>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Are you guys really that mad about Brexit or is it just the media trying to divide us?
Adam Morales
Nationalists aren't, only the gov and bluepill normies because of (((public opinion)))
Sebastian Watson
My opinion is a bit biased by working in logistics. But most people I talked to are more afraid of loosing their job than due to potential losses in trade. Most of them understand it, especially younger people. Only boomers looking at the german news hate your guts for it. Due to our media always shilling for the EU.
Lincoln Thompson
In my experience it falls into one of three categories (not counting apathetics): 1. Right wingers/Anti-EU people like brexit because they see the EU as a corrupt institution that allows our corrupt leadership to avoid national laws via globalist consensus (that they control) and removing one of the net-payers is a big blow both financially and as an image. 2. Bleeding heart idiots that gobble up anything the media tells them hate it as it goes against their open borders policy. 3. Older people that have experienced the cold war and strict border controls at their height are scared that this will drive a wedge between the european people and revert back to a time where they had to spent 5 minutes being controlled by the border guard when they went on holiday.
Effectively the EU oligarchy has managed to instill the idea that friendship between the europeans is entirely dependent on a super-national government, not actual friendship.
Logan Taylor
There are lots of fake krauts with foreign parents that are concerned about their financial position if the EU were to collapse. But that's not characteristic of our long-term orientation, and they are not part of our nation. We must think beyond ourselves and think of the nation. Kill the EU and take over Europe properly.
Benjamin King
Where is Drunk Geneticist Where is White Plower Where is all the namefrens?
Henry Reed
>Last thread was shoa'd - I wonder why? I was curious about this too. Anyone know?
Connor Jones
Wörk and fucked up sleep schedules for the neets most likely.
Oliver Watson
This. Very much this.
But also a lot of "low skill" labour like stevedores etc. once Investors pull out, thoose are usually the ones getting laid off first sadly.
Evan Jones
nothing special. baltic jungfau was visited by balt nigger who started to talk mongrol.
Joshua Carter
The AfD is nothing but controlled opposition, the NPD is the only suitable party for Germany.
Why? Because kraut/pol/ is controlled opposition, thats why
Hunter Baker
Meme facts: 75% of children in 2019 who go to school first classes in Germany are immigrants from muslim countries. 100% of them will give a shit about German culture and history that already makes membership in AfD the biggest meme that exists. #wrongpatriotism #grandpaisstillbutthurt #sticktooldshittystories
Dude you can go to Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt am Main and see it already since years. These guys who posting here might come from a village somewhere on Bavarian mountains where they dont see people. In reality Germany is mixed already since 1960s af. Today its already on a level only France and Britain could match in EU. I give a shit personally I know many Turks who even atheists, AfD is most cucked party ever and surely no real patriots.
Caleb Reyes
We need to build a wall. And we can split the costs.
Nicholas Smith
>castle looks like shit >kraut likes shitskins pottery
Daniel Brown
Can we fill the wall with neo-germans?
Caleb Sanchez
We can fill the wall with German autism, the amount inside the AfD should be enough for an EU border wall.
You man my girlfriend's village near Dortmund is alright, never seen a single nig, turk, or anything else like it there. Though they're probably coming seeing as there are even nigs in Tallinn now thanks to American fags and our cuck universities thinking that the best thing for Estonia would be a bunch of foreign exchange students from India and subsaharan africa.
they're (((seething))) my dawg germans have been reduced to being obedient little workercucks, with brexit they are afraid of losing their shitty jobs because that's the only thing in life that matters to a krautdrone, materialism
Ryder Cruz
Any """"""man"""""" into this mommy shit is the equivalent of a woman who likes calling a man daddy while fucking him.
18 Killograms? Thats not a lot, if i started lifting and restarted my martial arts training its not that difficult, have lost a lot of weight since stoped training desu.
Liam Cox
Make her spin it so it looks like Reconquista's failure is harmful to the glorious worker revolution and the leaders of it are actually stooges for the secret capitalist oligarchy in USA & Israel. Turn their paranoid nazi screams against themselves while making yourself look like an ally.
Jonathan Bennett
> the leaders of it are actually stooges for the secret capitalist oligarchy in USA & Israel this is what I have essentially been posting here. Fucking freemasons!!!
Camden Powell
Not enough Russia, really. Why do Luxembourg and Belgium receive no clay? And why does Britain receive none? Too much Austria. And Italy should be rewarded handsomely for being such a great Ally to the anti-German cause.
Easton Martinez
Andrew Lewis
ah ja die Landesverräter immer noch am werkeln. zum glück gibst ja immer weniger von euch Flaschen :-)
Ayden Reed
Is that the original logo? Schwarz-weiß-rot?
Nolan Murphy
A good mixture of fat and muscle, thicc. Hope you can wear heels too, because you will have to.
Michael Bell
How'd you get to work?
Henry Clark
>My sister has to write a report on "Reconquista Germanica" It would be cool if she wrote a super based paper about the Germans waking up and rising to remove all the "new Germans" from Germany and making Germany German again.
Murkel is drawn and quartered: Her head is sent to Frankfurt. Her right arm is left extended underneath the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin giving the Roman Salute. Her left arm is sent to Dresden. Her right leg is sent to Köln. Her left leg is sent to München.
The bankers are expelled. The bank is Nationalized. Germany is returned to a labor-based economy. The lack of "new Germans" isn't harmful at all as the plague that made them seem necessary has been removed. The Nation sings the Deutschlandlied in unison. The cucks all shed their cuckoldry and rejoice in realizing the truth of life and what indoctrinated fools they had been. The Antifas and German self-haters swell with patriotism and cry with joy from being freed of the curse of Marxism.
There are more things that should happen, as you can imagine, but she should totally go over the top with it. Blow the stupid teacher's Marxist prompt out of the water. When questioned, the girl responds that something like this would be the only true "Reconquista Germanica". It's true after all. Surely the teacher likes truth.
It's the one on the german wiki page. Dunno if it is real. >Bei 13 % aller BfV-Mitarbeiter sei ein NS-Hintergrund feststellbar gewesen. Lidderally Naddsies :DDDD
Luke James
No U.
Brayden Ward
The dutchman has a point.
Elijah Lee
Looks a bit odd. It's not right on their homepage though. How do you find that out? Anything you occupy yourself with could be purely for "research".
You could try an image search and see if it pops up anywhere legitimate.
Wyatt Hernandez
currently still waiting for the server buddy to show up. he is showing up late night from previous moments.
Angel Powell
>germans have been reduced to being obedient little workercucks It was literally always like that. During the Kaiserreich, Weimar, Hitler, E. and W. Germany and in reunited Germany. Times may change, but Germans keep being serfs.
John Gray
Yeah, if I cared. For something completely different: do you know about this band Swiss und die Andern? Stickers with their logo keep popping up frequently, even on the countryside and it seems to be some anti-white punk rock shit. Is that something known?
Gavin Perez
Thats because we all are a Biedermeier at heart. Unless the goverment truly fucks us over nobody will care that much.
Isaiah Mitchell
The conservative as such is a coward. No doubt about it.
Jose Rivera
Never heard of it. But what do I know about the normie music? I can't recall seeing any stickers here in south hessia, though. Do you live near Hamburg?
Adrian Murphy
Can someone tell me why in the /Deutsch/ threads on Jow Forums they always talk about the gayest shit?
From all generals on Jow Forums, it's one of the straightest.
Lincoln Foster
Nope. But I saw some in Kassel today (was there for a job interview) and also around my cosy villages. So they can't be that unknown. I first thought it was some right wing sticker bc the logo and layout looks a bit runic.
What's wrong with Jow Forums? Just a congregation of faggots? Every time I pop into a thread to practice my German they're talking about BBC or fucking men or circle jerking around eachother.
Ian Martinez
archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/202918370/#202931594 i want that guy back so much, i will always be sad until he comes back. we need to talk about that group he wants, he said he wants gram, but i choose line. wonder how will he react?
Adrian Cox
Balt/int/ is litteral shitshow, some Polack from Lithuania and Russian posting anime all the time.
Nolan Rivera
Well, I'll keep my eyes open. Perhaps you are just unlucky and have a very active fan scene in your region.
IMO, still better than what horrible ending /rg/ had.
Luke Torres
last thread was shoa'd because of baltniggers spamming their meme language btw.
Landon Nguyen
How surprising. Remember the Sauerland bombers? Those people were literally set up and instigated by a "radical" Imam who was a contact of Verfassungsschutz and CIA. And when they then got them, the imam fucked off to Turkey and no attempt whatsoever was made to get him back.
Jayden Gomez
Well, I did a little patrol this afternoon and removed most of the stickers. Now have to wait if they come back.
Carter Sanchez
They knew from day 1 that there was an accomplice and kept that shit secret, in a normal timeline this would cause a revolution.