What happens when this happens in 2020?

What happens when this happens in 2020?

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That's impossible you faggot.

Depends on outcome of House election. They are seated and then count electoral ballots. If a tie they decide, one vote per state.

Considering how many people will actually be running in 2020, I won't be surprised that the Democrats will actually take away votes from themselves by trying to run independently.

>Florida staying red after thousands of cons can now vote


It wont since Colorado will probably adopt this popular vote faggotry. I wish this whole state would burn.

umm sweetie colorado goes with popular vote now

If no candidate reaches 270 then the House of Representatives can choose the President. The democrat would almost certainly win since they control the House.

You know nothing about your own country.

This is exactly whats going to happen. Democrats are so fractured and wide of the mark on their own issues and policies we will see at least two Republican presidents in the US before they manage to get their shit together.

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>This is exactly whats going to happen. Democrats are so fractured and wide of the mark on their own issues and policies we will see at least two Republican presidents in the US before they manage to get their shit together.

You mean like in the great "ballot harvest" and "emergency election" month of 2018?

Senator Sienma might want to have a word with you about your naive belief our elections are actually legitimate.

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Don't they vote as a state rather than individually though? Like there's more (R's) in Michigan than Dem's in the house

The most interesting thing to see if the black republicans movement changes this

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yeah, each state gets one vote, if a state can't agree then their vote isn't counted

I recently saw polling data that puts the Smollett hoax into perspective.

There was a whole AGGREGATE TABLE of various polling firms known to skew 5-10 points leftward that showed black approval of Trump near 20%

That's 10% more than is viable for the DNC to "legitimately" win elections*

*(we have seen from the great Orange County and Maricopa County ballot harvests that they have zero compunction about "illegiatimately" winning them)

Keep in mind the first ever black congressperson was GOP. It is not unprecedented to see a preference cascade that causes political re-alignment, and a party that supports the MS-13 invaders who literally genocide black inner-city neighborhoods is something that can cause that.

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You are the result of the education system? We are fucked.

Then Trump and Sanders will have to have a Boxing match. Whoever wins gets to be the President.

would barely change. low iq minorities inherently vote for gibs

They pandered hard before the mid-terms and it was the same old 6-10%

This would never happen - Sanders would get cucked by the DNC, not to mention his core base is hipster millenial socialists.

>Florida and Texas going red

user, I...

Not just that but they’ve imported almost half a million immigrants since 2016. Trump only won FL by 11k votes.


Trump all ready has 130 millions $ for the 2020 campaign. Sanders it's a midget.

Isn't Sanders running independent?

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2016 de ja vu

>Not just that but they’ve imported almost half a million immigrants since 2016. Trump only won FL by 11k votes.

Desantis was a terrible cuck candidate who made ROMNEY look exciting and dynamic and won the state by a similar margin in 2018.

Trump is now trying to import venezuelan refugees from Maduro into Florida over the next 2 years to bolster the anti-commie vote.

Don't underestimate him.

Niggers don't even matter electorally anymore anyway, it's beaners that are going to cuck you drumpftards

We gas the Jews.


The election gets kicked to the house and whoever holds a majority there will get the presidency

Sanders wont win Michigan. That one is an impossible grab for him in the rust belt

Really? I think that Romney or some other Republican will run to challenge Trump.

Primarying an incumbent is political suicide

The white/upper caste Venezuelans were the first to leave and come to the US and live in the suburbs in South Florida, buy Jeep's and a McMansion and never look bad lol. Weston, FL is called Westonzuela among those who live here.

More to the point....Colorado being blue because....reasons.

Knew it was a foreigner making this thread. Everyone knows colorado has long been lost to the republicans especially with weed legalization causing hoards of californians to move there....actually not just californians but people in general with a more liberal bias looking for that mj.

The “black republican” movement is almost non-existent. Niggers were raised on “fuck whitey” culture and that won’t change as long as this country exists. Around blacks, never relax

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>colorado blue before Wisconsin
Just not gonna happen my dude

>reminder to always type "sage" in the Options field, so your post does not bump slide threads

>More to the point....Colorado being blue because....reasons.

Reasons being cuck GOP.

Democrats got in on the Obama wave and banned magazines.

Tea party activists did a recall election and swung the state senate by removing their majority leaders.

The GOP who were handed a mandate on a silver platter did NOTHING.

No faster way to drive conservatives away from a state and make it perma-blue than "gun control" laws.

I certainly wouldn't move there and i'm a centerist populist.

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I'm not sure those 6 guys' votes will really matter in the grand scheme of things.