Seriously though, Jow Forums, the national debt is already $22 trillion. Who pays for this gibaway?
U gibs ur vote
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Just do it. Then at least people will see the true nature of the situation.
Republicans who thought they'd lost all black votes loses last additional black vote they didn't even know they still had
All the Reparation Money will be gone within 72 hours.
Buy Stock in the following:
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>I will say literally anything I think you want to hear if it gets me your vote
I'd unironically support reparations if they are contingent on them leaving/renouncing citizenship
It's an investment into the black community that will pay dividends in the future like always
Unironically hope it happens though this is the type of acceleration we need
Who gives a shit about the debt, its all debt owned by the fed, the kikes can go fuck themselves
of course warren would
i dont think leftists understand that 99.9% of "value" millionaires and billionaires own is locked up in speculative assets like stock and doesnt actually exist.
theres no way to tax that either, and as soon as you try to get them to sell it the value vanishes.
Seriously, if you're going to go all historical and shit, Reparations MUST come with repatriation. It's the only way.
The upfront cost of moving these people would be worth the long term prosperity we would see.
From what I can tell nobody has been paying it.
If those niggers get reparations then I want a refund on my slaves!
so do Mexicans also have to pay the taxes which fund the reparations?
Or do white have to pay a special tax now?
is it just funded with debt?
This removes the black group from politics even more so. Welfare allowed them to form evolve away from society which is why the ghetto is wildy different from the rest of society. This is further black isolationism.
Whats,the point? Niggers will vote for them anyway.
reparations = race war p much
Can anyone do the math.
How much labor costed for slavery?
And how much reparation/welfare have we given every year?
Don't be so sure about that.
No matter how 'stupid' a certain demographic might be, the moment they realize how much they are being USED for political purposes, it's game over. And it might happen sooner than you think.
Disdain spreads through niggerdoms as fast as ebola spreads through... uhm niggerdoms again.
Your children. Just like when trump gave trillions to the rich and saw no return.
Irish were slaves, I hope Irish Americans receive reparations too.
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Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
pushing the jew slave master/ship owner narrative might prompt niggers to demand kikes pay up, just like shoah reparashuns.
Don't forget that forcing them to sell it would also drive down the price of the assets, subsequently devaluing the assets of anyone else investing (such as the middle-class). The rich can handle losing some asset value, but the middle-class depend on that shit for retirement.
Far too "white" for all of that, Shamus O' Potatonigger
Elizabeth Warren owes the covington kids reparations.
Don't forget cash advance stores
If it acts like severance pay where it automatically revokes their citizen ship since the plains nations were treated like secondary citizens up until they were granted their own land and recognized with dual citizenship. Just make it obvious that if you truely believe the government wronged your family. Leave the country for ever, with a no reversal policy enacted the moment it is signed.
Marianne Williamson said it first.
And liquor stores.
I look forward to Trump BTFO-ing them for trying to impose racist taxes on some 300 million innocent children of post-civil-war immigrants because only 3% of Americans trace lineage back to the time of slavery and only 1% of those ancestors actually owned slaves.
If I were facing them in debate I would tee off with a haughty speech about the 1 in 5 white Americans who died in the civil war and ask why their blood is not enough "reparations"
When was the last time Democrats kept their promises?
The only people who make a net contribution to the government wallet, of course.
(White men)
Without exception, ALL welfare is designed to take money away from white males and distribute it to every other demographic.
>dems want to run on a reperations program for the next election.
Holy shit, they are terrified that blacks might start voting republican, arnt they?
What can they hope to achieve with reparations? blacks and guilt worshipping whites already vote dem, I don't see the point