>Venezuelan soldiers opened fire on a group of civilians attempting to keep open a segment of the southern border with Brazil for deliveries of humanitarian aid, leading to multiple injuries and the first fatality of a massive opposition operation meant to deliver international relief into this devastated South American country, according to an eye-witnesses and community leaders.
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Hey, cum guzzler
...and just like that, we have a pretext to go to war.
Well that’s their golf of tonkin incident I guess.
Someone predicted EXACTLY that here on pol yesterday. Must have screen capped it.
It's all 34D moobs chess.
What are you guys waiting for
yup they called it
Can you find the cap?
I don't want to deploy to South America
>What are you guys waiting for
Maybe the possibility that you will fix your own mess?
Bump for this
you will do the bombings we will do the foot work
in Ukraine 'aid' trucks were used to transports cold bodies munitions and other supplies for military
mixed in with legitimate aid trucks
Uma delicia
Well atleast the woman are hotter and probably way more willing then in afghanistan or irak
GNB guards shooting natives in the frontier with Brazil. Stay safe huebro
No just went through my phone and laptop. Ffs I was to autistically frustrated and mezmerized by the leftist berkeley attacker threads lol.
Someone else will probably post it.
Venezuela just positioned their missiles in the border with Brazil. Oh boy, the time it's comin!
if you already in the military and not in SA now then its because youre average or below average and not up to par
that's on the grounds we already have 20+ (I don't know the exact number) of bases and training facilities in Latin America
Well it is unlikely they were ALL aid workers. So it is not like they were wrong whatever that is worth.
>Must have screen capped it.
who do you think trains Colombian military for urban combat with modern mout infrastructure paid for by US
>Trump pushing regime change
>Pelosi pushing regime change
>State Department pushing regime change
>CIA pushing regime change
>Republicans pushing regime change
>Democrats pushing regime change
>Neocons pushing regime change
>Neoliberals pushing regime change
>FOX news pushing regime change
>CNN pushing regime change
>MSNBC pushing regime change
>New York Times pushing regime change
>Washington Post pushing regime change
>Infowars pushing regime change
>Central banks pushing regime change
>Fossil Fuel Industry pushing regime change
>EU pushing regime change
>Israel pushing regime change
Everyone could see it coming from miles away, really.
Only question that remains if Venezuela will turn into Libya 2.0 or Syria 2.0
Panamá 2.0
Thanks for your words, but i think you are the one who should stay the strongest. War is inevitable as it seems. South america is the new Middle East and we will kill each other in ZOG's name
>“We regret that humanitarian aid will be used as a ‘Trojan horse’ in Venezuela, to invade and provoke a war,” he tweeted. “(Venezuela’s) Latin American brothers can not be complicit in a military intervention. Defending Venezuela is defending the sovereignty of Latin America.”
>US-run border ‘provocation’ to topple Maduro set for February 23, Moscow warns
Just remember, war with Iran or Venezuela and we start burning down synagogues
Maduro Chan, plz kill all the invaders
Just make sure they can't bomb your one road that transports your entire agricultural product to the sea.
wait so did they stop the provocation early then?
I got an 8 inch cock and it's thick
As with abortions, the sign of the regime is what matters.
Commies are pasé
Those "humanitarian" workers were an invading force by Bolsonaro
He's trying to incite war and Brazil will be invading Venezuela this week
Why are there any aid workers there any way? Let those redspics sleep in the bed they made.
you forgot
>citizens of Venezuela pushing for regime change
which is the only one that matters.
I dont know why.
But I don't believe you.
this timeline lads
the US makes same kind of news reports about Russian 'aid' to Ukraine when they were having 'civil conflict'
either both nations use the same tactic with using aid trucks as a façade to supply rebels, or both use a tit for tat propaganda machine, or all of the above
Whoa, that sounds fun economic and social collapse within Brazilian territory! We are facing quite the trouble with our new Bolsozog government, and i guess that if something as big as this road gets smashed we will be drawn in a civil war (and that's a good thing!).
This. Retards can't understand people not wanting Maduro to stay in power.
Kek, no you won’t youll be drafted to die for Israel like all the other times you cuck
They probably want to Middle East South America so the US can have the same refugee problem Europe had. On top of illegal immigration no less.
I'm annoyed, we can't go to war with Mexico when Mexicans rape our women and murder our border patrol agents but we might go to war for Venezuelan oil
just like when syrians wanted assad out right
Cool, man
citzens of Venezuela also fighting against regime change....hence its a civil war and nobody elses business
yeah its a crock
(((aid workers)))
>sees a convoy of russian vehicles
>doesn't take a picture
>just posts on twitter
he deserves to be invaded if true
>what is context
>No it's the jews!!!
You fucking retards need to leave the board and never come back. You are the stupidest motherfuckers alive and do nothing but shitpost.
It's quite possible the US and Russia decided to trade Venezuela for Syria. Both are nations that are essentially in their own backyards. We've already opened up dialogue with Cuba under Obama, so that one was out. Venezuela is also the second largest oil producing nation in the Western Hemisphere (thanks shale). At the same time Russia wants a friendly Syrian government to help keep the Turks at bay. While Trump has called for a change in government, he has not called for outright invading Caracas.
Not my fault that's how Brazil's geography and infrastructure was designed.
what context? it's the same, economic attack to sow dissent against government, then pushing over some more with outright provocation like faking boycott of an election using fake news
>No it's the jews!!!
Pops you're having a stroke. Relax. No one mentioned da jews.
explain why the opposition is fully cucked by showing it's total support to israel then,
>giving foreign aid to non whites
Based shitskins shooting retards.
>it's the same
It isn't.
> economic attack to sow dissent against government
Chavez and Maduro fucked up themselves. Sanctions are relatively new. That's what socialism does, eventually.
good goy
lol imagine having a revolution in your country and then halfway through your speech
>lets not forget how great Israel is
Just think of all the Amazonian Latinas you could fill with your mutt seed
"No more wars" is going to turn into "no boots on the ground" and then it'll turn into Afghanistan.
they didn't fuck over shit, america has been using economical attacks against nations that misbehave or have resources of interest, bolton said it himself anyway you good goy
Idk everyone claims Brasil is going to invade "X" but it never happens. Even if they did invade a lot of those south American armies could inflict heavy losses in the jungles. Columbia's military is the best jungle fighting force on the planet right now.
Just receive the news that it was indigenous people who were trying to block the passage of Maduro's troops. One died and other 12 were injured.
he's gonna dip it in globinas at best
I have an 8 inch + and it’s normal. Not too thick but not thin. Made plenty of girls cum. Can we 8+ lads?
Brazil wants to have a good flex before Argentina gets too strong
Can see things really heating up tomorrow. Expect a major maritime incident as well, possibly involving a U.S. vessel.
Good goyim.
Argentina is beyond salvation at this point.
>not my fault
I know that, when did i say it was? This country needs a civil war, Brazilian carnival is really close and basically 70% of our NPC population will be celebrating the sodomy in the streets, and war is looming at our border. You maybe understand the geography down here, but man, Brazil have 210M apes identified as citizens, we NEED a culling. The hope that came now in January with the new president is slowly vanishing and the mobs are already angry, Brazil is a timebomb and no one cares since carnival it's basically here and it's summer. People need to die, lots of them, as many as possible (myself included if it is the case). Unfortunately this war is not about freedom, to have a good neighborhood or to defend our lands; it's about ZOG and the numerous caravans that will start to march at your walls (hope that you guys are really building something, you will need)
Jussie here. I will be holding a concert in Venezuela for all the deprived citizens of that socialist shit hole and also pick up my mothly cocaine shipment for Chicago.
That was me. Told you lads.
Look at the bright side we wont be getting flooded with niggers and mudslimes.
Lel i forgot that you already are.
DEA handles the cocaine shipments, not the CIA like Hollywood would tell you
don't believe me? just cruise on down there, they'll meet you at the docks.
I don't know what you fuckers whant. It's either being taken over by the jews (according to you) or keep living in a socialist utopia.
>they didn't fuck over shit
Lol jesus Christ you're so fucking retarded.
>be you
>seize a shitload of lands, factories, enterprises, and properties
>investors obviously tell Venezuela to fuck off
>Chavez creates like 99999 gib programs to please niggers
>Gives money to irrelevant islands
>to Cuba
>Buys cheap shit to China
>Buys cheap guns to Russia
>Implements fiat regulations, fucking up even more
>keeps printing mney while at the same time selling gold
>Chavez dies
>oil stops being so fucking expensive
>enjoy your shitshow
It's so bad there people are fleeing toward old narco strongholds. Brazil's population skyrocketed while Venezuela's GDP probably dipped by a thousand percent. Bernie supporters must be crapping themselves knowing their dreams of a socialist utopia is collapsing.
>Im sure the venezulans don't want to be liberated.
Surely legitmate moral wars precipitated on the grounds of anti communism haven't existed before.... Liberals inside this country destroyed the first one by surrendering to the commies because they were scared and afraid about what actually needed to be done about Hanoi. It needed to be Glassed. Macarthur should of been allowed to do it. At least this world would of ended in Just action with the U.S putting a fucking end to systematically operated evil.
>be chavez
>everything goes well up until america intervenes
that's the gist of it
Doesn't the death of a Brazilian give Brazil reason to invade or start a physical confrontation? Or is this not enough reason to?
>shit political system cant even survive a little economic bantz from America
Socialism is so beta
>everything goes well up until america intervenes
You just ignored everything I said didn't you?
That will probably be enough to kick it off.
its not gonna happen guys
I mean they could if they wanted since shooting aid workers is an act of war, but they arent going to do shit on their own. If anything goes down itll be a joint attack effort by multiple nations, Brazil wouldn't have to act alone.
That's the funny part. Capitalist countries get constantly poked by others and they keep going. You slightly move one piece of the socialist perfect system and everything explodes
fuck off you cunt, you deserve to be a good goy
i ignore it because what you typed is a consequence of american intervention
Venezuelans kill Venezuelans
not sure anything will come of it desu simmer down
>Anões?! Vocês querem uma guerra total!?"
Ya deja de responderles pendejo, son maricos de discord jodiendo.
it's not one piece here, america completely raped venezuela's economy by forcing the hand of opec and destroying the price of oil, they did this to hurt russia as well
>i ignore it because what you typed is a consequence of american intervention
Wow so this... is the power of... commie debate????!!1?