living in the shitty third-world country

> living in the shitty third-world country
> average salary: 700$, average rent for decent flat: 650$
> leave my university
> no car, no drive license
> last time get laid 5 months ago
> only some programing skills
> wanna create a startup once, but huge anxiety prevent me from any social contacts
> huge depression
> thinking about suicide every day

Help me Anons. How can you handle your suicidal thoughts?

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Just end it

psychologist provides professional advice

Why did you post this on Jow Forums and not or ?

You quit larping. You can live in poland for 400$a month, covering all costs. And if you had programming skills people would go out of their way to hire you for several thousand dollars a month.

because most of this problems are related to my shitty location. In Eastern Europe we are wanna die

400$? It's like 1300PLN, below minimum wage. It bigger city you cannot ever rent a worse shack for that.

Then explain the situation at large, including the political aspects. You described your personal situation. You obviously have mental issues and this thread does not belong on this board.

Ok, so let me explain my situation from political and economic contest:

Our current goverment is focused mostly on gaining votes from dumb people living in poverty. That means they impose higher taxes on working class and buisness just to make more money and spend it on social welfare programs. People on walfare spend more money they received from goverment so they accelerate the CPI index (inflation). So at the end of the day you have to pay more taxes from one side and pay more for everything on the other side.

Living here was relatively cheap back in the days. 1200$ would give you decent standard of living. The drastic shift appeared 3 years ago and now even 3000$ would make you someone average. And people like me falling in depression because of this.

Go back to Ukraine.

Why you asking me to fuck your mum and sister in Kiev one more time? Please I don't want to do this anymore

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Thank you Spanish user. Honestly I was thinking about migration to your country. Mostly due great weather.

I have friends who live in Lodz who pretty much do fuck all, rent a place together and live easy lives till they feel like making something of themselves. The 4 of them live on about 3000zloty a month

>Our current goverment is focused mostly on gaining votes from dumb people living in poverty. That means they impose higher taxes on working class and buisness just to make more money and spend it on social welfare programs. People on walfare spend more money they received from goverment so they accelerate the CPI index (inflation). So at the end of the day you have to pay more taxes from one side and pay more for everything on the other side.

It's like this everywhere else too. Welcome to the 21st century. Your OP talks about the last time you got laid and your anxiety. This has nothing to do with your country's economic policies or its politics; neither is causing those personal problems. Get the fuck off this board faggot newfag.

You can become a whore for me (good job in a Tel Aviv basement for slavs), I'll sign a contract

This feels like a larp.
We have similiar wages but higher prices yet anyone outside of Bratislava can do just good with wage of 800-900 euros, and that is average wage for someone who isnt a complete brainlet. Anyone smarter can easily get 1000+€ wage even outside of Bratislava.

First Łódź is the poorest city in Poland. I live in a city where everything is much more expensive. Second 3000zloty per 4 people maybe gives you money to feed yourself and find a bad. But at the end of the day in Poland you live like a animal for that kind of money. Everywhere.

You can come to Spain too, full social helps for
foreign people... More than Spanish citizens

I literaly play LoL with them every week for 2years now, so they must be paying all their bills on time. And yeah pics from Lodz are kinda depressing and the buildings are crumbling commie blocks. With all that in mind you can still live alright with zero effort

>How can you handle your suicidal thoughts?
I don't they are just there but i'd rather die in a box then throw the towel.
God is with me wherever i go.

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Come to Ireland

Thank you for your bid Israeli user. However as your grandma did this kind of job to my grandpa when she was hiding in our basement. I think it is time to stop sexual relations between our families.

Yeah I think that OP is just some brainlet living in Warsaw.
650€ rent surely is either Warsaw or Krakow. Even here where rent is higher than in Poland you pay like 250-350€ for rent outside of Bratislava.

Not a third world country, many (((((1st world countries)))))))) are filled with niggers, spics, kikes and mudslimes

Cost of living is cheap, btw if you're smart you should be able to make 1kUSD online

Get your driver license

Approach more women or go to the gym and start lifting

Gain more skills

Stop being a pussy

Don't do it, at least try your best at everything and if that fails, THEN do it

As a matter of fact I don't want to get any money from government. Be a burden to anyone. I want to work hard and smart. And use my skills to gain decent salary for living.

But my brains... It hurts me so much sometimes

Based and pimppilled

If you came to work... Bienvenido :)

>not wanting to be a NEET leech

user I...

>Help me Anons. How can you handle your suicidal thoughts?

endure, in enduring grow strong

come to sweden and work as construction worker/electrician/plumber, you'll feel right at home since they're all poles

>But my brains... It hurts me so much sometimes
No problem, if you work legally you have public healthcare for free

>Living in Moscow
>Anything decant to even consider for rent starts at RUB 40k meanwhile avg net salary in the region is like 60k
>Spend six years in the uni, have CS degree which isn't worse the paper it's written on
>Have no relevant skills
>NEET, writing crappy articles for shitty websites (aka copyrighting) making less than 20k/mo
>Never got laid
>Hate to the fucking bone everything and everyone around me
>Dream about increasing my earnings by twice (I am sure this phrase is lame as fuck but I am too dumb to properly learn English), then selling my property here and moving to Turkey (or Montenegro) so I at least don't have to deal with the climate which bugs me the most, but realize I don't have balls to even approach this
>Spend my free time on imageboard, mainly 2ch's /po/ where I literally shill for total destruction of my country and everyone who resides here

I used to work for an international IT company and earned 2-3k dolars per month remotly.

Yea living in Poland had many cons back in the days. Very safety country without hostile minorities. But now... things are different.

>How can you handle your suicidal thoughts?
i exhaust myself with hiking. i prescribe you 4 hours of the nature pill at least 3 times a week until you get a job

Well... I look like a typical Swedish guy. With blue eyes and blonde hair. People asking me if I'm Scandinavian all the time.

But as I heard Polacks do not have very high social estimation in Sweden. Even working in IT I would be probably treated like a white trash I guess.

>last time get laid 5 months ago
at least you got laid, if I dont loose my virginity soon I will jump infront of a train

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take an iq test and understand your capacity.

starting a business is hard, one of the hardest things a person can do in their life, if it's beyond your capacity then you shouldn't feel bad about not doing something you're incapable of.

Łódź is a shithole. Some people like it since it makes this city cheap. Some hipsters and art students migrate there. But noone else want.

Just come to Germany you retard, is that so difficult?

I did IQ test once when I was a kid. With score of 140 or something.

I don't think high IQ score is a biggest factor in doing business. More valuable traits are aggression and ability to fuck people up without any moral constraints... at least in my country.

i feel you man.

but i have been living in london for many years and getting a job here is impossible. immigration is through the fucking roof and idiot boomers wonder why us zoomers dont have a job. this city is fucking overpopulated and retards still dont understand. to get a full-time is almost impossible, part-time might be possible but the low amount of money won't even get you a decent room to rent anyway and zero-hour contracts are cancer. sometimes feels like i want to end it too. maybe thinking of making money the illegal way and then doing a forklift course or something. hate being a neet.

t. no passive income for three years and still going.

>I did IQ test once when I was a kid. With score of 140 or something.
Good of you. I can't even figure out how to complete an IQ test, so my IQ is zero I suppose.

We would never treat somebody differently just becouse of their ethnicity in Sweden. If you are civilized and work hard people will threat you with respect. It would also help that you are white. As far as i know nobody talks shit about Poles in Sweden. We talk shit about muslims, africans and gypsies. Poles are alright in my book

Yea I know that. Surrounded by a Green Belt. With all those wealthy Russians, Arabs and Chinese guys purchasing all real estates and treat them like a secure assets. London must be difficult place to live for regular people. Even though still 100 times better then Poland.

I know intelligent and dump people, the only ones who get further in life are productive. Intelligence doesn't mean anything

>Live in Brazil
>Minimum wage is 270$
>More than 80% of our working population earns around minimum wage, most less
>It is barely enough to pay rent and food
>Uses credit card to buy a smartphone
>Gets robbed, however

This. Many successful jews have 3rd world iq, but it does not matter because they have 3rd world morals too.

do it, faggot

or just go to the gym

there is always vodka for retards like you.

Have dzialka summerhouse in Bory Tucholskie. Fruit trees, vegetables and hunting permit to take dziekii and deer. Cheap wood for heating, mushrooms in autumn. Good life, already preparing for retirement with my Kaszubian qt.

A question, how many change Brasil since bolsonaro get the power?
Thank You

Oh I would make a salut while cumming on your girlfriend's face. Little krtek

>third world
>avg salary 700$
I wish

Cool to hear that. But that is not a kind of life for regular people Afrikaner user. Living in rural area for relax and living in a big city are two differend kind of things.

Move to Warsaw

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Typical /po/rashnik

Learn Czech and seek opportunity there.

Sorry to hear that Brasil user.

Well... at least you guys have hot Brasil chicks with big asses.

I live here already. What you can read is a kind of magic with fake stats. Like my country has GDP economic growth like 4% annually or something. However standard of living is shrinking.

Fuck off we're full

Why so hostile user?

The fuck are you talking about you have a laufhaus at every corner.

haha, here 70% of the population makes 300$ a month

In Serbia? Yea buy purchase power is the key. Not how much you earn but how much can you buy for that.

So true bro
Sucks to be me

Life in poland is comfy as fuck

Actually avg salary is like 1300 $ and rent in decent place is about 500 $

Sorry youre just retarded

>last time get laid 5 months ago
Normie as fuck.

move to the uk lad.
i will give you 5 quid if you scrub my toilet

>> average salary: 700$, average rent for decent flat: 650$
unless you want to live in marketsquare

>> last time get laid 5 months ago
Casual sex creates pangs of conscience you fucking degenerate

It's hilarious, but the Nordic Imperative still reigns supreme and muds are still slaves at the end of the day.

Oh shit, nevermind meant to post in a cuck thread somehow got them confused, LMAO. But yeah, stop being a pussy and if you're gonna kill yourself just do it and stop wasting our time with this bullshit.


learn to code ffs

How much do you need to live a normal life in uruguay?
I heard it's super easy to immigrate to your country if you have a uni degree and can show prove of having like 5k$ on your bank account

The best way to stop your suicidal thoughts is to dedicate yourself to the destruction of the state of Israel.

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It's just useless and won't get you anywhere. Coders making six figures becomes more and more of a stereotype provided how many pajeets you have to outsource anything. Unless you become really really good at it it is same as any boring shitty job, and let's be real, people who are depressed and couldn't get their shit together are super unlikely to see any success.

So-called French "White Flag" People started the Gilets Jaunes. You have no excuse.


how about go about solving your problems one by one?
> no car, no drive license
> last time get laid 5 months ago
> only some programing skills
these you can change right now, maybe the rest will solve themselves atleast partially after you've dealt with it

coders are useless. engineers who solve problems using software are not, and will never be replaced by pajeets

5 months? Try 19 years bro