One point I agree with leftists is about wage slavery and stuff...

One point I agree with leftists is about wage slavery and stuff. Conservacucks just say "yeah you should work 40 hours a week in your pos job and don't complain because jebus said so in the bible", libertarians want corporations to be free to make people work as many hours as they want. I personally think working 40 hours a week + commuting is way too much.

What do you guys think?

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That your a lazy beaner

Just because I don't want to give my life to a soulless corporation?

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spend all day working and give most of the profit to some jew? no thanks!

Considering a solid third of this board are NEETS (including myself), probably the same as you.

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Good to know you guys are concerned about that too!

Life NEEDS to be hell for the 95% so that they find salvation through God and work. If you can't compete, better yourself, that's a fact of nature: evolve or die, make yourself needed or you are useless trash sub-human.

I know you're being satirical but there are retards here who genuinely believe everything you just said, word for word. Don't make them believe they're in good company as well.

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You'e fucking lazy then. I pump out 60 a week, 40 is nothing. Since these wage systems are still in place, you're clearly the lazy fucking outlier. No one else is pussy enough to say "40 hours is too much".

>wage slavery
This is an oxymoron.

>I personally think working 40 hours a week is way too much
I personally think not being fellated every night by two women of my choosing is way too much.

The thing about hours worked is that people choose to work them. Real prices for stuff goes down over the time so you need to work less to pay for things. What happens is that new products are made so people want to work more to be able to buy those things.

I'm not being satirical, the reason why some of rich are degenerate is a reflection of the people. When better people aspire to greatness, they replace the bad. All of the blame goes upon the working class who refuse to adapt. Don't like a way a business does business? START YOUR OWN AND OUTCOMPETE THEM. The government isn't going to do it for you. The #1 problem with America and the entire world is that it expects government to do everything to create change.

>want free business
>don't want everything in life to be measured in dollars
I got a flag for you. It's better than that Brazilian one.

The reasoning in that screencap is trash. If you oppose pedophilia are you an angry pedophile? How about murder? Dumb ass.

I work 50 hours a week plus 1hour 20 minuet commute. What are you complaining about?

>Real prices for stuff goes down over the time
...except housing, healthcare, education, childcare, food that's made of sugar-laden styrofoam, and consumer goods made well enough they don't snap if the UPS driver farts on them while he's delivering your Amazon order. That shit keeps getting more expensive. But I guess video games two console generations old are getting pretty cheap, sure.

pretty much true, the rich get to the top because they are better. it's a hierarchy of competence, not of exploitation

money is just a medium of exchange. if people don't like all the stuff, they don't have to buy it.

forget having gas in your house, that's bought with evil dollars! your computer can go, your lightbulbs, actually all electricity. get rid of your car too. never out for a meal, that's too expensive. stop partaking of all the amenities of the modern world, that way you don't have to be a wage slave!

i'm talking about real wages. you can look up how long people had to work to buy certain things in the 60s and how much it's gone down since then.

some things like housing have gone up but the solution is not some mandated 30 day week or some shit but looking at the causes (government) and getting rid of them

I wasn't saying that we should go back to a system of bartering chickens. I was saying that we shouldn't have to hear things like "You should be grateful for the opportunity to make me money." We shouldn't have attitudes in which people justify having awful livelihoods just because they have decent salaries. We shouldn't have people working into their 60's just to afford a middle class livelihood.

The better question is "What aren't you complaining about and why?"

so if people have awful livelihoods working into their 60s you want them to work into their 50s and have even worse livelihoods?

>I wasn't saying that we should go back to a system of bartering chickens
wasn't saying you were

Since when did I say that I want people working into their 50s? What?

you're right, what you actually said was:
>dude, become a nationalist socialism. dude, nazism. lmao

You're just trying to deflect from the fact that you thought I was OP. Trying to shame me just for pointing out that OP's line of thought is similar to Nazi economic philosophy... Shame on you, butthurt user.

People should be free to work as much or as little as they want. People also should be free to pay as much or as little to people as their work is worth. If you are a lazy POS, you will probably not get paid as much as the dude willing to go the extra mile.

You don't have to give your life to a soulless corporation. You just need to do what you need to do to live the life you want to have. Which means having the means to live that life. Setting realistic goals is also a must. The only thing in life that is free is death or a helicopter ride.

>tfw you've never worked a single day in your life

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You need to go back Muhammad.

>Sorry user but the doctor who was supposed to be present today decided to leave after an hour of work.
>user if you can't give me 70 hours a week like that illegal immigrant I just can't hire you for minimum wage

I think that if you’re too dumb to get into a high paying cushy job then you kind of deserve a less than optimal life, though?

>What do you guys think?
I think the system is good, but it breeds way too much greed and it fucks it all up, because the top 1% is competing on the backs of the 99%. Result is people who know are oppressed by pretend they're not because they now want to be oppressors too.

40 hours a week isn't much.

If the working situation was ideal, it would make everyone feel good, you contribute, you don't get bored, you don't feel like a leech, etc.

>Also this thing that people end up in positions they aren't qualified for, forget the name

Maybe you should try working at not accidentally capturing the mouse cursor in your images.

Name one leftist country where the norm isn't 36 - 40hrs a week. So-called 'leftism' is just wage slavery with a few more perks but far, far less freedom and take-home pay.

>You're just trying to deflect
Says the guy who still has not tried to explain any of the shit he said. Are you fucking female or something? Neck yourself, you're an embarrassment to nazis everywhere.

Well you haven't asked for any explanations. I'd be happy to help.

Hardwork paysoff. My shift is 10 hours, four days per week. I often work at least 10 hours of overtime in that week. I have a wife and child on the way. I owned a home before I was married. I drive a truck, drink beers, and enjoy hobbies. Life is awesome because i work hard so i can play hard.
If you want to bw a deadbeat, that's fine, i just dont want to pay for your laziness.

I honestly don’t even work that hard and make plenty. I could make a lot more if I pushed myself.
Capitalism is fucking awesome.

just a reminder that medieval peasants worked far less than wage slaves have to.

shut the fuck up, you little 17 year old faggot

Medieval peasants also shat in buckets and died if they got a cut.

You blamed me for not explaining things. I asked you to tell me what I should explain. Now you're yelling at me. Unbecoming, user.

The left don't actually want stuff to change either, and if they do it's impossible to do anything anyway. The global economy complex is literally bigger than anything a single country can take on without completely severing itself from the modern global economy, something no modern leftist will ever actually do.

>I personally think working 40 hours a week + commuting is way too much
I'm working 24 hours a week, 4 days for 6 hours, and it works fine. No idea where people see a problem.

Yeah 40 hours really isn't that bad, it still leaves you with 73 or so hours in the week to pursue other opportunities like writing, creating a small business, making and selling crafts, oddjobs around the neighborhood, starting a good youtube channel... etc.

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40 hours a week isn't shit

>t work 55-70 hour weeks

You know you don't actually NEED the global economy. Sweden and every other European country can simply produce their own things and survive. Just look at the USA before fast-moving transport ships that didn't take years to cross the ocean for trade.

Only trannys react with loli's fag

I agree.

>getting fucked in the ass with a 4” dick ain’t shit. I regularly get fucked in the ass by 5.5” to 7” dicks. Therefore you should stop whining about getting fucked in the ass.