TLDR post "Niggers tongue my anus" in every youtube comment thread
The new adpocalypse is happening on youtube. The first weak point i've found is that they're now holding content creators responsible for what's said in their comments by other people.
Your mission should you choose to accept it, you must post "Niggers tongue my anus" in all youtube comment threads. ESPECIALLY Philly D for being a cuck and a bootlicker. Other notable targets are high grossing youtubers. T-series, PPewdiepie, Show no mercy.
1 of 2 things will happen. Big earners for youtube will threaten to jump ship initially or theyll disable comments only to find their community was a large part of their brand, causing them to decide between jumping ship or dwindling down.
We can't stand idly by as they go after free speech.
May Kek watch over you and the autism be with you mein brothers.
Nothings gonna happen yt is too big for any real competition
Brayden Allen
Then fuck em, we'll burn the ship to the ground and captilism will evolve accordingly. they need to be spanked for their crimes against free speech
Austin Garcia
>post Niggers tongue my anus >To valhalla LARPagans spend their time imagining nigger's tongues on their assholes. Wew lad no thanks.
Jose Martin
I thinkits racist you wont let niggers tongue your anus. you'll be wishing you made a stand when the liberals come for you too
Nathan Fisher
Owen Johnson
Jack Cooper
>being this new Lurk or leave
Thomas Ortiz
More suggested phrases in case they "blacklist" this one, plox.
Josiah Baker
my nigga
Ryder James
Well the focus is on Pedo rings, but they seem to be hitting anything offensive. Jews did 9/11. Death to israel. Whatever. Treat the comments section as if it were /b
Aaron Morgan
Feel like this could be an operation to put us all on a list, but it would be funny as hell so bump
Adrian Howard
anything niggery
Jayden Garcia
The girl I’m seeing is half black I would fuck you all up if I heard you say the N word.
Matthew Gonzalez
Shit if you aint on a list yet its too late in the school year to be discovering Jow Forums.
Ethan Brown
Good for you, Nigger.
Noah Rodriguez
just general niggardry
Daniel Lee
You do realize this is /pol, right? Intelligence don’t dwell here.
Jeremiah Watson
Should we maybe wait until the rule kicks in?
Gavin Cruz
You can say it on the internet but IRL I’d drop you
Justin Hughes
ITS already active.
Tyler Edwards
I've only ever dated one African girl and she somehow got off on me calling hey my "naughty nigger slave". Good God she was a good fuck.
Robert Lopez
im an adult and i dont know what word you mean. Does n-word mean nigger to you? To me, it's just n-word. But, nigger has real meaning. you sound like a nigger. you're girlfriend is probably a nigger. >threatens violence for words yep, nigger tier behavior right here.