Ukraine used to have 52 million population. Now it's only 38 million...
Ukraine used to have 52 million population. Now it's only 38 million
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What sort of timescale is this on?
Please send qt slavic wife.
They're all moving to Pennsylvania. Seriously. I'm sick of these block-headed slav shits
Move to poland like the rest did.
We need more slav brothers and sisters mate .
Same in Romania & without anyone explicitly to blame.
The fault is always yours, user.
So what happend? What are the time frames here? Did this change occur in the last two years or what are we talking about?
From 1992.
>52mil to 38mil
>russia annexes eastern ukraine and crimea to the tune of 14 million people
suprising that population can decrease as territory is lost to war!
...and that's a good thing!
I can sell you some ninja turtle gear, like the Technodrome, and the Turtle Bus. Krang the brain inside the clone body is a bit harder to get though.
Stop being a corrupt shithole then
Luckily Poroshenko announced you're gonna join NATO in 2023
Soon you'll get gibbs like useless Poland, and maybe your diaspora returns.
3.9 million died according to the Ukrainian government.
You're retarded. Russia hasn't annexed eastern Ukraine, only crimea, and the total population of all of those breakaway areas is maybe 5 million.
Ukraine's population decreases because all the youth go abroad and nobody will start a family in a corrupt shithole.
Just have money and you can get any qt. Although, you will never experience true love with golddiggers.
They have already changed and become a European country 5 years ago.
>israel schooling poland over 0,5B gibs, while they get pumped full of hot load of funds from USA
Ukraine is little and more shitty version of Rushka
Except Donbass and Crimea are not 14 million people.
With Donbass and Crimea current population would be 44 million. So it's 8 million lost to natural pop decrease and emigration.
It's OK true love is always just a fantasy.
If we enter Schengen, it's over.
google "ukraine birth rate"
been negative since the 1990's
no one if fucking immigrating to that shit hole
thats some of the drop explained
(((proshanko))) genociding his people doesnt help either
Join us.
the perfect time to take some land back
>ukraine joining NATO
enjoy gettting immediately nuked by russia
If they had joined Nato before russia started the annexing crimea shit, they would have been just fine. It's their fault alone for delaying joining NATO for so long. And no, the no longer have the option to join while they are in the midst of a civil war. Too bad, soo sad, your dad.
I'm sorry to hear that. Is it mostly through immigration?
What is it like moving to Ukraine? I love watching Super Sus and the country looks awesome.
>It's their fault alone for delaying joining NATO for so long.
You stupid fucking mutt, we didn't delay anything. Our path to EU and NATO has been laid out long time ago. It's you who delayed it, because you obviously not really interested in taking us in. Empty promises are all we've been hearing for years!
Those fucking communists.... But seriously you slavshits deserve all this. Next step is to go full nuclear war on Russia and shoot down any of their missiles.
Wish we had that kind of pop decline in Norway, you're lucky, everyone in Ukraine will soon have jobs.
They wont be nuked but Ukraine cant join because its already in a war state with Russia. Same with Georgia. Too risky for NATO to let them join now.
>We need more slav brothers and sisters
no such people. Slavs aren't brothers or sisters
>now it's a ghost town
How does that stop them from being a corrupt shithole
Its economically a suicide that your population declines+the best and brightest move out of the country.
Ukrainian guy is right on this matter desu.
It wasn't our red tape slowing things down. Rather it was the pro russian leadership that pressured your country to delay an official NATO marriage.
We were ready a decade ago, but now the marriage will not take place.
I wish things had turned out better for you.
There is literally no solid way to quantify if a country meets the criteria to join.
Also it was delayed by NATO not to irritate the bear. Thinking ukrainians didnt want to join is bluepilled.
Don't worry soon you'll get programs to replace the missing population.
They're gonna be hand-picked, only the most healthy will go to Ukraine!
At least Roshen sweets are nice.
What's the problem with that? Less mouths to feed. I wish my country lowered its population so we didn't have to pay pensions for boomers or health insurance to poor idiots.
They're split 50/50 and it is acknowledged by pro-NATO Westerners. Saw an interesting video just recently and can't remember with whom.
In the end, NATO to both Poland and anyone is an external force and you look at Murica. Which - you may not understand - does not generally like foreign interventions and does not want to die for Lithuania (to them - literally who?)
They've put themselves at disadvantage with this and anyone without certain foreign policy opinion (90% of wich is set by liberals) seriously question why they have to defend you.
>Thinking ukrainians didnt want to join is bluepilled.
Indeed, Ukraine was less then 30 days from formally becoming a NATO member, which is why Russia struck Crimea when they did.
Did this change much? Perhaps they would have done the same thing 10 years earlier, to interrupt a NATO marriage.
Yes, with this I agree, they're very good
maybe you shall make your contribution into rebuilding populace by finding a gf and producing at least two babies?
Diversity will bring color to your streets.
No more gloomy faces.
Ayo, hol up, you tellin, we iz ukrainikangz?
its ok brother we will band together soon enough and give those who do not want to follow an ultimatum death. Soon we take charge of all.
And that's a good thing.
Here's why...
no shit I've noticed much more niggers here
before 2010s they were like circus exotic, and last year I've seen some niggers and pajeets in public transport going somewhere from my shithole suburb
that's eerie
Why would anyone stay in corrupt Ukraine if they join Schengen?
I can see their population dropping to 20 million, mostly old pensioners.
I wanna play it again
And stalker
I can help increase that number, if you get my meaning.
Why the fuck do you want to join the EU? stupid fucks
jews genociding especially brendan cox(with logistical support by london)
You are in Russia’s sphere of influence. The US gains nothing from helping you and the Europeans are cowards who will not help you. Same goes for Georgia.
Bring it down to 20m cut it in half give Pooland one part and Russia the other and just be done with it.
Spoken like a true Caesar
Because people will leave? Or people will flood in?
Birth control was very difficult to obtain during the Ceaușescu regime
You should've stayed in the EU, Nigel old chap. Could've had many many toilet cleaning ukrops rimming your anus, alas it is all for naught because your people are not remoaners
Why would poland take liberal cunts who were willing to let fuhrer Merkel rape them in the ass just before the chebureki invasion?
holodomor has more evidence of being a hoax than the holocaust
Ukrainians are the ugliest Slavs. The Semitic admix is stronk in their faces
They're both equally fake, Moishe
Because Russia took over crimea and people are dying / leaving.
Clearly they need more immigrants from somalia to care for their aging population!
Cant believe one then ignore the other, either they both happened or neither did.
Similar GDPs and similar IQs. Makes sense I guess
But that's the opposite of what is happening! Ukraine is an aging nation! More and more pensioners to feed with each year. Fertility rate collapsed, and those few young people we have are actively trying to fuck off from the country. It is really bad.
Send the pensioners to the Donbass frontlines
>Ukraine used to have 52 million population. Now it's only 38 million...
We have a similar problem but in reverse, Australia used to have something like 100,000 Aboriginals when it was first settled, now it's sitting at like 800,000 thanks to modern medicine and welfare
>implying Poroh will still be President in 2023
Nobody's gonna vote for that clown.
I love how out of all three main presidential candidates all three are ethnic jews.
How do we make Ukraine great?
you cant, slavs are niggers
Jewish Communism has killed more than 220 millions. Or are you talking about more recent events?
We wuz cossacks n shiet, we have what it takes to be great. I suppose step 1 would be gassing the kikes, step 2 - make the new government able to oppose mafia (they've been known to blackmail our fucking Presidents)... What's next?
Every Western nation would have declining population if not for immigration
Why not billions?
Well shit, that's bad, but don't you worry my friend. Me and my ukrainian gf can make some more ;-)