Is Al Sharpton, dare I say it, /ourguy/ after all?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-21 Sharpton, at meeting with Kamala Harris, says Smollett should face ‘maximum� (1280x402, 58K)


They're both in on it

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I wish Smollett just rat out Kamala in exchange for immunity. Fucking cunt is insufferable.

Smollett and other hoaxers neutralize the narrative of white oppression of blacks. I mean, this is the most oppressive thing to happen for a while and it was ridiculous, and false. In a way it stands for, /there is no oppression, it's all just as much a fantasy as this case was/. No wonder Sharpton doesn't like it.

Punishing smollet alone is not enough.
Those who immediatley believed and voiced it must be punished as well.

Kamala is going to prison

The left doesn't hate people who fake hate crimes, they hate them when they get caught.

All of them are shameless racebaiters. Sharpton just does it as a business.

"The Fag Who Cried MAGA"

What about him and Tawana Brawley??

>Kamala is going to prison
Ya, any day now migapede

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Who did you vote for? Just wondering

It's kind of hard to tell who fakes hate crimes unless they get caught.

I bet his whole life and personality is based on his vote! That bastard!

Everyone with a shred of intellect knew the Smollett incident was a hoax day 1 yet the media and politicians still jumped on it hoping he was smart enough not to leave hard evidence.
They took a risk and now they're pissed and throwing him under the bus to save face.

What did he say when the first claims came out?
He's just trying to save face. Remember Tawana Brawley?

Let me guess, you think Trump is going to prison though.

I mean I get politicians doing it, they are all scum. But literally all the media had to do was use the word "allegedly" and they could at least pass off everything else as opinion, but they couldn't even bother with that.

But it was real this time

The MSM drinks its own koolaid, bro.

Sharpton was the kamala to some other girl that did the sane thing, they never apologized