>just bake your own bread, they said

Canada's Government Collapse 2019:
While floundering in international trade deals has kept Grocery Prices high (appreciation to "Canada is Collapsing" for documenting such) and employment low (the average
Canadian has to work 40minutes for a single quality can of beer), Canada's PM Trudeau has frantically attempting (with mild success) to keep Canada afloat- however, last week the Globe & Mail newspaper informed Canadians that Trudeau had desperately and ILLEGALLY, tried to bribe his Attorney General to give SNC-Lavalin a sweet heartdeal- to pay a tiny fine instead of ruining the company and subjecting its executives to criminal prosecution. But instead of complying with Trudeau's pressure, she resisted and was fired from her position...a sign of absolute desperation from Trudeau.

The women Trudeau fired for refusing to be bribed with her job- Jody Wilson-Raybould- will be present in Question Period tomorrow:
-what will Jody say?
-will Trudeau manage to respond without seeming desperate?
-are there are more leaks?
-will be there any more resignations (Gerald Butts, Trudeau's campaign manager and advisor, resigned Sunday)?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i guess flour is now also a luxury in canada, the poor wretches.

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isnt flour supposed to be like 2 dollars for a bag like that?

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or less...

Almost $10 leafbuxx for that much flour? You've gotta be kidding me. Is it some kinda hipster autist brand or something generic?

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It's not even tasty flour, notice there are only 2 brands- surely soon only one, just like in Communist Russia

>Almost $10 leafbuxx for that much flour? You've gotta be kidding me. Is it some kinda hipster autist brand or something generic?
Leafs say it's the standard flour they use- premium flour coming from abroad, typically.

My local store has wheat flour for $2-4. Deng, son.

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YOU should see how much hey pay for milk

and that price is for a bigger bag, smaller bags will cost more per kg.

>what will Jody say?
There are too many cocks in her carousel to be tied to one job.
Also, Leaf need the Clinton Foundation to prove aid to them over this food crisis.

If only there were some motherland that they weren't independent of which would govern them well on their own behalf.

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Great value brand supplies winn dixies too, another monopoly

From florida to canada they raking in the dough pun intended

Just looked it up, and 5kg of Wheat is $1.5 in leaf dollars. So I guess the grinding and retail is worth $8.5

On one hand I'd like to in-state a 24 hour ban on makers of puns
But I also don't want to be banned

If it's a monopoly, seems like only a natural one, not a bureaucratic one.

Isn't $8-10 US pretty standard for a 10 lb bag of flour?


I bake frequently, and this price doesn't seem that different from the US, especially when you consider $10 CAD < $10 US and 5 kg > 10 lb

realistically they could charge whatever they want. they dont have a free market. they are cresting the laffer curve of food prices

$10 looks high for a bag of flour, I think it's $6 at my store, which is still too much.

The $40-50 roasts are real, tho. I could go take a picture right now. $20 for 5 chicken breasts - also real

$5 for meme omega 3 eggs, 2.5 for factory farmed

Good thing we're converting the tiny scraps of prime farmland into condos

Looked up cost of flour @ statistics.com. In the USA in 2018 the price / lb is $0.44.

>americans surprised that their bleached flour with chink dust is less expensive
You ever think that the stuff you buy at walmart is actually garbage quality and made for niggers/spics who can't afford anything?

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>the average
>Canadian has to work 40minutes for a single quality can of beer)
$14minimum wage/$3beer = 4.667 beers per hour

>$10 looks high for a bag of flour, I think it's $6 at my store, which is still too much.
I found the price of the Wheat- it's $0.30 / kg.

>The $40-50 roasts are real, tho. I could go take a picture right now. $20 for 5 chicken breasts - also real
Do you guys raise chickens and cows in their own houses?...

Not sure if it changes due to location, but in a pretty rural town it's $0.49 per pound

Attached: walmartFlour.png (2084x1208, 626K)

I heard Canadians have to pay a lot for beer, like 40 bucks for a 24 pack. Is that really true? I find it hard to
believe. Yesterday I bought a 24 pack of yuengling for around 22
bucks. My local grocery store sells 12 packs for 12 bucks. They don’t really pay twice as much for normal beer in Canada, do they?

>$3 beer
>sees no problem

you forget to apply your effective taxes

Wheat flour costs around 0.5-1$ per killogram here. Then again, we are world biggest wheat exporter atm.

For just $250 a week, you can save a life by feeding a Canadian.


Don't Canadians deserve to have at least 2 meals a day?


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Obviously they meant you go out to the woods and boil bark off trees.


>$14 minimum wage
Considering full time, that's $28k/year, personal exemption only being $12k. So take ~15% off of $16k, leaving you about $12.10 per hour.

Also subtract CPP and EI. You're left about $11.20 per hour only...but you have to work 4 hours per day just to afford rent close enough to a food bank.

quality post and really showing that vaulted intelligence.

If only that country didn't cuck itself

>2 meals per day in Canada
This is a meme, 3 meals is achievable so long as you don't demand luxuries every day.

Quick rundown on the canada food prices shill threads ?
This has been going on for months and i still don't understand wtf this psyop is about

just dont buy flour, plenty of other food choices

It's not smart to eat too much, you'll get heart disease and have trouble working long hours as your feet will get tired. For eating, less is often more, especially considering most hospital visits involve those who are obese compared to those who are just a bit thim

I bought a 5lb bag of flour yesterday for 80 cents. I'm self employed doing web bullshit. I estimate it takes me about 20 to 30 seconds in billed time after taxes and expenses. In real time, maybe 10 to 15 seconds. It would provide roughly 8500 calories which could easily sustain a grown man for about a week.

It would take me about one week of work to be able to buy a lifetimes worth of food at this price. Also, you're a faggot.

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>demand luxuries
You're right, so long as we don't expect protein, everything will be ok and our stomachs will be full of rice....

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>3 meals is achievable

>canadian goals, hopes and dreams in 2019

>just dont buy flour, plenty of other food choices
Like grass?
Tell me leaf about your alternative food 'choices'

Sadly its not a psypos, its reality. a reality even the bought and paid for (((media))) cant hide, even the leftists cant ignore.
These prices are a direct result of our governments poor handling of globalization and dumb socialist policies.

Please tell me that’s a special or fancy beer in Canada and not just a regular run of the mill beer....a 24 pack for 42 dollars? That shit is outrageous

Why bread so dense? Don't you have any patience?

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>just dont buy flour, plenty of other food choices

holy shit

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There's alot of protectionism, makes it hard to import from the US, so this meat is being raised on semi productive cold farmland. Compare with Iowa or a state like that

I don't mind that at all, actually, it's absolutely retarded to be dependent on food imports from a foreign country. The problem is we're screwed on every major expense down the line, especially housing

fuck maybe you're right.

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I never said we can't eat 3 meals a day, only that everything is a trade-off . Some days 3 meals, other days we have a treat like hamburgers

Yes $40 for 24 is average in Ontario.
It's turning out that the grocery prices are due to government
>supply management
>Higher minimum wage
Beef and dairy have to go through about 10 handling companies before they get to the grocery stores, then the grocery stores have to pay $14 (up from $10) for brainlets to put the shit on the shelf's.
The Canadian farmer only gets under $2 a kilo for beef.
$6.49 for 1 Lb of butter FFS..... Everything that requires remedial human handling is up.

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24 × Can 355 ml $44.95

How many calories are you running on leafren?

Dur I’m dumb, obviously that beer is American. Still insane price though

Please stop eating white wheat flour.
Also fuck every bakery that uses bromides instead of iodine salt in their bread!

+aluminum fees

Almost all the cost of alcohol is taxes. Alcohol is hardly more expensive to manufacture than water

>Please stop eating white wheat flour.
Dont worry, most bread in canada is now made with onions flour.

>$14/kg for ground beef
You're joking, right?


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>Do you guys raise chickens and cows in their own houses?...
thinking about it......

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There are 2 fees: one is a deposit, 10 cents. The other is an environment fee, 6 cents I believe. Both encourage efficient handling and disposal of waste products.

lads, if a neet such as myself were to go to the store to take pics of in store prices what would the people be interested to know? im in mn so people probably dont care though.

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Rest in pieces. That's 4 times our price.

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And i thought the polish guy is just trolling with the canadian food prices. Holy shit guys.
Im sorry.

Take pictures of:
-ground beef
I'm sure someone will add more.

How much for a brewbucket kit like this in canada? $70

sugar here is cheap. yeast is cheap. juice is cheap.

we can brew 30 litre of wine for less than the cost of a 26oz of liqour in canada. and that includes the kit cost

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Don't even get me started about how fleeced things are, I know you can get 24 cans for like $12 in the USA

Carefull user, this site isn't really anonymous. saying illegal things like that can get you vanned.
You dont want the supply management mafia knocking at your door.

>12 pack for 25.50
>24 pack for 44.95
If this reflects actual prices in beer dispensaries, they pay more for a 12 pack than I would pay for a 24 pack

thats about $7.25 in american dollarydos, and we pay about $4.88 for the same exact quantity. So where are those $2.37 per bag of flour going? Then you look at the price of meat by comparison and it's pants-on-head retarded. My in laws live in Winnipeg and when I just go to the grocery store I get the same feeling as hotel minifridge prices. Thats the psyop.

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Think of our healthcare costs, and how rice is actually not a source of fat which increase healthcare costs.
So when you think of it, eating rice helps us live longer WHILE decreasing healthcare costs. Not sure how this is controversial.

Butter/milk/beef are all high in fat, and hard on:
-the humans who consume
-the environment that sustains
-the animals who are slaughtered/milked
We can avoid ALL OF THIS by adapting ourselves to more adaptable food sources like beans which are high in vitamin A.

The kits are probably taxes highly. Probably need a licence too

I'm literally planning to move to Nova Scotia and homestead. I'm anticipating bread riots in our lifetimes

My spouse wasn't on board, but there have been multiple major setbacks to city living, like a promotion followed months later by a layoff, the fact that we couldn't get the shitty apartment we live in now again without a $300 a month rent increase, etc

>I'm retarded and didn't look at the mass.

Flour is usually around $1/lb

> My in laws live in Winnipeg and when I
>just go to the grocery store I get the same feeling as hotel minifridge prices. Thats the psyop.

The prices are real, but you have to consider that the prices are not just paying for the food, but also to increase social and economic justice. Leave it to an American to only think about dollar signs, apart from the context of society.

Want a picture of an $8 head of cauliflower?

At that point there is no excuse not to make your own alcohol.

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>social and economic justice
That's right, nothing like an inescapable regressive tax to fund "justice". The Canadian education system did a good job with you.

Beef is $5 to $8 a Lb
Average is $7 Lb
meanwhile the farmers are getting fucked in the ass just like the public so the legally binding middle men can make bank

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All fresh vegetables are expensive, given they're imported. To be fair, you should compare the cost of frozen vegetables.


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So I'm supposed to switch to a diet that costs exactly as much but has 1/10th the calories. Sounds good.

prepare to be fact checked shitlord

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Fuck leaves and fuck their zoomali niggers.

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>you're indoctrinated
Funny that anyone who doesn't share your values is brainwashed. Truth is that we CHOOSE different values than Americans- instead of focussing on maximizing our waistbands we instead choose to maximize our spirits, which is a communal process, requiring us to elevate each other.

so glad I didn't move to this liberal shithole

the amount of poor amerimutts complaining about a 1st world country's food prices. The low-iq mutt does not comprehend that lower prices means nigger-tier production. Personally I would never buy cheap garbage food, id rather spend a bit more for quality food than eat anything coming out of a yankee "food" production line.
What kind of disgusting animals would scrape the bottom of the food barrel for the cheapest parts of "food" and think it makes you any better; you are like the nigger slaves that made food out of animal waste that the white man didnt want to eat.
>derp i love chicken feet
>herp i want more gizzards
Have some damn respect for yourself and your own body; eat quality food instead of going for nigger-tier filth.

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Literally baked my own bread yesterday though. It's easy as fuck and it tastes better than store bought bread. Also this cost me like €0,20 to make, whereas a normal loaf of bread would cost €1-1,50 and an "artisanal" bread more than double that amount.

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Money cost is only one cost of manyj- think of the social and environmental costs which most Americans cannot even comprehend.

You did good pajeet.

These threads are dtupid
I don't give a shit about food prices.
I would pay triple this price if we could end immigrants and send home all the chink and Pakis.
were being demographically replaced at a rapid rate. I don't give a FUCK about flour

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Yes, elevate the poor by forcing them to spend $10 on a bag of flour

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>$15/kg for ground beef
How can this be real?

I'm glad you are willing to pay for people who hate you to continue thriving in your country while your women move down to America and marry people like me. How just for you.

Flour is €0,15 a lb here, and that's in supermarkets. In bulk it'd be even cheaper.

Canada is the real shithole