Hanging with rosanne



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she looks like a native american

I love Roseanne but she's just your typical cigarette smoking grandma that cheers for Zionists like every other boomer

she does look weird in that photo



I hate Zionists but why are they being spoken a lot so much on here recently? Is it the attempt to get people to support Sanders?


Based Jew

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Friendly reminder that Roseanne is literally brain damaged after getting hit by a car as a kid. Still one of the very few funny women to exist even if she is a crazy jew.

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she identifies as a jew
when asked if she is white, she said no i am a jew
this sort of makes her based

based old jew

based (((roseanne)))!

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Roseanne is a filthy kike bitch, Fuck her for attempting to ruin John Goodman’s career.

bitter old hag with a dusty, dried up pussy mad at a qt3.14. A story as old as time.


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Lurk more

I hope she overdoses in real life.

rosanne is a snobby bitch.

White doesn't mean the same thing to them
I To them it means the Christian majority

good point. you are probably correct
it was the context though that sold me that she was talking about race but i have no idea where i saw this