Here’s what I’m up to.
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200 years together
Here’s what I’m up to.
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200 years together
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rn I'm reading the daily bullshit on Jow Forums
pic related
bretty good
Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace.
Big Red Son always makes me smile and feel glad that I am not addicted to porn like a degenerate.
Pic related. Will read Silmarillion next. Then I will be finally done with the majority of Tolkiens works unless I want to start reading things that are majority by his son rather than the father with some edits by the son.
I just wanted some uncucked nice fiction. Lots of Christian influence in the books and heavy themes of western powers being good and men being the saviors. Forces of the east and south being dark skined and bad ( I believe he based them on persians and africans)
Graham Hancock
My gf let me read this
>reading books
nigger what are you talking about? this board only watches youtube and regurgitates memes. at best you'll find a screenshot from the protocols of the elders of zion accompanied by some retarded comment like "ok (((shlomo))).
informative, but piss-poor editing
>this board only watches youtube and regurgitates memes.
since /pol started I read a book a week
>itt books that will never be read by Jow Forums pseudo intellectuals
Just finished reading Jung's Red Book now reading Faust and Thus spoke Zarathustra.
Acts of Paul and Thecla.
Recently re-read the Douay-Rheims, Confessions, Sickness Unto Death and Dialogue with Trypho
Mein Kampf. It's actually a good read.
I'm reading Utopia in Power. It's a well written general history of USSR from Pre-revolution to the mid Perestroika. Also been reading Generation Kill and the history of Israeli-Arab conflict by Mark Tessler. I recommend all these books, they are all excellent.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra
I have this book but I cant get into it, ill try again some time
butt bandit blogs and self-justification essays for being human waste do not count, flaggot.
based. I'm reading the bible too for the first time. I'm about to finish the 2nd book of samuel tomorrow.
Woken furies and the hero of ages
Try reading "On the Genealogy of Morals". It's Nietzsche's best work, IMO.
brushing up on my latin and learning about the early history of rome
i will soon be reading some of the presocratics' and sophists' works so that i can finally get into philosophy
i dont read. why would i spend time reading when there are plenty of other people who already do that and relay the information to me in a condensed manner while i play d2?
Never go full burger.
Pic related. I plan to start a small apiary this season.
Good read so far