will leave you
>not an opinion disguised as a fact
Or is it? I think it is.

I'm not denying that sex is necessary in relationships, im just saying i don't want to be in a relationship based only on sex and i definitely don't want a one night stand thing

I don't think that hanging out with just boys is going to solve anything. I think it'll make things more complicated and would put me in the friend zone

Sexual attractiveness for women is partly based on a man capacity and benevolence. This is because sex carry more risk for the woman AND is also much more likely.

Thus, if a woman is interested in a man, it will inherently make him sexier for other women, as they notice that he's as been selected by someone else. By telling your single friends what men you like, you make those boys sexiers.

Replace "everyone" with "just about everyone". You sound like one of those "no sex before marriage" memesters. But note that you are an extremely tiny group. Any healthy adult who does not have mental issues or is not extremely religious will want sex in a relationship.

That seems pretty logical

It's not a matter of what is and what isn't, but a matter of shaping worldviews.
You're talking to a impressionable young woman in her teens.
In this case, "everyone wants sex" and "just about everyone wants sex" makes all the difference.

Do you want more young jaded people around, who think everything is black or white with nothing in-between, and without a conscious thought of their own?
I don't.

Words have power. I'm just asking you to be more careful in what you write, that's all.

Are you the same sniveling faggot that had a problem with "don't shit where you eat"?

Stop trying to tell everyone that sex is bad. It is important for her to understand that it is a natural thing and there is nothing to be afraid of.

No, but spare yourself the trouble of explaining.
We're already derailing the thread quite badly.

Though I suggest you reflect on yourself a little bit if you honestly believe that saying
>If you get a bf, you're going to have sex with him. Because if you don't, he will leave you.
To a girl who is trying to avoid sex-oriented relationships is tactful.

Actually, make it more than a little bit. This is quite extreme.

>there is nothing to be afraid of
Yeah who cares about STD and pregnancy?

>Stop trying to tell everyone that sex is bad.
Oh I am doing that now, am I? Please, do quote me.
Shouldn't be difficult – all my posts are still here, plain as day – right?

>It is important for her to understand that it is a natural thing and there is nothing to be afraid of.
I'd rather she reaches a conclusion about this topic on her own. Unlike you, it seems.

>We're already derailing the thread quite badly.

God, why are you such an intolerable faggot?
I'm not anyone you've been arguing with, but I'm in physical pain just witnessing your faggotry. You're not some wise mentor, you're a nobody on Jow Forums.

Your friends steal your men out from under you because they perceive themselves as better than you. You probably unconsciously enforce this by the way you see yourself.

Try this. There is a technique that men do when engaging groups of women or mixed company where, instead of talking to the girl we actually want, we engage mostly with the alpha male of the group, or one of the target female's friends instead of her.
This accomplished a couple things. 1. It relieves pressure and makes the interaction less confrontational.
2. It establishes social value to the target if you can impress their friends.
3. It makes the target jealous.
4. It disguises your true intentions.

Next time you are in a group, focus on the friend of the guy you actually want. If you're lucky, your friend will take the bait and try to steal the guy she THINKS you're interested in, leaving you free to engage the real target.

I've seen similar situations so many times.
Girls are such catty competetive beasts..
