Every month should be Black history month... Find out why
that guy lmao. why is it that the least blacks of blacks go on these SJW tirades? it's utterly ironic. pretty much every mulatto/light skin.
*least black of blacks
your posts are not responding to anything my video says crakka
the truth that you cave crakkkas fear
Dick washer's history month
yeah stay mad white boi
African-Americans have got to be some of the most idiotic people on the planet, I cannot fathom how they pretend to have this most knowledge about a continent they know nothing about and have never even set foot on. Most African-American's come from West Africa to begin with so how can they even begin to process that they were East African or even Nubian...? The only thing they are able to do is randomly yell about points in history and I don't think it is possible for them to create anything nice. I mean, hip hop music sure but it's garbage and used by mass media to brainwash kids into becoming stupid servile herd-retards to consume more products. It's like all they can do is act as someone else's bitch and then try to hard like they're somehow the "tough" ones.
Its amazing you are able to stretch out your accomplishments past a day
They can't even understand that the fact they have a whole propaganda month dedicated to """"black"""" (whatever that even means to begin with, Africa was never a unified continent or singular people) history shows that they are still just a slave herd people with no ambitions.
You can have Black history month
>A time to reflect on all the amazing achievements and contributions to humanity
>Clearly the shortest month is picked
Whites have Fathers day
We don't need fathers when we are Gods
You subhuman low IQ gorilla niggers are the most delusional and lying scum on this planet.
Only thing worse than leafs and nogs are non-nogs larping as nogs. Very Very disrespectful
America made a mistake to let the slaves roam free
Go back to Africa
But that's castration, they're even restraining him.
you mad cuz we were the original Indians
What are we supposed to appreciate in your culture? Name one thing in black culture that can be appreciated?
Fucking slaves, Thank God we didn't set you animals free like the west did
If you have black history month but ignore the real black history of nothing but cannibalism, infanticide, enslaving and genociding each other isn't it still racist?
watch the video you sand crakka
>cannibalism, infanticide, enslaving and genociding each other isn't it still racist?
we learned it from you white boi we were brainwashed by white lies
then you are ignorant racist and soon you are gonna regret for bowing to my superiority
not bowing*
most of the things mentioned in the video are not invention but general improvements or just remaking something that was already made , or that the guys was quarter or half black
but there are some good ones
Because blacka should have their own ethnostate in the carribean again where cannibals came from? Not saying we dont have white cannibals of the upper north where hell freezes over but i dunno the answer to a rhetorical question. Why dont you educate me.
But then who is your Godfather of gang gods.
Ok but only blacks will give a fuck and we got a deal!
you ready for that jussie smollett fake hate crime act once his case wraps up?
i am
No, just no.
~El Peruano
Nice larp overall, but we both know we could condense everything down to 'Black History Half Hour' and have a ten minute smoke break in the middle of it.
If that is true then how come every single country in Africa is poor ?