Cartoon Network, the channel millions of kids watch, is aware of this video. They still pay this man millions of dollars to create (((content))) for them.
>(((Dan Harmon))) rapes a baby doll in this video.
>the audio is edited to reflect the babys cries with (((Dan Harmon's))) thrusts.
>even after the outrage of this video from parents reached (((Cartoon Network))), they said they would not fire him and bought new seasons of his work.
>(((Dan Harmon))) never apologized for this video.
>(((Justin Roiland))) supports (((Dan Harmon))) 100%, and they frequently include child/minority rape in their popular (((Adult Swim))) series (((Rick and Morty))).
here's the video:
cartoon network and adult swim are two different channels iirc cartoon network doesn't have any control over what adult swim does.
a lot of people got banned for posting about this when it dropped. 1000s of people, threads and post
Gotta admit, the outrage makes the video beyond hilarious.
He also wrote "nigger" dozens of times in his MySpace blog.
Absolutely nobody gives a fuck. Its a plastic baby doll. Is it a shitty joke? Yeah. Is pedophilia bad. Certainly. Is Dan Harmon a pedophile? Maybe. Does this video give anyone any reason to be angry? Only if you are a massive faggot snowflake.
>t. pedophile
Jow Forums advocates censorship just because he's a retarded liberal
I won't throw away my ideals to win a pointless battle.
>t. pedophile
who gives a fuck?
All (((zog))) (((entertainment))) is (((kikery)))
Nigga, its a fucking plastic toy and a garbage skit. If you were mad because Dan Harmon sucks at writing, I would understand. But getting mad about a guy pretending to rub his junk on a piece of plastic is just full retard.
>says the (((memeflaggot)))
>There is no intention behind this video
>The problem is the quality of his works, yeah, this is it, the quality of his works
>I can't counterargue that getting enraged over a guy pretending to fuck a piece of plastic is fucktarded so I'll just "win" by calling him a pedo
in b4 the response to this is "t. pedophile"
Look at these pedos trying to make excuses for their sickness
I remember when trolling took some kind of effort & creativity.
>Justin Roiland
the difference is he is actually funny
>trying to change the subject away from your pedophilia
What is the intention behind this video that barely anyone ever watched until Jow Forums gave it all the publicity? You do realize if he was trying to subvert society into accepting pedophilia, all these threads would be doing is aiding that cause by spreading the video, right?
if you havent realized this by now this only applies to third position/right/altright people. No one cares that some leftist made ajoke.
fucking weirdo kys
Space is the dumbest thing there is
Im right wing and even I dont give a fuck. If the guy was actually fucking a baby I would say lynch the fat piece of shit. If making jokes about pretending to commit crimes was illegal this entire website would have been shut down several times over, and most people here would be in prison.
You're so dumb right now, I don't even want to look at you.
make me something to drink, then we can speak again.
You know, if you faggots would just admit that you want to slander Dan Harmon just for the lulz, I would probably join your cause. Its the pretend outrage over literally nothing that makes this whole thing retarded.
Like I ever wanted to talk to your Kike nose anyway. Please never speak to me, or my wifes son ever again.
You fucking son of a bitch CIA cunt
Rick and Morty is a decent show let him rape all the dolls he wants
Literlly just burst out laughing
Not Dan Harmon Retweeted
Verified account
9 Oct 2017
Replying to @jmoon3212
Szechuan Sauce isn’t coming back for good, but it will be back again this winter with more sauce available in more US locations. Stay tuned!
I thought we weren’t speaking? I liked it better that way.
Get out of my life you fucked up weirdo
Get off the internet you hooknosed parasite.
Reminder, STATE FARM doesn't care. They won't even admit they advertise on this crap.
Corporate America is anti life, anti white, and anti Christ.
Still talking you absolute freak
Not Dan Harmon Retweeted
Justin Roiland
Verified account
13 Sep 2017
Also the definitelynotjustinroiland and
definitleynotdanharmon accounts are not us.
It's some redditor doing some social
Show flag you worthless lampshade.
koo koo kachoo
Not Dan Harmon Retweeted
29 Aug 2017
The newest Burger King review got demonetized, just like the last one as well. I'm hoping this system gets fixed soon!
i agree with you
Since I'm not a leftie cuck I don't want to destroy a man's life over some edgy comedy.
In fact, I don't have anything against "offensive" jokes at all and despise those who do.
What kind of pathetic faggot you are for thinking someone owes an apology for a stupid joke video.
Well if it was a social experiment
everyone should demand an apology
The entire Dan Harmon thing is literally Sam Hyde's petty crusade being the pot to call the kettle black.
Cartoon Network hasn't been relevant for over a dozen years.
t. boomer who grew up watching original CN
In his second to last podcast (one where he hosted a refugee) he bragged about how he beat this and explicitly said “fuck you Jow Forums, you can’t hurt me”.
We didn’t start this. This was a retaliatory attack for when people started losing their jobs for making trans jokes over a decade ago.
>joke, snowflake
>edgy, jokes, joke
Holy shit, you shills are back with your pre-scripted buzzwords. Or more accurate to say, you never left. I called you faggots out last summer:
What are you, inbred? Adult swim is Cartoon Network after dark.
Wonder why this never got traction
That user means Adult Swim and Cartoon Network are separate networks, differentiated by the shows, the ad content, and the Nielsen ratings. No overlap between the two as opposed to Nick at Nite which still airs Nickelodeon ads and uses the channel logo.
Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.
In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.
This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.
>Jewish trick identified - ART
Disguising a criminal, subversive, invasive, and/or violent operation as "Art" or "Free Expression".
When confronted, the argument made is usually that the piece in question is simply satire.
So what. It's not like he raped a real baby.
See this video?
The guy who made regular show made this. Remember Edd Ed n Eddy?
You need to get over it dude. Most of these shows in cartoon netwrok are for teens anyway. Kids are watching Nickelodeon. You're just a fucking retard spurg or something. Go to bed
>it's frequent so it's ok
The NPC creed.
These are shows for teenagers! You're not gonna win this battle. Go to bed, now!
>These are shows for teenagers
Exactly, faggot.